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Kat's P.O.V
After a full day of shopping I went back to my trailer to pack a few things. There was a week left until we all left set. As I walked back to my trailer however one thing hadn't left my mind all day was what Emeraude had said about Dominic and I. I sighed, I was still mad at him how could there possibly be anything between us there was no way. As I approached my trailer I bumped into Luke. I was shocked "Luke I'm so sorry" I said apologetic. Luke smiled "no no it's fine it was my fault, how are you Katherine?" I offered a smile back "I'm good, what about you?" I asked. "I'm great" he said "say Kat I was wondering um if" he put his hand behind his head rubbing it nervously. I looked at him confused "if what?" He blushed a little "I was wondering as it's our last week together on set that maybe you'd like to go out for dinner tonight?" He asked. I looked away a little shy, I liked Luke he was mysterious and cool plus such a nice person. Ever since season 3 started we got to know each other when he was introduced into the cast to play the new Jonathan, we got to work together on several occasions as Clary and Jonathan had to interact with each other a lot and the both of us had lots of fun off set and we never really hung out much lately. I looked up at him and smiled "yes Luke, I'd love that I'd be delighted to." I watched as his face lit up before he calmed down and cleared his throat "ahem uhh great then it's a date I'll come find you at 7pm then see ya later Kat." I watched as he left and watched as I heard him say yes! And make a fist for the win. I laughed a little before entering my trailer before gasping to see Dom standing on my door steps. He had his arms crossed with a frown on his face. I glared at him "yes? What can I do for Mr Sherwood?" I asked. Dom glared back at me "first of all please Kat stop ignoring me I don't want to be this way with you." I rolled my eyes and made a pfft sound before letting him continue. "And secondly why are you going out with Luke for?" He asked me. I glared more "ok first of all no Dom I don't think so! We're done after what you said and did" I turned away "and second of all who I go out with or see or even date is none of your concern!" I crossed my arms and didn't look at Dom. I heard a sigh as I felt an arm reach for mine as I was pulled closer to Dom. I felt his arms wrap around my back as he began to hug me. Suddenly I felt a a thumping in my chest and my heart skipped a beat, what's wrong with me!?. I struggled against his strong grip "Dom let me go!"

Dom's P.O.V
I continued to hug Kat feeling her struggling against my grip but I was strong and held her keeping my arms wrapped around her. "Dom let me go!" I heard her say. I held Kat still keeping her close "no" I said. I kept hugging her until she finally gave up and wrapped her arms around me hugging me back "please can we stop fighting..." I said regretfully "it's not your fault." Kat looked let go of me and pulled away to look at me "what did you say?" She said. I sighed "I said that it's not your fault, none of it it's not your fault Sarah and I broke up and it's not your fault she beat you up... it's mine." I looked down as I began to tear up a little "it's all my fault and and I'm sorry I kissed you it was completely of me and against your will you didn't give me permission for that..." I said, tears now began to escape my eyes. Kat looked shocked "Dom I..." I looked at her and she gazed at me. I learned into her slowly, we were just inches a part from each other's lips. Kat sighed "Dom don't cry" she rested her hand on my cheek and I looked at her. "I forgive you but." I drew myself closer to her and placed my hand on the side of her face pulling her in. We both leaned in before Kat spoke "Dom you're a bit close so let's just do ourself a favour and" she paused before she leaned closer to me, our lips almost touching. Kat nervously closed her eyes "stop this, before we." She pulled away and sighed "I can't do this Dom I forgive you but just give me some time." That was all she said before she went inside her trailer and closed the door. I sighed why wouldn't she let me comfort her? Then again what the hell was that!? We almost kissed what's happening to me? Why do I feel this way around Kat? Of all people why Katherine?! I ughed in my temper before going to my trailer and sighing did I like Kat? No it couldn't be she's my best friend and go star I couldn't... could I?

