Chapter 5: When I first met you

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"Care to explain what happened guys?", Monika asked. And the first one to break the awkward silence. The four of us are seating in the living room. Sayori has her read resting on Monika's lap, while I'm at the single couch glaring at the coral haired girl whenever she glanced at me and giving me a smile, clearly teasing me.

Yuri just sat on a chair across the room. Quietly observing, I sometimes caught her staring at me but she immedietly looks away. Figures, tsk.

"If you guys are gonna keep giving each other looks then avoid eye contact I'm gonna puke", Monika teased. I glared at her, "Shut up! I shouldn't even be here anyway!", I should have been at home watching boring TV and cleaning empty bottles.

"But you are, by the way the shirt fits you perfectly", said Monika with a smirk. Sayori giggled.

"Yeah Natsuki the shirt looks good on you!", Sayori said as she got up from Monika's lap.

This cause me grip the arm seat, my eyebrows furrowed as the anger started to rise inside me, wanted to be released. "Wise words too", Sayori added. Okey I oficially lost it!

I stood up making everyone in the room look at my direction. "This is not my fucking shirt! Did you really think I would have a shirt like this? I only had to wear this because my clothes were wet from the rain!"

Monika placed a finger on her chin. "Really? Then who does it belong to?", she asked. I stopped, my eyes somehow went to Yuri to see her smirking at me. I shot her a glare before looking back at the amused Monika again. Sayori is silently looking at me, patiently waiting for me to answer the question.

"'s", god I turned into a blabbering idiot! Think of a possible excuse quick you dumb brain! Think argghh!

"I'm waiting~", Monika said in a sing song. I sighed in defeat. But before I could say anything there was another knock on the door. Neither of us says a word until Yuri says, "Must be the pizza I ordered", she chuckled.

Before Monika could say a word I already made my way towards the door to see the delivery guy with a box of pizza. My stomach growls as I inhaled the delicous smell. I haven't had any proper meal in days and I literally drooled just smelling this pizza.

I said a quick thank you to the guy then spun around, only to bump the tall purple head. "Sorry!", I quickly made my way towards the center table then placed the box. I am too hungry to care at the moment. Opening the box I took a pizza out then began eating.

"Pizza!", Sayori happily exclaimed before taking one as well. Monika looked at me for a moment as if saying 'I'll deal with you later' before reaching out to to the box then took a slice of pizza.

I already ate three slices when Yuri came back. "Wow, only two slices left? you guys sure eat a lot", she chuckles then took a slice. "I only ate one, these two are the ones who eat like pigs", Monika pointed at Sayori and me.

"Hey! I only ate two slices and that's it. It's Natsuki you should be talking about! She already ate half of it!", Sayori said. All heads turned to me. I finished eating the fourth so I reached out for the last one. But I stopped when I noticed them staring at me.

"What?", I asked.

They started laughing. "Oh my Natsuki! You look like you haven't tasted pizza in years!", Monika said. Sayori just kept on laughing and saying something about me being a pig. Yuri was holding back a laugh. Monika said is true though, I don't even know what a pizza taste like until now. I only saw one on TV or when I pass by a pizza store.

"Quit it, I'm damn hungry okey? So if any of you doesn't want this last one I'll have it", None of them speak so I picked it up then took a bite. This felt great! I never felt this full before in years, though I kind of felt bad and embarassed that I ate most of the pizza. Yuri paid for it too and she didn't bought this just for me, it's also for Monika and Sayori and I ended up acting like a hog.

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