chapter four

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song: come along- Cosmo Sheldrake


You laugh as you splash Aidan for a last time, before remembering what your mom had told you. She couldn't drop you off, you'd have to get a ride with someone.
"Hey Aidan?" You smile at him awkwardly.
"Uhhh, yeah?"
"Is there any chance that I'd be able to get a lift with you when we start filming, if it's not too much of a burden, because my mom can't drop me off, so I was just wondering if-" you get cut off by Aidan.
"Y/n, of course you can! A-and if you'd like, you can even sleep over the night before?"
"Obviously I'd like to!" You giggle, contemplating wether to splash him again or not.
"Okay then! Please may I have your number? Y-you know, so that I can text you time and address and everything?"
"Of course!" He hands you his phone and you put your number in it, and put your name as 'Y/n😌💘💗'. You smile and hand it back to him, and he chuckles under his breath. He whispers "perfect" but you heard him, and you start to blush as he says,
"Thank you so much."
You smile at him, then look over at Lizzy, Casey and Mace to see them all staring at you and Aidan.
"Whaaat?" You say as you go over to them all, Aidan right behind you.
"Nothing, nothing at all" Lizzy says, smirking at you. You give her a confused look, but she just continues smirking. You playfully roll your eyes at her and look around at all of the shops by the beach.
"Oh look, ice cream!" You say, going out of the water.
"I'm gonna go get some" You say, turning back to them
"Any requests?" You offer, looking at them all
"I'll have a vanilla cone, if you don't mind." Mace says, smiling brightly at you.
"I'll take a chocolate, please" Casey says.
"I'll take a mint choc chippp" Lizzy sings, beaming at you.
"I'll come with you, you know, help you carry it all. And I do want a vanilla ice cream" Aidan smiles at you.
"Thank you" You say smiling back. Lizzy giggles, and when you look at her, she starts smirking again.

You just ignore her and start walking bare footed to the ice cream shop with Aidan, trying to remember what everyone wanted.
"Hey um Aidan, what did everyone want again??" He chuckles.
"It's lucky you have me here. Two vanillas, a chocolate, a mint choc chip, and whatever you want." He says, counting on his fingers.
"Okayyy, I'll pay for it and all."
"What? No, I can pay." He says, clearly feeling bad.
"It's fine, honestly." You say, trying to make him feel better.
"We can spilt the price." He says, not letting you win.
"Okay okay you win, we'll split it." You say, walking in and ordering.

Once you and Aidan walk back to the beach, you hand everyone their ice creams, and sit back on the beach towels with yours.

*time skip*

You're all about to go home, as the beach is now dark and freezing.
"Uh y/n, shall I walk you home? You know, it's pretty sketchy to be walking around alone at this time.." he says, scratching the back of his head.
"Okay!" You say, as you were dreading the idea of having to walk alone.

After saying your goodbyes to everyone else, you and Aidan start walking to your house. You shiver, only being in the dress and your wet bikini, but luckily Aidan had bought a jacket, and put it around your shoulders. (I KNOW ITS CLICHÉ IM SORRY but sometimes cliché can be nice🤷🏼‍♀️)
"Oh no, you wear it, I'm really not all that cold.." you say, feeling bad.
"Calm down, it's okay, you can wear it." You smile and hug yourself in the oversized jacket.

Once you get back to your house, you hug Aidan goodbye (which felt really nice so you didn't let go for what seemed like hours but was really minutes) before going upstairs to your room, changing into your pyjamas, and falling straight to sleep on your bed.


Word count: 742

I'm so sorry this one was so short! I tried to make it longer, but then there wouldn't have been a good ending and just ughhh I'm so sorry, will try and post tomorrow, bye my loveliessss <3

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