The big surprise

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Class is about to begin

People are taking there seat and Alya and Marinette surprisingly were the first to sit down. A smug smile plastered Mari's face. "ok what have you planned girl. " Alya asked instantly knowing something was terribly wrong with her bestie. "oh Alya, you'll see" her smile only grew wider. Nino walked in and saw the creepy clown like smile on Mari's face. However before his girlfriend could even say hi he had fainted on the floor and Adrien had walked in " what did you do to him?" he said laughing.  " I think I killed him" was Mari's response before the teacher started calling names for registration.

They were in maths learning how to solve algebraic equations and there was a knock at the door. Alya side eyes me and I can't help but smile and start to giggle. Mrs shouts for the visitor to enter. A tall thin man walks in with a massive bouquet of white roses and a cake with passion fruit macaroons on the top.
"who are they for?" said a very angry and confused teacher. " obviously for me" a cocky Chloe says. "For a Mr Adrien Agreste" he says before a suddenly shy boy threw up his hand with a very embarrassed blush covering his face. The man places down the bouquet and leaves. Rose stands up as well as Kim and everyone except Alya and Mari who knew who had sent them. Shouting at the top of their lungs (in union)"who sent them!?!?" "L/M" adrien says confused and then a smile shots up on his face. However is quickly fades after he realizes who sent them and that she knows his identity.

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