Chapter 25 ~ Can't Live Without Him

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Brett's POV

Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Squad 3, Engin 51 car crash HQ car Park. 

The bells went off. I jumped into the driver's seat Rafferty getting in beside me. (I had to work an extra shift). pulling up to the scene I see it was Casey's truck. I then began to panic. running over to the other side of his truck. I took one look at him and saw he was not going good. They managed to get him out and on to a gurney. I started to apply pressure bandages to the worst wounds and we loaded him into the back. He was in and out of consciousness. A couple of minutes into the ride he started to seize. we managed to stop the seizure and stabilise him. pulling up to med we unloaded him and walked in. 

"CFD in the house, what we got," Maggie asked as we walked in. 

"We got Matt Casey, 28 years old in a car accident pinned in. In and out of consciousness. seized once on the way. Blood loss. Bps 84 heart rate 56," i rattled off as we walked in.

"Trauma 2, page Dr Rhodes. Dr Choi, April you're needed," Maggie yelled as we arrived a Trauma 2. as we got situated Dr Choi walked in. 

"Transfer on my count. 1, 2, 3," he called as we lifted Matt and transferred him on to the other bed. we then walked back out to the main area. 

"Hey Rafferty, can you fill out the paperwork. I need to call someone. Meet you back at the ambo," she gave a small nod. I roll the gurney back to to the ambo. As I walked out to the ambo I pulled out my phone. This was the first point I realised I was shaking. I put my phone on the gurney and load it back into the ambo. I then pick it up and dial Brooklyn. She picks up after a couple of rings.

(S= Brett, B= Brooklyn)

S- Hey Brooklyn it's. 
B- Hey Brett what's up?

S- Just promise me you won't freak out. 

B- Ok, what happened you're scaring me. 

S- There's been an accident. 

B- Ok why are you telling me this. 

S- It was Matt. He got hit by a truck coming out of the HQ carpark. It' s not looking good Brooklyn. we're at med you should get here. 

B- Yeah, ok thanks I will be there shortly. bye. 

Brooklyn's POV

I stop what I was going and head back downstairs to where Lucy was watching cartoons. 

"Ok Luc, can you get your shoes we have to go somewhere," I told her getting my shoes and my phone, keys and wallet. Lucy then comes walking in with her shoes on. 

"Aunty Brooke, where are we going," she asked me walking into the kitchen. 

"We are going to see Uncle Matt in the hospital. You see he has hurt himself and we are going to go visit him. Do you want to go see Uncle Matt?" I ask her crouching down to her level. she nodded her head with a wide smile on her face. I wish I could be so carefree. I picked her up and walked out to the car. I buckled her into her car seat. I then get into my seat and drive over to med. 

Pulling up I get Lucy out of the car and we walk in. Straight away I see Brett. I gave her a hug.

"Hey, I came as fast as possible. What have they said?", I ask her.

he "Not a lot. From what I saw when they pulled him out probably a broken leg, potentially spinal damage, and there could be some sort of head injury. He also had some metal stuck in his stomach so will have to see," she replied not looking too great.  

We both sat down waiting for a doctor to come out and tell us what has happened. The only thing that we had been told was that he was in surgery. I kept thinking that I can't live without him.  I sat watching Lucy colour something in. she then came up to me with it in her hand. 

"I drew this for Uncle Matt. Do you think he will like it," she asked looking up at me. 

"I think he will love it Bug," I told her with a smile. 

"When can we see Uncle Matt?" she asked looking a bit sad. 

"Look Bug. Uncle Matt was in a bad accident and he is not going to good. The doctors are with him now and they are going to make him all better. The important thing is that you keep him in your mind and pray that he gets better. Ok. Do you remember how to pray. Mummy taught you right," I told her. She gave me a nod. I picked her up and sat her on my lap and we prayed together. I was not religious but right now it was better than nothing.  

After sitting there for an hour the rest of the firehouse came in. Brett and I filled them in on what we knew. Lucy was able to hang out with them and they kept her entertained whilst Brett tried to keep me from going insane. 

After what felt like hours Dr Rhodes came out. I stood up walking over to him. 

"Surgery was successful. There was no sign of any spinal injury, there is slight swelling on the brain but that is expected to go down in a few days if not a few hours. He broke his leg in three different places and we were able to remove the metal from his stomach. There was no real damage from that apart from a puncture in the stomach," he told us 

"We will need to talk about his diet as he did have a punctured stomach. He will have to live with someone for at least the first six weeks of his recovery," he told me quietly.

"Thank you so much. Can he have visitors?" I asked him.

"He's not quite awake yet, he is still coming out from anesthesia but I'm sure he would like to wake up to some familiar faces. only three at a time though," he told us. I gave him a smile as he told us what room he is in. I then turn to Brett and she smiles and nods to me. 

"Alright, Lucy, grab your drawing, we're going to go see Uncle Matt. Do you want to grab Aunt Sylvie's hand," I asked her as we walked down to Matt's room. 

Walking in there was a nurse fixing the last of his IV's before leaving the room. We sit there for a bit before he starts to stir and wakes up. 

"Hey sleepy head," to that I got a laugh from all. Lucy found it the funniest and going as far as to say 'He's not a sleepy head'. 

"Hey," he says back his voice a little rough and course. Probably from being intubated during surgery. We sit and talk for a bit before Brett leaves.

"So what's the diagnosis doc," he asked with a slight chuckle. 

"You were in a car accident not 10 hours ago that could have killed you and you are laying here joking, unbelievable," I said shaking my head. 

"Ok, I'm sorry, but really what happened," he asked in a more serious tone. 

"Well there is no sign of spinal injury, you have some slight swelling on your brain which should clear up in the next couple of hours to a couple of days. You broke your leg in three places, which you got surgical screw placed in to hold it together, and they were able to remove the metal from your stomach. They only thing is the metal punctured your stomach so you will have a special diet. You also have to live with me for Six weeks," I told him with a smile coming to my face at the end. 

"With you, can't I just stay with Severide," he asked me. 

"No, you have to keep your wounds clean and what's wrong with staying with me?" I asked looking insulted. 

"I'm kidding. I'm looking forward to living with you and Lucy for a bit,"

"Speaking of Lucy, do you want to give Uncle Matt your Drawing?" I asked her turning to look at her. She nodded her head so I lifted her on to his bed. She gave him her drawing and told him about it. 

By a few hours later she was out like a light snuggled into his side. 

"I'm glad your ok Matt," I told him looking at him with a smile on my face. 

"Me too," he replied. I left over and gave him kiss and fell asleep holding his hand in mine and my head rested on the side of his bed. 

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