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Dom's P.O.V
I sighed as I lay in my trailer on my bed. We had just wrapped up Shadowhunters yesterday and recorded a message for all our fans in the Shadowhunter Dojo saying goodbye it was a sad and emotional experience but we got through it. We were allowed to stay on set for a few more weeks before we all went back to our regular lives or move on and do something new, I was sad as I didn't want to leave such wonderful friends and co stars. It had been a little more than 3 days since Kat and I had our argument, she wouldn't talk to me. I had tried on several occasions to apologise, sneak into her trailer and beg her to forgive me heck! I even bought her flowers to say sorry. But each time I would always get the same answer which was "get the hell away from me!" I was depressed, I never meant to to hurt Kat, Maybe I was just still upset over Sarah after all she wasn't the person I thought she was. As I got up from my bed I felt the emotion loom over me. I sniffed as tears began to fall from my eyes and slowly make their way down my cheeks. This was all my fault Kat had been nothing but an angel and I'd just been an asshole. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door "come in!" I said. I looked up to see Matt entering my trailer "hey Dom, what's up?" He said. I looked at him in tears, Matt looked shocked "Dom? Why are you crying?" He asked. I wiped the tears from my eyes "what? I'm not crying" I looked down "I just have something in my eye." Matt crosses his arms "Yeah right, something is up and I'm not leaving till you tell me." I sighed typical Matt he was always the stubborn type even off set. I sighed "it's... Kat" I said on the verge of crying again. Matt looked at me "what? I thought you guys were getting along great Alberto told me you all went for a day trip 3 days ago." I looked down shamefully "it's my fault Matthew she seemed so happy but then I had to go and mess things up!" Matt came over and sat next to me "what did you do Sherwood?" He asked, he raised his eyebrows at me. "I lashed out at her Matt I told her that my relationship was all her fault and that if it wasn't for her I'd still have it." Matthew looked taken back "ouch" he made a bummed out face "yikes, how did she take it?" I started to cry again emotion in my voice "she screamed at me, she said every minute of every time on set she didn't want to do, that she regretted it and didn't want to act as Clary with me as Jace on set." Matthew hugged me tight "hey, hey don't cry men don't cry Dominic" he said. I rolled my eyes at him after wiping my tears away "shut up" was all I said before falling silent before speaking again. "She won't even talked to me I've tried everything Matthew I tried apologising, I've tried sneaking into her trailer, I've even got her flowers but she gave me the same answer which was either get the hell out of my face or get out." I sighed I don't know why I was feeling like this Kat and I were just friends we would make it right? So why was I so worried and upset over a stupid argument. Matt put a hand on my shoulder "hey listen" I looked at him and he continued "if you really want to make things right then demand to see her! Don't leave until she hears what you have to say." I was a little confused at Matthew's response not expecting that but but decided to take it and I hugged him "thank you Matt" I said. Matt hugged me back "you're welcome Dom" he let me go and got up to leave "and failing that if all else fails then just give Kat some time, I'm sure she'll come around." After Matt left I decided that he was probably right and picked myself up and went over to Kat's trailer.

