Chapter 47: Unknown Footsteps

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Despite Anika being hyper today, Natsuki, Yuri, and the kid herself are having a fun time at gamestop. After lunch, Yuri decided for Anika to shoot some hoops at the basketball station, the kid was surprisingly good at it. The pinkette smiled, she's just really happy. Being with her new and better family is enough to make her forget at least for a little while. Everyone is still worried, her dad is nowhere to be seen yet. Now Natsuki is 100% sure that he's the one who did it, she really wanted to know why he wanted to dispose of her own daughter. Natsuki noticed that those dark thoughts has consumed her mind yet again, she hated it. Because no matter what she does, she knows she can never, ever forget it. That was yet the most painful thing that ever happened in her life. "Hey, you're spacing out again", the pinkette shook her head, she stared dumbfounded at the worried purple head next to her.

Her eyes never failed to amaze me.

She smiled and shook her head, "It's fine, I'm just, thinking of some random stuff that's all", she tear her gaze away from the taller girl and observed little Anika instead who's still enjoying herself while bouncing the ball on the ground rather than shooting it.

She's afraid that Yuri might know again by reading her features just like that, she happens to be good in reading someone especially her now and then. Since when does this idiot learned psychiatric studies- or something like that, they happen to know a lot about human behaviors and disorders and Natsuki admired them about this. But of course the pinkette is getting lost in her own little world again, so she shook her head to bring herself back to reality. She stopped her self from frowning- because that's just being disrespectful since when do you care about respect-

Oh shush dumb brain.

Yuri is still blabbing how she worries so much about her girlfriend, like usual. Yes she is sweet indeed but a bit of annoying too, the pinkette rolled her eyes and pinched the taller girl's cheek to shut her up. "Yuri I'm fine, you don't need to worry too much. We're here to have fun remember?", to make sure Yuri wouldn't blab again, she rests her head on her shoulder while clinging onto her arm. There, this is an affective remedy to her nonstop blabbing.

As expected, it worked. She heard the taller girl sigh, Natsuki secretly smiled at this, a job well done. Yuri however, couldn't help but look around, just in case. She's ready to pull her phone out of her pocket anytime, she feels uneasy whenever they're out in public. She's really worried for her daughter, especially her girlfriend. There's just this strange feeling in her stomach that she couldn't just quite ignore, like someone is just there..standing by the distance, lurking in the darkness, waiting for the opportunity, ready to pounce anytime soon, secretly following their every..step.

This sounded like a Puma hunting for it's prey how ridiculous. Yuri shook her head, I knew reading that novel is a bad idea.

But what's wrong about being cautious and worrying too much though? There's a murderer on the loose!

Yuri spotted a guy wearing a black cap not so far to where they at, there's too of them actually. The purple hair gripped her phone inside her pocket, "What's the matter Yuri?", upon hearing her girlfriend's cute little voice, she turned to her and gave her a reassuring smile. "Nothing important", she planted a soft kiss on the pinkette's forehead. Making the shorter girl frown and cross her arms across her chest. My, she just can't stop being adorable, can she? Yuri can't help but place her long arms around the shorter girl's shoulder and rest her chin on top of her head.

This idiot, way to cheesy! I love it though, not that I would admit it.

"Yuri?", the taller girl hummed in response, "Yeah?"

"When's the wedding?"

The two stayed silent for a split second, just before Yuri can respond the pinkette already made her way towards the little girl and picked her up, abruptly walking away leaving the dumbfounded purple hair. Oh god I we haven't spoken to each other for a long time about that, I thought she forgot about it?? Okay okay, calm down. You already got her a ring remember? Just wait for the right time, yeah. That's the problem! I don't know when!

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