chapter fifteen

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Song: Don't Let's Start- They Might Be Giants

"Y/n??" Lizzy says, and then Mace, Zac and a few other people crowd around you, and you start falling down, your eyes growing heavier and heavier before they finally fall shut, after a few long seconds of you battling with yourself to keep them open...

You wake up to a bright, white light shining in your eyes, and silhouettes of people around your age crowding around where you were laying. You were laying on...
A bed?
You couldn't remember anything from before your waking, but you do hear voices.
"When do you reckon she'll wake up?" A strange voice said.
"Anytime now, don't worry, guys." A second different voice stated. Then the first unknown voice spoke up again.
"Yeah, don't worry, you didn't have to come up here, Aid. She'll be fine, and she would've been good with me and Mace."
"I just, I'm just scared..." a more than familiar voice said.


Your eyes, which you'd been struggling to fight open with the bright light, instantly shot open upon hearing his voice.
"Hey, uh, guys?" The second voice said, and you make out that it was Mace.
"Hiiiii" you say weakly.
"Jeez y/n, you gave us a right good scare there." The first voice, Casey, says, to which you chuckle lightly.
"Well you all get scared easily then." You giggle, earning a strange look from Casey.
"This isn't a joke, Y/n." Aidan says seriously.
"Ahhhh calm down, I'm fine! See, look at me!" You say, sitting up in the bed, causing your head to ache harshly and you fall back onto the soft pillow again.
"Y/n!" Aidan says, worrying himself.
"What.. uhhh, what happened last time I was awake?" You say, rubbing your eyes and forehead.
"We don't know..." Casey says, concerned.
"I watched the whole thing, we were talking, then you and Lizzy talked about something closer to the middle of the room, and Lizzy was trying to get you to dance and be happier, but you weren't having any of it, you just collapsed. Me and Zac ran over, resulting in loads of other people crowding round too, and then Casey obliviously waltzes in like nothing bad ever happened!" Mace says, stifling a laugh at the last bit, making you laugh lightly and weakly along with him.
"Wait so I just... collapsed?" You say, trying your hardest to remember all of the smaller details.
"Yeah, but you didn't seem to well when you were talking to me and Zac, you seemed sort of... I don't know how to explain it, out of it, I guess?" Mace says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Out of it? That's so vague! Out of it how?!" Aidan snaps to Mace.
"Dude, chill!" Casey says to Aidan, making Aidan more annoyed.
"No! I want to know what happened, but you're all being so vague and useless!" He says, making you chirp in.
"Aidan! Calm down!"
"Just because you're like in love with y/n or something! We're all worried for her, so just CHILL!" Casey snaps, and you can feel the tension take over the atmosphere of the small yet echoey room that you appeared to be in. Aidan turns from the bed and storms out of the room, making you attempt to call after him, but failing to be as loud as expected. (All these arguments I don't know why lmao)
"Casey, that wasn't cool." Mace says calmly.
"Well neither was Aidan!" He says, still in an annoyed mood.
"You said he was in love with y/n, you've probably made him upset. You should go talk to him." Mace says, trying to resolve it all.
"No! He deserved it." Casey says, causing you to get annoyed.
"Please, stop! I'm clearly not very well, and all you guys are doing is just arguing right in front of me as if I'm invisible! Casey, go talk to Aidan and resolve something!" You say, gaining a look from Casey.
"Now!" You say, raising your voice more than before, making him raise his arms in protest and start walking away.
"Okay, I'll go make sure they don't kill each other. You try and get some rest, okay?" Mace says, kissing your forehead lightly and beaming at you. (Don't worry people he doesn't have a crush on you or anything like that, he's just a very loving friend/person)
"Just call me if you need anything, yeah? And I do mean anything." He says, forcing a small smile out of you too.

"Okay." You say, waving at him as he leaves the room, and you close your eyes, making out the sound of a ticking clock. After a few minutes of just utter silence and the faint sound of the clock, quiet voices are heard from outside the closed door of the bright room you were in, and they were getting louder. Then, the door flies open, and Aidan, Casey and Mace come in, all smiling like fools.
"They made up, if you couldn't tell." Mace said, his smile permanently plastered to his face.
"Oooookaaaayyyyy..." You say, confused as to why they were acting so weird.
"We'll just leave you two alone..." Casey says, giggling like a two year girl.
"Alright..." You say.
"Nonononono, I have a, um, place to be!" Aidan says, turning on his heels and walking quickly away.
"Well, we'd best be off, let you rest. See you soon!" Mace says, and Casey just smiles smugly at you, and they both go out the door, leaving you in peace, and you finally drift off to sleep, thoughts racing through your head.


Word count- 1002

so my best friend is now reading this so um FUCK YOU BITCH but um yeah :)

I'm really sorry that nothing really happened in this chapter and that it's pretty damn shite, I'll be posting a much better one soon.

Also we're on like 6.21 THOUSAND READS!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

Bye, my loveliessss <3

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