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Kat's P.O.V

After I got to my trailer and made myself a coffee. Despite me only doing 3 scenes I was exhausted, thank god we had a 10 minute break. As I sat down to sip my coffee I began to think about the sex scene, that wasn't Dom back there why couldn't we stop? I tried to think of something else but I shuddered as I thought more about it. "Gah! Stop it!" I said hitting my head a little trying to get it out of my head. A few minutes later there was a knock on my trailer which interrupted my thoughts thank god. I set my coffee down and got up to go and see who it was. I was surprised to see Luke standing on my doorstep. "Oh Luke hey come on in" I smiled and let him into my trailer. "Hey Kat" Luke said "hows it going?" I sat back at the table where I had put my coffee down and sighed a little "to be honest, not great." Luke sat next to me "what's up?" He asked. I looked at him "I'm just a little exhausted that's all those Clace scenes really took it out of me." Luke chuckled "ahh yes I heard about your oh so ever lasting sex scene and came to watch" he sighed and placed a hand on mine that was resting on the table "I know it must have been hard on you, both of you and I came to see if you were doing ok I passed Dominic on my way here, he seemed uneasy." I took a deep breath before sighing again "I'm fine it's just it was a new big change for me and." Luke nodded "I know say maybe you should talk to Dom about this maybe he's feeling what you're feeling too." I looked at him "yeah especially with Sarah I'm worried she's going to break up with Dom over it." Luke got up to make his leave "it will be fine Kat don't worry" he opened the door looking back at me "I'm glad you're ok I should go Tom needs me for something but I thought I'd pop in on the way to him." I smiled "thank you Luke," he smiled back "anytime good luck Kat" And with that he left. An hour later filming was over and we called it a day everything ran smoothly and Tom gave his ok for us all to get some rest. I was so tired and all I needed at this point was a good nights rest so I headed back to my trailer. On the way there I heard screaming and what seemed like arguing. Because I was curious I went to check it out and saw Sarah and Dom just by Dom's trailer. Not wanting to but still curious as to what was being said I decided to eavesdrop on them and ducked behind something but poked my head out and watched and listened.

Dom's P.O.V
It was late and Tom said we could call it a day. I yawned today was so long and literally all I wanted to do now was sleep. As I made my way back to my trailer I saw a small limo roll up. I was confused and watched as I saw someone get out of the car. I saw someone storming towards me, as I tried to see who it was because it was starting to get dark my eyes widened as Sarah stormed up to me and slapped me across the face "you son of a bitch!" I ow'ed in pain as I rubbed my cheek "Sarah? What are you doing here? And what the fuck was that for?!" I said rather annoyed. Sarah glared at me almost screaming "where is she?!" She yelled. I was confused "huh? Where's who?" I replied Sarah yelled again "you know exactly who I mean Dominic Sherwood! Katherine! Where is she?!" I rose I was a little taller than Sarah but only a little "what the hell are you talking about?! Why do you want Kat?!" Sarah kept yelling at me "Shadowhunters aired an hour ago and what do I see? That little bitch and slut all over you! Why the hell didn't you tell me there was a Clace Sex scene?! I would have NEVER agreed to that!." I clenched my fists telling back at her "how dare you!" I yelled "leave Kat out of this and alone you won't lay a fucking hand on her! And since when do I need to ask your permission? There was nothing I could do Sarah the scene was planned, I knew you'd be mad but if I knew you were gonna get on a private jet and get a limo all the way up here from LA and threaten Kat." Sarah moved me aside "this time she's gone too fucking far! Out of my way Dom!" She screamed as she shoved me aside. As I watched her leave I grabbed her arm "Sarah enough! Stop it let's talk about this." Suddenly I spotted Kat who was peeking out from her hiding place, I was shocked as I heard her try to speak "D-Dom I." Suddenly I saw Sarah turn her head to look in Kat's direction, fists clenched into a punch. "No!" I said holding Sarah back "that's enough Sarah!."

Kat's P.O.V
I gasped as I saw Dom look in my direction, they had spotted me I couldn't believe what I had heard. "D-Dom I" was all I managed to say before I noticed Sara had noticed me fists clenched into a punching position. I watched as Dom held her back "Sarah please listen it wasn't our fault we–" before I could finish Sarah ran at me. I didn't want to run and I didn't want to cower in fear either and I braced myself. "You're fucking dead bitch!" I heard her say, readying myself I prepared for the punch to my face but didn't feel anything. I looked up to see Dom standing in front of me gripping Sarah's fist that was aiming for me, I was shocked. Dom glared at her "back off Sarah! This isn't Kat's fault you're insane leave Kat alone!" I heard Sarah yell at him "oh so now you're choosing her over me!?" Dom's expressions turned to anger "I'm not on anyone's side but this has gone on far enough you're insane and a psycho and we're done!" As I watched Dom not moving a muscle I saw the others running over, I was somewhat relieved. "What's going on here?" Matt asked "what the hell? Sarah? What are you?" Alberto was confused. Sarah glared at me shoving Dom out of the way and punching me hard. I took the hit hard and fell to the ground caught off guard. Sarah stood over me about to aim again but Luke held her back by grabbing her arm "that's enough Sarah!" He yelled. Dom got up and ran to me in a panic "Kat!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me up as I struggled to stand. "I'll fucking kill her!" Sarah screamed as she tried lunging at me again but Luke held her back "Sarah calm down!" He said. Everyone was shocked Alberto looked surprised and Matt was shocked. Dom pulled me into his arms but I collapsed my vision blurring my eye was black from the blow and Sarah had also punched me near the head. Unable to hold on any longer I collapsed.

Dom's P.O.V
"Kat!" I caught her after she collapsed and carried her bridal style while holding her in my arms. Sarah was insane! I looked at Kat with panic and concern worried then looked at Sarah with anger in my eyes "what the fuck is your problem!? We're fucking done Sarah!" I yelled. I walked a little fast to her. "Bring it on Sherwood!" Sarah yelled back at me as she did the same. Matt held me back "woah hey easy!" He said, I glared at Sarah to only see that Luke had done the same and held her back too. I clenched my teeth barely able to speak from so much anger in my voice "I'll never forgive you for this Sarah!" Alberto looked at Sarah "I think it's time for you to go" he said as he and Luke shoved her out and got security guard back up to show her out. Sarah looked back at me "I swear to god Dominic you will regret this! I'll make you pay and her too! This won't be the last that you see of me." I sighed after Sarah left, I felt like an idiot! All this time and hate over Kat just because of jealousy I should had known by then that Sarah was bad news. I looked at Kat as she lay still in my arms, she didn't look so good at all. Matt looked at me "go take care of Kat, we got this we'll make sure she doesn't come near you again she's been escorted out of the building and banned from ever coming here and if she breaks or tries to pass those bans then she's looking at prison." I nodded to Matt giving my thanks before running off to my trailer crying Kat bridal style towards it.

Hey guys so sorry I haven't been on lately the WiFi turned off at my house and I've had to be without internet for the past week or so but I'm back now and I'll be updating more often, I'm sorry I updated anything I know that a lot of you guys have been excited for this next chapter and excitedly waiting for it so yeah see you next chapter :3.

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