You Don't Have To Share - Kakashi

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Kakashi sat in the bathtub alone, Sakura had left a few hours ago. It was an awkward morning, to say the least. At least, it was for him. Sakura was sweet, thanking him for a wonderful evening before heading off for home. After he shut the door, he slid down on the other side of it, having a panic attack. Even though it was a mutual agreement between himself and his wife, he still felt uneasy about the events that occurred. He was now in the circular tub, trying to rid his body of the scent of a woman who was not Mizuka.

"Hey, you."

Kakashi looked up to find his wife in the doorway, holding both babies.

"Hey, beautiful."

He stood up and reached out for one of them. She handed him Sakumaru.

"How did last night go with Sakura?"

Kakashi shrugged.

"It was really great... in the moment. It was wild and sweet and different. Too different. I stayed in the moment, but it was hard. She doesn't smell like you, or taste like you, or feel like you."

Mizuka came and sat on the edge of the tub, nursing Inari, who looked like he was finally gaining some weight.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi. I hope I didn't put you in an awkward situation last night-"

"No, no. We both agreed. It's just that, I had forgotten how horrible the years were without you, sleeping with different women, hoping that something clicked. It was always fun in the moment, but always so terrible afterwards. It took me back to the loneliness I used to feel without you, and laying there after she fell asleep, I was counting the minutes until you returned."

Mizuka looked down at the sleeping baby on her teet. She was crying.

"I'm so sorry I put you in this situation, Kakashi. It seemed like such a good idea last night. I haven't been able to have sex with you, and Sakura has needed sexual release so badly but she's stuck on Sasuke. But now it sounds really stupid."

He put the little boy over his shoulder and scooted closer to where she was sitting.

"Hey, it took two of us to make the decision. I wanted it, too."

He reached up and wiped the tears from her face with his hand.

"You know, Z. This might prove to be a blessing. Things between us seem to have cooled off since the pregnancy issues and my appointment as the Hokage. But, I feel a renewed spark after what happened last night. I only want to be with you. Only you."

He stood up, Sakumaru asleep on his shoulder, Inari asleep in her arms.

"Come on. Let's put these boys down for a nap."

He got out of the tub and, without clothes, led the way to the nursery with Mizuka in tow.

Kakashi held her close as they danced slowly together in the bedroom, her still fully clothed.

"You are so gorgeous, Z."

She still blushed as he spoke those words.

"You're also the only person who could be the matriarch of the Hatake clan. You hold everything together."

"I'm honored to be you wife, Kakashi."

He was surprised when she burst out in tears again.

"I-I'm sorry. Last night was more stressful than I thought it would be. It was hard sleeping knowing that you were with someone else. And this is really all my fault. I asked you to do it and a greedy part of me was hoping that by sleeping with someone else, she might finally put this Sasuke thing to rest and move on with her life."

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