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Dom's P.O.V
I stirred in my sleep a bit. It was quite early, about 5am a few hours later after Kat and I had quarrelled before she cried into my chest. I figured I must have fell asleep shortly after. I tried to fully focus my vision blurred a bit from the rough sleep and waking up early hours of the morning. As I began to see around me my vision finally focused, the trailer was dim but not entirely pitch black and it was still dark out. I shifted to lie down a bit as I was uncomfortable before noticing Kat laying beside me with her head on my chest. I blushed madly what? What's she doing here? Then I remembered what happened and sighed oh yeah, right. I gazed at Kat her ginger now almost blond hair fallen across her face. I was astonished, I never saw or watched Kat sleep before and she looked beautiful. I smiled and pushed her hair out of her face, my hand going behind her ear and to the back of her jawline. My thumb traced her cheek as I gazed at her. I sighed I'd hurt enough how could I demand her attention to speak to me and then just kiss her out of the ordinary, what was wrong with me?! I removed my hand before settling back down and pulling her close to me. I closed my eyes for a bit before dozing back off to sleep.
A few hours later I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the small digital clock hanging on the wall in Kat's living room. I looked at the clock, it read 10:30am. I groaned before rubbing my neck, it hurt from the awkward position I was laying in all night. Suddenly I heard heavy breathing, I looked over to see Kat waking up slowly. I tried to move but her face was so close to mine that my eyes were forced to look directly at her. I hear Kat make a sleeping moaning sound before she opened her eyes. Her eyes met mine and she blushed, not wanting it to be awkward I grinned sheepishly "um morning KitKat." Kat seemed to move back in surprise before hitting the back of the sofa and moving forward. I blushed madly as our lips weren't that far a part. Kat went red with embarrassment and anger "ugh get off!" She said pushing me off. I made a woah sound as she pushed me off. "Ow! Nice morning greeting" I said rubbing my head and glaring. Kat crossed her arms and turned away from me "it wasn't supposed to be a nice one!" She said. I looked up at her "ouch" I was offended. Kat gave a "Hmph" as a reply before ignoring me again. I slowly got up, sitting on the sofa next to her "Kat talk to me please." Kat moved over away from me "sorry? Did you say something?" I glared "alright that's it!" I said before turning her around to look at me. Kat looked shocked as I looked at her "I'm sick of us arguing so talk to me." Kat turned her head away "no way I'm not happy with you AT ALL." I grinned at her response "oh really? I thought you wasn't talking to me" I said. I watched as Kat looked at me her reaction changing "what? No- I wasn't ugh!" I chuckled and got closer "admit it, you want to talk to me, you can't help it because you know I'm cute." I teased her and watched her reaction as her face turned red with annoyance "yeah right I'd say I think you're an ass." I smirked at her "oh? That's strong words coming from someone who doesn't want to be near me I wasn't the one who fell asleep on my co star with their head resting on their chest now was I?"

Kat's P.O.V
I couldn't believe this, he was teasing me and it wasn't funny, I was annoyed and didn't want to speak to him. "oh? That's strong words coming from someone who doesn't want to be near me I wasn't the one who fell asleep on my co star with their head resting on their chest now was I?" I heard him say. I was shocked and blushed madly "w-what I-I ugh! Whatever!" Was my response before I turned away. I heard Dom sigh "Kat... I was joking, it's fine" I heard him say but I continued to ignore him. Dom grabbed my hand "look at me" he said. I refused ignoring everything he did. Dom got closer to me staring into my face. I still ignored him as he began to pull me in "stop it" I said "just go..." Dom made me look at him, I blushed we were so close and practically looking into each other's faces. Dom leaned in and so did I. I sighed "I can't do this Dom just leave my trailer" I said nervously. Dom hugged me tightly, his grip tightening around me but not too tightly that I couldn't breathe. Dom let me go after a few minutes and looked at me "I'm sorry..," was all he said before he got up and left. I sighed watching him go what's wrong with me?! I got up to make some breakfast before heading out, Emeraude and I were going shopping with Alisha for a girl day this afternoon and I promised to meet up with them.
After I was ready the 3 of us met up and walked down town. Emeraude was looking at Alisha "so Alisha you've been spending time with Matt lately huh?" I grinned "oh really?" I said. I heard her giggle "guys come on it's not like that Matt is a sweet guy and all but I'm more into Will if I'm honest" Alisha said. Emeraude and I chuckled a bit "yeah sure whatever you say Al" Emeraude said. I smiled but stayed silent until Alisha looked at me "what about you anyway Kat isn't there someone special in your life?" I was a confused I didn't have anyone in my life "what? Me? No of course not there's no one special in my life" I said. Emeraude "oh no she definitely does I swear her and Dom have something they've been hanging out quite a lot lately." I blushed before glaring at Emeraude "what!? No way! Dom and I are completely not talking to each other." Emeraude grinned "Yeah sure" she said, I looked at her "I'm dead serious!" I snapped. Emeraude and Alisha were both shocked, I sighed "I'm sorry." They looked at each other before looking back at me "why? what happened?" Emeraude asked. "Dom and I had a fight" I looked down. "what?!" Emeraude and Alisha said at the same time. I hesitated "it-it's no big deal!" I said. Emeraude and Alisha looked at me "what happened?" Alisha asked. As I explained and told them they both were shocked. "He said what!" Emeraude yelled. Alisha put a hand on Emeraude's shoulder  "Emeraude calm down" she said. Emeraude brushes her off "no! I will NOT calm down! How could he say that that son of a bitch!" I sighed "I knew I shouldn't of said anything..." Emeraude made me look at her "no I'm glad you did! I hope he apologised." Alisha came forward "um well you guys seemed fine when we filmed 3x22" she said. "Yeah because we had to get along for it but he's been constantly breaking into my trailer and bringing me flowers and trying to apologise." Both looked at me before their faces changed to surprised "awwww" I was shocked "um no not awwww I want nothing to do with him! Hmph" I said turning away. Emeraude smirked "flowers can only mean one thing, he likes you" She said, I was annoyed "um no he doesn't it was just a gesture and quite frankly I don't like him either" I crossed my arms. Alisha smiled "aww but honey you're both so cute together you were made for each other." I decided that I'd had enough talking about this and walked onwards "no no no more talking about this! This conversation is over" I said as I walked up town with the girls following behind me. There was no way I liked Dominic, not a chance... right?

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