Chapter 24 ~ The Talk

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Casey's POV

After a long shift, it was finally time to go home. I walked into the locker room and got changed before grabbing the paperwork I needed to do before next shift. I then hopped into my truck and drive to my place. Getting home I instantly get into the shower and let the worries of the past few days wash away. Getting out I find some comfortable clothes to put on. I then sit down at my kitchen table and begin the paperwork I didn't finish at the station. As I was sitting there doing my paperwork my phone kept blowing up with missed calls and text messages. I sat there ignoring them as I knew they were from Brooklyn. Getting though about two sheets of work I finally decide to turn off my phone, turning my attention back to my paperwork I get through about half of my paperwork before I decide to take a break. I get up to get a cup of coffee. whilst making my coffee I hear someone knocking on the door. Setting down my spoon I walk to my door. Opening it I see Brooklyn standing there. 

"Hi", I say in a bit of shock. 

"Hey", she replied with a little smile. We stand there looking at each other for a bit. I then move to the side to let her in. She walks in and I close the door behind her. 

"So you haven't replied to any of my texts and calls", she told me. 

"Yeah, I'm just trying to get some work done," I replied. 

 "So you're ignoring me now," she asked raising her voice a bit. 

"No, I'm not ignoring you. Again I was just trying to get some work done. I wasn't able to get it done at the station," I told her staying calm. 

"So you're ignoring me. Because you also didn't talk to me at all during shift. What's wrong. did I do something?" she asked looking hurt. 

"No, it's just after the other night you know. The next morning you kind of just ignored me and forgot that I was there. I felt shut out and that what we did was wrong," I told her. 

"I'm sorry I acted that way it's just, Lucy didn't have a good sleep and I was struggling to get her ready for school. When I came back down from getting Lucy ready and you were gone. I thought something came up and you were ignoring me. Lucy is no excuse for how I acted I'm sorry," she said with a guilty tone to her voice. 

I stepped closer to her shortening the distance between us. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her head into my neck. I rubbed my hand up and down her back. We then moved back to the table and I made her a cup of coffee. She then sat there and watched me finish off my paperwork. I had to take some of the paperwork into HQ. 

"I have to go and pick up Lucy from school. I'll see you soon," she told me giving me a kiss. I nodded my head and we turned and went our sperate ways.  Hopping into my truck I throw my folder with my paperwork in on to the passenger seat of my truck. pulling out on to the road I make my way to headquarters. Pulling in I put my car into park and hope out. I walk in and request to see Cheif Grissom. Walking down the hall I find his office and knock. He lets me in. I drop off the forms needed and walk back to my truck. I get in and pull out of my parking spot. As I pull on to the road I hear a horn looking to my left I see a truck coming fast at me. I didn't have enough time to reverse before I felt the impact of the truck hit me. 

Brooklyn's POV   

After leaving Matt's I go straight to Lucy's school. I get out and walk up to the front door. I walk in and down the hallways until I find her classroom. I stand there with all of the other parents waiting for the bell to ring. Never had I imagined that at the age of 27 would I be standing here picking up a child that I am living with. I waited there for about 5 minutes before the bell went. all of the kids came running out, the only thing is there was no Lucy. Her teacher came out of the classroom last and came up to me. 

"Brooklyn, I need to talk to you," she said making my worry grow. Did I do something, is there something wrong with Lucy, did she do something. I followed her into her office. 

"Is everything ok?" I asked her. 

"It's Lucy, she was very quiet today. She didn't say much. She also refused to do anything with the class. I have Ms Kate sitting with her now but I have to ask is there something going on at home," she asked me. 

"Ohh. she didn't sleep well last night. She had a nightmare about her mum and she didn't want to come to school, but she had to because I had shift. The sitter also said she didn't sleep well and ended up sleeping with her. She also struggled to get her ready for school," I told her what had happened. She nodded. We then got up and walked into the classroom there was Luc sitting on the floor with Ms Kate. As soon as she saw me she was up and bolted straight into my arms. I gave her a massive hug. I then picked her up and grabbed her bag. I said thank you to Ms Kate and to Ms Winters. I then walked out and put Lucy in her car seat putting her bag in the footwell under her car seat. I then got into my seat and drove back to my apartment. We went inside and i made her a snack. Whilst she ate her snack I packed her lunch for the next day. 

Casey's POV 

I then heard the faint sound of sirens and I knew I was safe. I then saw black. what felt like a few seconds was more I was then being loaded up into an ambulance before I felt we started to move. Next thing I know I'm shaking and then I'm gone. The last thing I remember is being wheeled somewhere.  

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