Chapter 3 ~ New Day

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Casey's POV

Waking up this morning I was nervous. I don't know why. I went to bed nervous and woke up nervous. I had a couple of drinks last night before passing out on the couch with the Blackhawks game blaring. The next morning, I woke up to hear a mix of noises. Opening my eyes, I saw the TV, the alarm on my phone going off as well as many missed calls and text messages asking why he wasn't at Molly's last night. I didn't really feel like going out last night because I had just received a message from Gabby saying she accepted a full-time position over in Porta Ricco and she will come back and collect her things. Also, she was filing for a divorce as she didn't think they could do long distance. It wasn't the fact that she accepted a full-time position it was the fact that she told him over text and she didn't even talk to her and she was not willing to make their marriage work.

Rubbing my eyes, I turn off the TV and turn off my alarm. I sit there trying to hold down the contents of my stomach and waiting for my head to stop spinning. Great way to start off shift. He thinks to himself. As soon as I stand up, I bolt straight to the bathroom and throw up. pulling myself up I brush my teeth before taking some Advil. I then look at my phone and realise if I don't hurry up I will be late. Getting changed I quickly run out the door being blinded by the light I make my way to my truck and get in and drive to the firehouse. 

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