Chapter six

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song- bittersweet by panic! at the disco

"Wanna watch a film?"
"Okay!" He hands you the controller, turning on the tv.
"Here, pick whatever you want, I'll only be a minute." He says, going into what looked like the kitchen.
"You want ice in your drink?" He shouts over to you, as you flick through the movies.
"No thanks!" You shout back, after coming across 'the breakfast club'. You click on it, as he comes back with two drinks, and loads of snacks. You laugh as you see him struggling to carry it all.
"You need any help there?" You say through laughs.
"Nooo no no no I-ive got it.. hehe"
"Okayyy, whatever you say."
"The breakfast club, ey?" He says, slumping down on the couch next to you, placing all of the snacks in between you, and delicately passing you your drink.
"Yep!" You say, pressing play.

*time skip to end of film*

You have tears in your eyes as you look away from Aidan, trying to prevent him from seeing that the film actually made you cry.
"Hey y/n, look at me." You try to ignore him, but it doesn't work.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" You look at him with teary eyes and a few tear streaks on your cheeks.
"Did the film actually make you cry?!" He says, stifling a laugh.
"Yes! Don't laugh!" You say, laughing as well.
"It's embarrassing." You giggle, looking down at your fiddling fingers. He chuckles softly, smiling widely at you.
"Don't be embarrassed. You have no reason to be." He says, putting a hand on your shoulder. You look up into his green eyes, smiling too.

"Uh... d-do you wanna practice lines? You know, we have quite a few scenes together.." he says, rubbing his neck.
"Um, yeah, okay!" You say enthusiastically, jumping up and running to your bag to grab your script. You come running back to him, but you don't stop yourself in time, and you smack into him, making you both topple over, you on top of him (I'm sorry I had to). You lay on him for a few awkward and silent seconds before finally speaking up.
"I-I am so sorry.." you say, scrambling back up to your feet, and helping him up too.
"Uh, i-it's o-okay..." he stutters, clearly feeling extremely awkward. You see his cheeks getting really pink as yours heat up too.

Suddenly, his mom comes bursting through the door, seeing you both red as tomatoes.
"Oh, hello dears, are you two okay? Am I interrupting? Oh I am so sorry, I'll come back in a tick." She says, closing the door again.
"Uh no mom, it's okay, what did you want to say?" Aidan says, stumbling over his words.
"Oh, well I was just wondering," she says, popping her head back round the door,
"What you two would like for dinner? We can go anywhere you'd like."
"Oh um what about that diner right round the corner? That's nice, can we go there?" Aidan asks politely.
"Of course dears, we'll go whenever you'd like."
"Okay, we were just gonna practice lines, then we'll go. Unless, you're hungry now?" Aidan says, turning to you.
"No, after all those snacks, I'll have to wait." You giggle, looking between him and his mom.
"Okay, darlings. Just come and tell me when you want to go." She smiles, before popping her head from out of the door and shutting it gently.

"Let's.. uhh, let's practice." You open up your script to the next scene you'd be filming. You quickly scan the page, then coming across a dance scene like Allison's and Luther's. You look up from your script to see Aidan blushing even harder. You giggle a bit, and flick the pages, knowing it hasn't been choreographed yet.

You and Aidan practice your lines for about an hour, before you start getting really hungry again.
"Hey Aidan, can we go to that diner now? I'm starting to get really hungry..." You say, closing your script up.
"Of course!" He says, grabbing your hand, and you drop the script on the coach, and he drags you to the kitchen, where his mom is baking a cake. You smile to yourself, before Aidan says,
"It's her job, she bakes wedding cakes." It's almost as if he'd read your mind.
"Oh, hello dears!" She says, looking up from the cakes that she'd just taken out of the oven.
"Would you like to go to the diner now then?" She says, putting the layers of the cake on a cooling rack.
"Yes please.." You say nicely.
"Of course then, dears. Go start getting in the car then, I'll be out in a moment." She says, wiping her hands on her light pink apron, and smiling widely at us. Aidan takes hold of your hand again, and you just now realise how soft and warm they are, and you smile to yourself, liking the feeling of his hand being wrapped around yours. He pulls you out to the car, opening your door for you, and you beam widely at him.
"What a gentleman." You say, stepping into the car.
"Why thank you, kind lady." He chuckles, closing your door and getting in the other side.

His mom then goes in the car, and drives you to the diner, giving you both some money.
"Now, I've got to get back to baking, so I'll leave you here, and maybe you can go to the fair after if you'd like, and just text or ring me when you want to come back, okay?" She says, turning around in her seat.
"Okay mom, thank you." Aidan says, unbuckling his seatbelt.
"And Aidan?"
"Yes, mom?" He says, looking up at her with his green eyes. You'd never looked at them properly, and they seemed to sparkle a way that made chills creep up and down your arms.
"Be carful." She says in a stern voice. You then unbuckle your seatbelt too, and Aidan says,
"Of course mom." He then jumps out, coming around to your side of the car and opening it for you, an act that made you giggle.
"Why thank you, kind sir."
"Of course, ma'am." You both laugh and go inside the diner.


Word count- 1128

Ahhh I'm sorry it's been so longggg! Life am I right? Also, I'm not giving my chapters titles anymore. This chapter is a bit longer than the others, so I hope you guys like ittt! I'm really sorry if this is really cheese or basic, it's my first story :) anyway, school starts up again for me soon, so I'll be posting a bit less often, but I'll try make a schedule. Anywho, goodbye, my loveliessss x

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