Chapter 27 ~ Back To Reality

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Two Months Later

Casey's POV

As I stand at the end of the drive way the familiar red doors in sight I take a deep breath. I slowly make my way up the drive way. To think almost two and half months ago I was sitting in my mangled truck after being hit by a truck which could have left me paralysed or lost my life I am thankful I am here. Brooklyn had to drop Lucy off to school so I drove by my self. Walking up to the doors I slip in through the side door. I then make my way towards to locker room some how without anyone noticing me. I quickly change out and head to the common room for coffee. Walking in there was no one there. knowing they were pulling a trick on me I pour myself a cup of coffee and take seat in my usual spot and begin reading the paper. A couple of minutes later everyone comes running out of the meeting room yelling welcome back, but I decide to play a trick on them.

"What are you guys on? I have been here the whole time. I never left," I told them with a confused look on my face.

"Well you just ruined all of our fun," Mouch said plopping himself of the couch in his usual spot and turning on the TV.

Herrmann then walks up to me and shakes my hand.

"Good to have you back lieutenant," Herrmann says whilst shaking my hand.

"Good to be back Herrmann," I responded

"Hey where's Brook, I thought you guys usually come together?" he asked my taking a seat in one of the seats next to me.

"She had to drop off Lucy, she shouldn't be to far away," as I said that Brooklyn walked in with Lucy in tow. She had her hand strongly clasped in Brook's whilst hiding behind her legs. Seeing this I get up and walk over to her picking up Lucy.

"What happened I thought you were dropping her off?" I asked as Lucy's head dropped onto my shoulder.

"I was but when I pulled up to the school she was really pale and was running a fever so I decided to bring her here. I have to talk to the Chief, but I figured that if we get called out and not the others someone will be able to look after her and if we all do I am sure Connie would be able to watch her. I packed my laptop and if it is ok with you if she can stay in your office and watch movies and sleep?" She told me as I place my hand on Lucy's head. I gave a nod and we walked out and to my office.

Getting there I went to put Lucy on my bunk but she didn't want to let go, so I ended up staying with her for a bit until she fell asleep.

"Thank you for letting her stay, I just didn't want to send her to school like that." she told me looking stressed.

"Hey, it's ok, these things happen and we cannot help it . She can chill in my office and sleep and watch movies, Ok?" I asked her giving her a kiss on her forehead. She gave a slight nod before we walked off to get some breakfast.

The shift started slowly with a couple of calls coming on for ambo. It was quiet until lunch until we got called out to a multiply car collision on a main highway in and out of Chicago. Jumping in to action we all knew that this one was going to be a big one. With it being on the main highway in and out of Chicago we all knew we had to move fast.

Pulling up to the scene we do a quick overhaul to asses the damage. With a wreck like this we have to move fast. There is at least 20 cars involved in the accident. Assessing each and everyone of the cars was going to take a long time but I had to be done. As more companies arrived I was able to split them off into smaller groups. Each groups took a group of cars, they assessed the damaged and we went from there.

As I was working on one of the cars I had a call over the radio from Severide.

"Hey Casey, you might want to get over here. Blue Toyota hatchback. There is something you need to see," he told me. I was already on the move by the time he had finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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