The End

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I have been here for 5 years now and Mari is still unconscious. We were fighting an akuma and it hit her hard but she managed to get away. Until she detransformed and fell into arms. I don't know what to do. She is in a coma and has turned 21 now. It's her birthday today and the anniversary of my mom's disappearance. I have been drained of all my tears and have failed school. I flunked as soon as she jumped into this state. My dad didn't even bother me about it. He told me what happened as well, I know now what happened with my mother. I gave him our miraculous. "come on m'lady you have to wake up" I said through tears. When suddenly her eyes fluttered.

I called everyone I could. Nino finally turned up with Alya crying on his shoulder. I walked over head low. "is she ok can we see her?" I shake my head as slowly as I can. "I'm still waiting. It's her birthday You know" I said with a smile. It was faint but it was there. "I know" they said in unison. Suddenly the doctor came out with a large smile on his face. He nodded and we sprinted into the room. She was sat up on the bed. When she looked up her eyes were no longer there beautiful bluebell colour. They were dull and grey. "A-a-adrien, Nino, Alya is that you?" "babe are your eyes ok?" I was nervous and everyone could tell. "oh yes about that I won't be able to see for the next 72 hours before they go back to there normal colour. But at the min I'm pretty much blind. So when can I leave?" Alya ran to go ask and I walked over to her and cupped her face. "in an hour" Alya came back panting. "ok thank you, what year is it?" "your 21 now dudette" her face made no expression. "oh and I know you just woke up but your parents... They left the country." she smiled. "it's ok I said if anything ever happened to me to go back to China and never return."

So on they live happily ever after until death dew part them bit of life.


Im sorry for not posting on this story but I was very head dead and had writers block so thank y'all for putting up for me

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