Chapter five

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fun fact; I've written this twice already, but both times it decided to delete itself :) so I'm sorry if this is really bad or really short, and I'm so sorry it's so late, just life yanno :/ also, I'm sorry if I'm really british lmao :)

song: even if it's a lie- Matt Maltese


You wake up to the sound of your ringtone. You pick up your phone to see Lizzy calling you, so you answer with your best 'I've been awake for hours' voice.
"Hello?" The voice you tried to put on didn't work one bit.
"Hiya!!" Her voice was like a vocal hug, she was the best friend you'd ever had.
"What are you doing today??"
"Well, nothing this morning, but later I'm going round Aidan's for a sleepover."
"Oooooooooo you got a dateeee???" She sings down the phone, gleefully.
"Oh shut up, it's not a date!"
"Mhm, keep telling yourself that." Blush starts creeping up onto your cheek, and you roll your eyes, even though she can't see you.
"Okay well, get out of bed and get dressed! We're going shopping! It's urgent."
"By urgent, do you mean you're bored and have nothing to do?" You giggle through your words.
"Pshhhh no! Just, meet me at the mall in thirty minutes! We can get brunch and whatnot" She then hangs up on you, leaving you in bed with your phone. Across the room, you see Aidan's jacket.
"Ughhhhh" you forgot to give it back last night. You check your phone to see if he's texted you, and to your surprise, he has. You start to text back.

Unknown number-

It's Aidan

Do you by any chance have my jacket?

Also, my house is 'his address' and come over at 2:30🙂


I do have your jacket, sorry!

And I'll be there🙂

You change his name in your phone to 'Aidan🙂' and get out of bed, picking out clothes for the day and packing an overnight bag. You get changed into this

and start to head out, grabbing an apple and walking over to the mall, knowing it was only a five minute walk

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and start to head out, grabbing an apple and walking over to the mall, knowing it was only a five minute walk.

Once you get there, you wait for ten minutes before Lizzy finally comes.
"Always late!" You laugh, pulling her into a hug.
"I know! I'm so sorry!" She starts laughing too, hugging you back tightly.
"Sooo... you and Aidan??" She wiggles her eyebrows at you.
"Oh piss off, we're just friends and you know it. Anyway, the only reason I'm staying the night is because my mom can't drop me off in the morning to filming, and he offered me to stay the night, how could I say no?"
"Mhhhmmmm, sureee." She says, not believing a word of it.
"Let's just go, shall we?" You sigh
"Okay, okay" She says, going in the mall.

*time skip*

You're just about to leave to go to Aidan's house, nearly forgetting his jacket, but quickly grabbing it, along with your overnight bag, at the last minute. Your mom drives you, you say your goodbyes, and go up to the door, knocking on it. Luckily, Aidan opened it.
"Y/n! Hi, come in!" He ushers you in, hugging you.
"Hi! Thank you so much for inviting me!" You say politely. He brings you to his living room.
"Of course! Thank you for coming!" You hand him his jacket back, smiling awkwardly at him.
"Hehe, I'm sorry, I must've forgotten to give it back last night.." he laughs slightly
"It's okay, I was just wondering where it was." You both laugh at the random awkwardness, and then unintentionally stare at each other for what seems like hours, slowly edging closer to each other. Suddenly, Aidan's mom suddenly bursts through the door.
(A/n, I went to my friends house and met her mum for the first time today, so this is a representation of her. She was very nice.)
"Oh hi my lovely! Y/n, is it? How are youuu?" Shes definitely a very jolly lady, she was singing her words and all, and she seems very nice. You smile widely at her.
"Hello! I'm fine thank you, and you're right, it's y/n." She beams brightly at you.
"Good good, now, I'm just going to pop to the shops, while I'm out, grab anything you need dears, if you want any food or anything, Aidan will show you where it all is, so please, whatever you want, help yourselves! Aidan, have you offered her a drink yet?"
"N-no, mom, I haven't offered her a drink yet."
"Oh I am sorry, y/n. Would you like a drink of anything?"
"Oh, um, I'll just have some water please." You smile at her, glancing at Aidan, seeing his pink cheeks and awkward face. You laugh slightly, and then look back at his mom.
"Now then, I'll be off, if you need anything, anything at all, just call me, okay, Aidan?" Her smile stays plastered to her face, and her joyous voice stays present in its own form. She could just light up rooms as soon as her sunny presence entered it. She walks out of the front room, and soon after, you hear the door close. You turn to Aidan, smiling madly.
"She seems lovely." You say, him blushing slightly more, which you didn't think was possible.
"She's embarrassing!"
"What? How?! She's amazing! I think everyone should be like her." He scoffs at your words.
"Wanna watch a film?"


Aghhhh I'm so sorryyyy!! Everything I've needed to say has been said at the start, but again, I am so so sorry, but life, yanno? :((( Again, I'm really british, so I'm sorry about that too😂 may and may not be a new chapter tomorrow :/ anyway, until next time,
Bye, my loveliessss

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