Chapter 3: Apple Juice

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"Where the hell are those sprinkles?", I said as I push the cart while searching for it. After school I immedietly head towards the grocery store. Sayori gave me 10 bucks just to buy the ingredients I need to make the cupcakes. God what would I do without her.

I had to pay her back somehow. Hmm, maybe I could get a job during weakends. The only problem is my dad. He would either take the cash I earned or beat the hell out of me.

Though it's not hard to hide it, he's always out during the weakends doing 'business' with his 'friends'.

Then my cart bumped onto something. "Hey!", I looked up to see..


"Yuri?!", we both said.

Without thinking, I crossed my hands over my chest then blurted out, "What a surprise seeing you around here, I never thought you could walk all by yourself with your giant pets", my eyes wander on her chest. Stopping there, and notice how...perfect they were. My face immedietly heat up. I quickly look away.

She smirked. "As much as you enjoy staring at mine I suggest you should aknowledge yourself as well"

I glared at her. "Are you telling me that you have something I don't?", She placed her hand on her hips. Sexy, WTF?!! Shut up gay thoughts! W-wait a minute I'm not even gay! Tsk tsk

"Well, isn't it?", she smiles. Showing me her perfect, a little to white teeth. Damn Yuri.

"Are you insulting me right now?", god she's making my blood boil. Again.

"I am simply telling you to take good care of yourself once in a while, I mean your height says so", alright that's it!

I pick up a bag of chips then throw it at her. Bull's eye! It landed on her face.
"Hahaha-", I was cut off short when a juice box landed on my chest, and guess what? It spilled.

"What the fuck Yuri?!"

Her eyes widen, "I'm sorry Natsuki I didn't mean for it to-", I approached her then kick her on the knee. She yelped.

"That's too far!", she yelled.

"You threw a juice box and spilled it all over me!"

"You threw the bag of chips first!"

"Well you started it with the insult!"

"No, you started it by staring at someone's breasts like a creep!", her lips twitched. Like she was stopping a smile from forming on her lips.

"Why you-"

"I suggest the two of you to leave the store before I call the manager", the security said.

"Fine!", I stormed off out of the store leaving the damn security and Yuri behind. Great job Yuri you ruined my day again! And again I ask myself, why the hell is Yuri acting that way?! Where is her old quiet, shy, and humble self?! Did she hit her head or something? God!

Damn it's freaking cold! I wrap my arms tightly around my waist as I walk on the streets. Only the streetlights shining the way. The stain on my chest did not help since I was only wearing an oversized T-shirt and pink skirt.

"Stupid Yuri, stupid security, stupid mall, stupid weather", I mumbled.


"GAH!", I saw a black car stopped right next to me. I eyed it curiously. The side window rolled down. Revealing the only person who brings bad luck to me throughout the day.

I never knew this girl had a car. "What the hell is it now Yuri? Here to insult me again? Oh I know, you have a car and I don't? Sorry, I'm not as rich as you are so get lost", I started to walk away.

The nerves of that woman! Then her car started to move, sticking by my side. "Fucking leave me alone already!", I stopped then yelled.

"Need a ride?", she asks.

"Ride your face!", I angrily yelled.

"I'd rather ride yours", she winked at me. I felt my cheeks burn and I quickly looked away then shut my eyes closed.
I tried my best to block the dirty image from forming on my sick brain but it's too late. Oh my lawwwwwd.

"Fucking pervert!"

"You curse too much"

"Shut up!"

"Just get in the car"


"It's starting to rain"

"What?", I felt water droplets on my hair. Shit!

"Ugh! This is your fault!", I screamed.

"What? I don't have superpowers to make rain"

"No!", I faced her.

"You ruined everything! I don't know what happened to you but I'm sick of it! I'm sick of you insulting my chest, my height and everything about me! I know I'm not as perfect as you are but I can still do something worthwhile!", I yelled. And let everything out.

"I've had enough Yuri..please j-just leave me alone..", I sniffed. Damn am I crying? Shit yeah I am. But it doesn't matter anymore.

My entire existance is useless anyway. My mom left, my dad disowned me. Everything..

I don't even care if the rain started to pour harder. I don't care if I'm soaking wet. I just..don't care anymore. I heard the car opened then slammed close. Then long arms wrapped around me.

"W-what are you d-doing?", I asked.

Her grip on me tightened. "I don't know"

I chuckled. "For a smart girl you really are stupid Yuri..", I looked up to see her looking at me as well. Our eyes met again, and the same pounding on my heart happened. I sighed, feeling comfrortable on her arms. I laid my head on her chest then wrapped my arms around her waist.


"Just shut up Yuri", I mumbled.

" do know we're both soaking wet, right?", she said. Making me chuckle again.

"Yeah", we stayed like that for a while. And as much as I hate to admit it but I want to stay there between her arms forever if possible.

"Let's go Natsuki", she lets go of me and I groaned at the loss. She held my hand then lead me towards the car.

She opened the passengers seat and I quickly got inside. Shutting it close, she quickly went to the drivers seat. Once she entered then shut the car door close as well, she leaned on the comfy chair then takes a long deep breath.

I kept on looking at her. Feeling guilty because I am the reason why her clothes are soaked and possibly she might get a cold. Not like I care or whatever. Ugh!

"Yuri?", I asked.

I smiled when she responds with a little 'hm?'. "I'm sorry..", she turned her head looking at me.

"No Natsuki..if anything, I should be the one appologizing..", she said.

"But I was the reason why we got kicked out of the store"

"But I started it"

"No, I did!", I raised my voice.

We stared at each other awkwardly before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Hahaha! God this is stupid", I said.

"I agree", she smiled at me. The kind of smile that melts a person's heart. My heart. Wow yuck!

I looked away, trying to calm myself.
"Your cute", I heard her say. Making me jolt right up on the seat.

"I'm not cute!", I yelled.

She laughed. "Pretty then", she winked at me before starting the engine and drive.

While I sat there looking at the window avoiding her face. Damn Yuri.. I secretly smiled to myself.

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