chapter eleven (011)

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Once you get home, you climb out of the boot, waving to everyone in the car, and go inside, passing your mom on the way up to your room, telling her everything that happened, and showing her the texts. She pulls you into a massive bear hug and you just sit on the stairs, you crying into her shoulder.

After a while of just sitting like that, you finally go up to your room. You get changed into your pyjamas, wash your face and climb into your bed, setting an alarm and closing your eyes, thinking about the start of dinner. You felt so embarrassed and stupid, and hid under the bedsheets, wanting to hide away from the world and sleep away your sadness. It'd only been 20 minutes since you got back, when you hear a harsh knock at the door.

Who could it be? It was 11 pm.

"Y/n, get that please!" You hear your dad shout.

You groggily get out of bed and go to the door.
"Um, hi!" A familiar voice rings out. You see Aidan standing, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Uh, Hey! W-what're you doing here? You do realise the time, right?" You ask, shooting him a concerned look.
"Oh yeah, I- um, I'm sorry it's so late. Hehe, uh, please may I come in?" He says, and you only just realise his slightly shivering shoulders, and hugging his blazer.
"Oh gosh, sorry, of course!" You scramble him inside, and close the the door, pulling him into a swift hug all in one smooth movement.
"Oh, uh... thank you!" He says, and you pull away to see his face flushed a light pink color, making you giggle.
"I- sorry." He says, beginning to laugh along with you.
"Oh, hello, who's this?" Your mom says, going down the stairs and seeing you and Aidan laughing together, him lightly blushing.
"Mom! This is Aidan, the guy who plays number five in the show...?" You say, rising an eyebrow and thinking back to your conversation after the first day you met him.

"So, how was it? Made any new friends? Any enemies?" Your mom says, raising an eyebrow at you, forcing a slight chuckle out of you.
"It was fine, and yes, I made some new friends! No enemies though... yet."
Your mom smiles at you, and says,
"So, how're your co-workers? Oh, so professional!"
"Weeeelllllll, there is this one boyyyyy..." you say, and your moms head snaps straight to you, and she has a faint smirk on her face.
"Well, do proceed." She says, edging closer to you.
"Calm down, he's just a friend. And an amazing actor! I'm really glad we met, actually!" You say, making her faint smirk turn much more visible.
"Just friends, aye?" She says, causing your cheeks to turn a light pink.
"Yes!" You say, getting flustered, and turning your face, and walking away.
"Lovebirdddddd" she sings after you, making you roll your eyes to yourself.

"Oh yes! I remember you talking about him! How are you, dear?" She says, focusing her attention to Aidan.
"I'm good, thank you. Just here to see how y/n's doing." He says, darting his eyes between you and your mom.
"Yes, she did tell me about the whole little debacle. Oh well, that is very thoughtful of you, isn't it?" Your mom says, refocusing her gaze back to you.
"Alright well, we'll just be going up to my room now, night mom!" You say, grabbing Aidan's hand and yanking him to your room.
"Keep the door open!" You hear your mom shout, ringing throughout the house, making Aidan laugh.
"Nice house!" He finally says after a minute of awkward silence. He had gotten himself comfy on the spinning chair at your desk.
"And lovely mom! What were you saying about me?" He spins to face you, raising his eyebrow at you.
"I was just saying how you're an okay actor! Don't get your hopes up!" You say, making him furrow his eyebrows and place a visible pout on his lips, making you stifle a laugh at his sheer idiocy.
"Only okay?!" He says, joking on the outside but deep down being slightly hurt, but you didn't see that.
"Oh it's alright, don't cry." You say, getting up from your bed and pinching his cheeks.
"Changing topic completely... what happened at dinner? Are you okay? After all, this is the reason I came." You instantly look down at your feet, becoming highly embarrassed.
"I'm.. uh, I'm sorry about that. Lizzie really wants me to tell you what happened, but I can't. I'm sorry." The texts had been flowing in ever since the first one, each one more and more horrible. Threats if you told Aidan, or anyone for that matter, and just straight up mean commentary on your 'relationship' with him, and on your appearance and personality. Nothing you texted back would make it stop, or make them answer any of the questions that would come swarming into your head.

"Y/n, you know you can tell me anything, right?" He says, standing and grabbing your hands, looking deep into your eyes.
"You can trust me."

You felt your heart skip a few beats at a time, and your hands that he was holding get sweatier, and your whole face go bright red. You were honestly at a loss for words.
"Yes, I-I know that..." you stammered, desperately grasping at words in your head to form a functioning sentence.
"It's just, I can't tell you. I would if I could, honestly." You say, taking your hands out of his and putting one on your heart, as if pledging it. He grabs your hands again, forcing you to look back into his eyes, as he says, raising his voice slightly,
"Y/n, this is serious. If something, or someone's, hurting you, it's serious, and I want to know."
"Aidan, it's all okay, don't worry about it." You say, yanking your hands away and walking back over to your bed. He follows you and slumps down next to you.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout, and it came out harsher than anticipated. I'm just worried for you."
"Well don't be, I can protect myself." You say, slowly getting more angry at him. He was just digging himself a deeper hole.
"Look, y/n, I'm only trying to help you."
"Well, I don't need your help, I'm my own goddamn woman, and I don't need you shadowing over me every time I eat a fucking pea to see wether I'll choke or not, and wether I'll need a big strong man to save me, I'm good thank you!"
"Fine, I won't help you then! Goodbye, y/n!" He shouts, going out of your room, and out of the front door. You look out of your window to see him sitting on the curb outside, and you see him hug his knees, and place his chin on them, shivering slightly, still cold.


Word count: 1240

AGHHH IM SO SORRY! Also, I wanna know, in the next chapter, would you rather you go out to Aidan on the curb and apologise, or you just sleep it off? Please comment or pm me! Please point out any mistakes so I can fix them! Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you all in the next one! Bye my loveliessss! <3

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