chapter twenty

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song- you and I acoustic by Tom Walker

all the things in italics are thoughts.
btw the last chapter was a dream sequence for all confused people ;)

You awake to the sound of muffled voices, and a bright light shining at you through your eyelids. Your head felt as if it was going to explode, and your arm feeling as if it was full of cotton balls. Your stomach felt as if someone was trying to pull the contents of it out, a sharp pain stinging to the left of your belly button. You slowly fluttered your eyelashes open, revealing a white blinding light. You hear faint voices, becoming more clear.
"She should've been up by now..." a concerned voice said.
"Wait, look!" A surprised voice exclaimed.
"Ahhh, she's alive!" A voice from beside you sighed, relief filling it. You struggle a small smile to play at your lips, as you feel something move in the bed next to you. You turn over in the bed to see Mace, facing you and smiling at you widely.
"Whaaatssss uuuuuuuppp?" He said, holding back a laugh, and grinning like a maniac who had just escaped from prison. You let out a small chuckle, and sit up slowly, facing everyone else in the room, before getting an even fiercer pain in your stomach. You wince in pain, shutting your eyes tightly, and clutching at your stomach.

Suddenly, the door flies open, revealing a doctor come in.
"Hi, she up yet?" He looks up from his clipboard to see you holding your stomach in pain.
"Oh gosh, everyone out, everyone out, we'll need to give her another treatment, she'll be able to have some visitors soon, though, so you all just go to the waiting room." He said, coming over to you. You watched as everyone piled out, all giving you sympathetic looks. You then realise who wasn't there. Aidan hadn't come. A sick feeling washed over you as a lump in your throat formed.

*time skip*

You'd just been let out of the hospital, you had a broken arm from where you'd fallen on it in a funny way after the car hit you, but luckily the stomach pains were proven harmless, and they had faded drastically. Aidan hadn't even come to visit you once. It pained you. It hurt more than your stomach, more than your arm, more than your head. God, what is wrong with me?? When did everything get so complex?

You were sitting in a car, your mother driving. You thought about all of the days you had spent in the hospital, every single one of them Mace came without fail. He'd bring board games and sweets and other fun things. You honestly couldn't have wished for a better friend, he'd make sure you'd forget about Aidan too.

Your mother pulls up to your small yet surprisingly cosy home, and opens both her car door and your car door. You hopped out and went up to the door, opening it, revealing a dark room. You turned the light switch, and you heard an overwhelming amount of people scream 'surprise' in your face. You forged a smile, even though at that particular point in time you just wanted to be alone. You scanned the room, looking for the familiar face of Aidan, failing to spot it. You knew he could cheer you up in an instance, but you only wanted an explanation, about why he was avoiding you.

Everyone begins their small chatter, and you see Mace, and decide to ask him what's happening with Aidan.
"Hey Mace!" You say, walking over to him. He smiles at you, his lovely, heart-warming smile.
"Hiya, N/n (his nickname for you). You okay?"
"I'm fine thanks, I was just wondering, do you know where aida-" he's quick to cut you off.
"Oh im so sorry, y/n, excuse me for a second, will you?" He says, rushing off, leaving you confused, sad, and slightly angry.

word count- 741

I'm so sorry!!! I'm not gonna lie, I've just not had much inspiration. if anyone has any ideas to help me with the next chapter then please private message me! I'm writing this sort of late and I'm tired and need sleep, so imma go sleep :D and by the way, for anyone who cares, I went pride a few weeks ago, and it was mother fucking magicalllll. fellow bisexuals unite.

bye loveliessss <3

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