Kat's P.O.V
I went inside my trailer and instantly panicked. "What the fuck just happened!?" I yelled at myself. My heart started to beat rapidly, Make it stop! I tried to call myself with breathing exercises and it worked thankfully. After calming down I couldn't believe what had just happened, was I falling for Dom? And I mean Dom now Dominic Sherwood the hottest most famous actor ever, no way! Pull it together Kat you need to get this weird feeling out of your head.
A few hours later I had fallen on the couch. I woke up before realising the time, Luke was coming to take me out! I was gonna be late! I looked at my clock it read 6:50pm. Shit! Luke would be here in 10 minutes and I wasn't even ready. I quickly picked out a dress and put on my make up. 10 minutes later I was finally ready and I heard a knock on my trailer door. Phew just in time, I went to answer it and opened the door. There on the doorstep stood Luke. He was dressed in a black tuxedo over a white shirt with a small bow tie attached. He wore black trousers and he looked very elegant. He smiled "hey Kaa-aah–" he said before pausing when he saw me he was speechless. He looked me up and down from head to toe "w-wow." I looked at myself in a mirror "oh god it's too much isn't it?" I said "oh no it's the make up I knew i added too much." Luke smiled "no you look amazing" I blushed a little and smiled "thanks you don't look so bad yourself Tiger you look very nice." We both blushed before he offered his hand out to me. "Shall we go?" He asked. I smiled and took his hand "yes." I locked my trailer behind me and left with Luke.
When we got a taxi up town we reached a beautiful restaurant. When we walked we went to the staff desk. "Good evening what can I do for you two this evening" the staff women asked us. "Hi yes reservation for two under the name Baines." I was surprised "you made a reservation already? But" I said before Luke winked at me "a man always has to be prepared" I blushed a little and smiled. "Hmm Baines Baines lets see Ahh here we are sir Baines table for two right this way" the women said before giving us menus and leading us to a table. Luke pulled my chair out for me and I sat down, he then put my chair in and sat down himself. The women smiled "I'll tell someone to be by in a while to take your orders" she said. Luke placed his menus down before looking up at her "thank you." After we were settled Luke and I got acquainted we learned a lot about each other for awhile before Luke turned to the menu. "So, what are you gonna have?" He asked I gazed at the menu "oh.. maybe I'll just have a small salad" I said. Luke placed his hand on mine on the table "are you sure Kat?" He asked "is something wrong? You don't seem yourself tonight." Suddenly a flashback of when Dom placed his hand on mine on the table. I sighed "Yeah I'm fine" I said "why do you ask?" Luke sighed "it's just you always have more of an appetite and you seem down tonight." I forced a smile but Luke was right I wasn't ok "it's nothing really I just have Dom on my mind that's all you see we've been having a fight lately and ever since he's been trying to make things up we–" I stopped myself "never mind I'm probably just being stupid that's all." I smiled at Luke "I'll be fine." He smiles back at me "alright" he said.
All night I couldn't stop thinking about Dom since I mentioned him. The date went well but Luke kept noticing me upset. After we'd finished and we split the bill between us we got a taxi back to set. Luke walked me back to my trailer once we got back. I smiled "thank you for tonight Luke" I said. Luke smiled back at me "you're most welcome." Like leaned forward and kissed me lightly. I hesitantly kissed him back before he pulled away from me. I sighed and he seemed to notice "Kat I had fun tonight and it's been a lovely evening but." I was shocked "Luke I'm sorry I just–" I said before he interrupted me "no I get it" he said before placing a hand to rest on the side of my face "you like Dominic." I was shocked "w-what" Luke chuckled "oh come on Kat I'm not a fool" he said "I see the way you look at him and I wouldn't be surprised if he was looking at you in the same way." I was taken back and sighed "but Luke." He smiled and reached down to lightly kiss my hand "it's alright, I'll be fine you deserve to be happy" I looked at him and he nodded "go! Go and find Dominic." I smiled and hugged Luke tightly, he was right I liked Dom even if Luke liked me I had feelings for Dom, all the signs were true and were towards me feeling something. Luke hugged me tightly before I let go "thank you so much Luke but will you be ok?" I asked. Luke chuckled "pfft me? Of course I'm a Ryder, a lone wolf and besides all I care about is your happiness." I watched as Luke left I could tell he was a little sad but his words touched me and so without thinking or even looking to get changed I ran to Dom's trailer.

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