The ball

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It's 12 pm and Mari's the first awake and she sees the blonde mess of hair next to her. "come on kitty, get up" she whispered in his ear  "she baby I wanna sleep" he mumbled "kitty you need to go" she insisted. "ok I'll go" he sadly said. He got up and Alya woke up. She said nothing and watched what's going on. A sly Cheshire smile appeared on her face. "but wait Alyas still asleep" she said climbing onto his lap. When suddenly Adriens phone vibrated.
Nino: Hey dude where r u.
"omg Ninos awake. We always get interrupted don't we?" he wasn't impressed. "I know kitty maybe you can come round tonight?" she was determined to spend time with him. "or baby, you come round mine I'll have the whole house to myself" she smiled and kissed him before he climbed out the window. Alya climbed onto Maris bed "I wasn't asleep" she laughed. Hard. "ermmmmm... Har..... Omg" she said digging her face into her chat pillow. "why would you do that?!" she shouted. she quickly calmed down because she doesn't want to be akumatised. "ok please don't do anything to... well you know... interrupt us" she said sheepishly.  "I won't gurl I will do everything to ensure you two have a great night" she winked at her best mate. 

Nino: hey babe you ready for tonight?

Alya: yes!! cant wait however after we are all heading to Adriens we are goin' to stay there for the night.

Nino: ok well your first suprise will be arriving in an hour. ;)

"omg i cant believe its nearly time" Alya said panicking. "just help me with my hair then we can get dressed" Mari said finishing her friends hair. "what do you think the suprise is??" asked Ayla "well i know one of yours" Mari said teasing her friend. Alya was abut to punch her but she didnt want to bruise her and make her look bad in front of Adrein. "give me a hint" she begged. "you and Trixx will use it" she smirked knowing she wasnt going to guess it. "ok, done" she said finishing her friends hair. They both went to quickly change bacause the boys would be picking them up in 20 minutes. 

"you boys stay here and wait for the girls to come down" sabrine smirked. "ok thank you" the boys said.they didnt have to wait long before the girls came down the stairs and posed for the boys.

they didnt have to wait long before the girls came down the stairs and posed for the boys

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the boys blushed uncontrollably and they all got a picture together before heading out side."first babe here" Nino said before handing her a small bag. "this is what you were making the other day gurl!!" she opened it and Trixx flew in. she jumped and kissed Nino before a black limo parked behind them. the boys opened the door and bowed motioning for them to enter. the girls smiled before getting in before the boys. "we will be picked up at seven and will be taken somewhere special" Adrien smirked. "wait why didn't I know this bro" Nino said utterly confused. they stopped in front of the church the ball was being held and the boys walked the girls to the door." ok I'm going to make sure the driver is clear on my plan" Adrien said kissin' Maris forehead before strolling back to the limo. Alya and Nino had gone in so Mari started walking in and came across Luka in a tux waiting for someone. he caught a glimpse of her and walked over. " hey..... i know its probably too late and all but will you let me be.... well your date for the event?" he asked blushing and terrified. " I'm sorry but I've got a date," she said feeling guilty. "who?" he asked he looked disappointed. "Adrien" she said with a large smile on her face just realizing that this was happening she wasn't dreaming. "that boy gets everything he is so spoiled. why him!!!?" he shouted at her. "HEY I KNOW YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE HIM BUT HE IS KIND, SWEET, GENEROUS AND HE IS THE PURRFECT PERSON FOR ME IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT THEN LEAVE YOU DONT EVEN GO TO THIS SCHOOL!!" she shouted back. Adrien ran over. "are you ok baby?" he asked kissing her head ignoring Luka. " yes kitty lets go inside it reaks of jealousy out here," she said walking off. Alya and Nino had watched the whole thing and Alya had recorded it to show Adrien later. "don't speak to her again you bastard! understand me?" he said following Mari inside. 

"everything ok?" Alya asked "ye you know what its relaxing saying that after him saying all them awful things" she said relaxed and as calm as ever. A slow song came on. "will you dance with me?" the boys asked their dates and everyone was on the dance floor. Chloe came over and pushed Mari out her way to dance with "her Adrikins". Mari picked herself up off the floor and calmly pushed Chloe over and kissed Adrien right there for the whole school to see. Alya shouted "YAS YOU GO GURL GET YOUR MAN!!!" Chloe just accepted this for some reason and walked away. the whole school clapped for the young adults. they two didnt break the kiss till they heared gasps from the school. Nathaniel had asked Chloe to dance and she had said yes!! everyone was in pure shock that this had happened because Mari's prediction was correct she had previously said that this was her ship." well you called it well done" Alya said to Mari. 

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