Helplessly Healing - Kakashi

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The week following Mizuka's release from the hospital went poorly. Kakashi had thoughts of her big and pregnant, recovering sweetly in their bed. When he would arrive home in the evening, he would wait on her hand and foot, bathing her and pampering her. What he got was an angry and depressed wife who was too weak to do even the simplest things for herself. Tsunade covered a couple more days for him as he got his recovering wife settled, which pissed her off even more.

"You have a whole village to look after. You cannot be wasting your time looking after me."

She stumbled through the house, trying to do laundry or clean or cook, but he could see her body clumsily being non compliant due to her weakened chakra supply.  Kakashi would help her, being gentle and understanding in the process. Even without her depleted chakra, he knew that pregnancy was exhausting. A couple of days after her return, Kakashi was in the shower when he heard a scream come from the kitchen. He grabbed a towel and ran, finding her sitting on the kitchen floor, holding a washcloth around a bloody hand, crying bitterly.

"I-My-My-My body just doesn't want to comply anymore..."

It looked as if she had cut he hand while making dinner.

"Let me see."

He unwrapped her left hand to find her palm sliced deeply. He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, sitting her on the closed toilet. He rummaged through her cabinets, finding the Nara Deer Antler and tapping some on the wound, cleaning, and bandaging it. He looked up, still kneeling on the floor, getting closer to her until their noses were practically touching.

"Please, let me help you. You're already doing me the honor of carrying my child. Let me help you heal."

The tears flowed freely and abundantly from her eyes.

"Mizuka, I wasn't trying to hurt you when I ordered you out of the hospital. I just came to close to losing you both-"

"I feel so trapped and helpless!"

"You're not, though. Even if you weren't pregnant, you're still regaining chakra. Please, let me take care of you. Let me make you food and do the laundry and rub your feet and be the husband I want to be for you. That I need to be. I love you, Mizuka. You're not trapped; we just need you to take care of yourself. I need you. We need you."

He put a hand on her swollen belly.

"As soon as you're recovered, you can go back. I know you've been pretty angry with me."

She laughed as she wiped her eyes.

"I haven't been angry with you. Not since the hospital. I know you're only trying to help me. I've been angry with myself. No matter how hard I try I cannot overcome my weak bloodline. It's a curse; it almost killed me. If I was pregnant with any other man's baby, I'd be dead."

Kakashi knelt quietly, resting his head on her chest and watching Baby Hatake move in Mizuka's tight belly.

"But, you don't belong to a weak bloodline. You're a Hatake. And you'll always be remembered as a Hatake. Besides, even with my baby, if you weren't who you are, you might be dead anyway. If another woman was carrying my child, someone not as strong as you, she, and baby, might be gone. Everything happens as it should. The red string of fate brought us together; no one other than you is able to carry this child. I know this pregnancy wasn't planned but, maybe, we're the only ones who didn't plan it. This baby is meant to be part of our clan. Carried by you. Our bloodlines. And I'm meant to protect and take care of you both. So, please, let me fulfill my part. Weren't you the one who said 'who are we to not accept our fate?'"

Kakashi looked up to find her expression had changed into a look of love. For him. Something he hadn't seen since the hospital and he had it missed terribly.


"I'm sorry I've been so distant. The emotions, the thoughts, the changes to my body. It's been a lot."

Kakashi shushed her gently.

"Let's take a bath and I want to take you out to dinner."

Her face lit up.


Kakashi reached to turn the water on and then turned back to his smiling wife, gently stripping her clothes off and kissing her bare skin, tears forming in his eyes. He lifted her gently again and placed her in the warm water, brushing it gently across her shoulders and over her chest. She motioned for him to join her, and he happily complied. He had to restrain himself because her body looked delicious. Every curve was luscious and her breasts were swollen. Mizuka caught him staring, and she smirked.

"I know you're thinking about what you can do to this body."

He could feel his face flush.

"Come here."

He moved to sit next to her, leaning in to kiss her neck and chest, tasting her slowly with his tongue. He could hear her breathing excitedly and looked up to find her eyes closed and her head tilted back in pleasure. He raised up to breathe in her ear.

"I want you, But I don't want to push your body too hard."

She turned so their lips almost touched.

"You won't. We can be very gentle. My body needs the act to relax and heal."

Kakashi sat with his back to the back of the tub, spreading his legs and inviting his wife to sit in his lap on his rock hard member. She clumsily moved to sit, facing him, sinking onto his thick cock. He bent his legs up to support and cradle her body.

"Let me do the work, Z. Let me satisfy you."

She nodded, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, getting closer to cradle his chiseled body against her soft, supple one. She let out a small moan as he began to move inside of her, holding her hips and moving her gently. He slowly entered her again and again. Her face contorted beautifully under his touch, biting her bottom lip gently as she gazed into his gray eyes with her deep teal ones. She arched her back, pushing her swollen belly into his chiseled one. He placed one hand on her belly, helping to stabilize her. Her milk filled breasts were larger than ever, and they brushed against his chest, exciting him even more. But, his focus was solely on her tonight. He tried to pace himself, matching the speed that made her body the most excited. He took his hand and cradled the back of her head again, making their foreheads touch, so he could gaze deeper into her beautiful eyes, making chills go down his spine, even in the warm water. Her gaze kept his until he felt her pussy tighten around his throbbing cock, squeezing his harder. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, screaming and moaning in ecstacy. Kakashi placed both hands back on her hips, moving to milk her orgasm. He moaned as he exploded into her void, gripping ehr hips tighter. She moaned out the rest of her climax, awkwardly laying her head on his chest due to her big belly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. This is the best I've felt in a while."

He gently brushed water over her shoulders, before gently washing her hair and massaging her scalp. He watched her sleepily struggle to stay awake. He tipped her head back, cupping water in his hands to rinse the suds from her hair. He took the soap and lathered her tired body tenderly. Even though he was spent, lathering her swollen breasts with soap as well as her ass and thighs was still exciting. He rinsed her body lovingly and helped her step out, wrapping her in a fresh, soft towel. He picked her up and carried her back to the bed, gently setting her on the edge and wrapping her yukata around her. He brushed her hair and clumsily braided it before helping her under the covers.

"Get some rest, my Love. You look so exhausted. I'm going to go to the Hokage's office for an hour, just to make sure everything is okay. When I get back, we can go to dinner."

She gave a small nod before closing her eyes. He kissed her forehead tenderly and headed off.

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