Kat's P.O.V
Everything was a mess for 3 days I sat in my trailer crying my eyes out. I didn't know why either Dom was nothing to me anymore so why was I crying over him? I continued to cry more, for the past 2 days Dominic had been constantly trying to apologise to me or sneaking into my trailer and begging me to forgive him, even giving me flowers to try and resolve things but I mostly yelled at him and told him to get out or that I wanted nothing more to do with him. We agreed to work small things out in time to do the finale that we ended yesterday but after that Dom tried to grab me and not let me go but I turned away from him telling him not to bother and ran off to my trailer. We were here another few weeks before we all left which made me even more depressed, I was leaving the only friends and set family I ever knew. But it was already done Tom and the others had sold the set and props and it was the end of the road. I kept crying things were so messed up right now that I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. Suddenly I heard a knock on my trailer door "Kat let me in!" It was Dom. I got up and blocked the door with a few things "go away!" I yelled. Dom continued to bang "Kat please! You can't do this don't leave us like this. I walked over to the door and put my body against it crying as I spoke "you're the one that left us like this! You made your choice Dominic!." I continued to cry "please just go away..." I said. Dom leaned against the door "let me in Katherine please!" I could hear what sounded like sadness, was that Dom? Was he crying. I listened not answering, it felt quiet for about a minute before he spoke again "Kat let me come in I'm sorry please I don't want our friendship to end or with us parting ways like this" he said. I heard him cry and didn't respond. A few more minutes went on and I didn't hear anything, I figured Dom had just given up and left but then I heard a crash and turned around to find Dom on the ground and my window open. I groaned in annoyance I was so careless I can't believe I didn't close that. "Get the hell out and away from me Dom!" I yelled. Dom looked at me in tears "no! You're not gonna just push me away!" I heard him snap. I was shocked but moved to the other side of the room. Dom followed me "get out!" I screamed as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Kat..." I heard him say but I wouldn't let him in. I left to my bedroom heading for the door. Before I could get there Dom pinned me against the wall and wouldn't let me go. He looked at me "don't run from me!" He yelled "that's all you ever do! I'm sick and tired of it!" I was taken back as I cried even more and Dom seemed to notice and placed a hand on the side of my face. "Stop it! Let me go" I said, I ignored him resisting it but his eyes followed wherever I looked taking me off guard. I eventually gave up as my eyes met his gaze.

Dom's P.O.V
I looked at her "Kat I'm sorry I don't care about Sarah just please let me explain I was mad and–" Kat interrupted me before I could say anymore "and I'm done with you!" She said "as soon as I'm packed in 2 weeks I'm leaving for LA and you can't stop me!." I got closer to her "oh yes I can you're not going anywhere until we fix what I broke" I was serious as I looked straight in her eyes. Kat blushed and so did I, maybe I was a little too close to her. I backed my face away to give her some space as I looked at her. Kat glared at me before snapping again "you think you're really all that don't you! You say you regret our time together and then you go right back to–" I interrupted her "shut up!" Was all I said before sighing and breaking in tears "just... shut up." Kat looked shocked and looked at me I was still crying and touched her face with my hand. "Dom I..." was all Kat said before continuing "I can't do this." She tried to go but this time I wouldn't let her and kept her against the wall. I made her look into my eyes, watching as tears ran down her face "no..." I said "I won't lose you again, I can't bare seeing you like this Kat." I sighed "I'm sorry but I'm doing this for your own good you've been too sad lately and I want to help." I cut Kat off not being about to hold back anymore, leaning forward I slowly pressed my lips against hers kissing her. All the pain seemed to fade away as Kat's eyes widened but she soon kissed me back. I kept her pinned against the wall kissing her more roughly, she seemed to notice and kissed me back harder. Her lips pressed harder on mine as I tried to process what was happening she tasted so good and yet I couldn't stop. Kat and I had kissed a lot of times on set but it was just for our Clace scenes we never did it this passionately before. I couldn't control myself as I continued to make out with Kat, pressing my body against hers. Kat seemed to make a noise before my lips traced off hers for a sec "D-Dom stop" I heard her say. I immediately panicked and stopped what I was doing before backing away from Kat and giving her some space. Kat looked shocked "Dom what the hell is wrong with you!?" She said speaking angrily. I hesitated "Kat I.. I'm sorry I-I don't know what came over me I just..." I sighed "I just wanted to make you happy... ." Kat looked at me "well I'm NOT happy! In case you didn't already notice" she said "just stay the hell away from me you shouldn't of kissed me!" I was shocked before snapping back at her "me?! It wasn't ALL me at fault!" I yelled "you had no problem kissing me back just as hard as I was kissing you." Kat walked over to me and slapped me across the face "you son of a bitch! What was I supposed to do you wouldn't stop!" I winced from the pain when she had slapped me, my cheek stung from the hit. I sighed "you're right..." I said admitting it "that was insensitive of me... and I'm sorry." I heard no response so I turned to see Kat crying on the sofa. I sighed and walked over to her pulling her into a full embrace and cuddling her. Kat struggled against my grip "let go of me!" I heard her say but I continued to comfort her as she eventually cried into my chest "are you upset about me kissing you?" I asked "that's it huh?... ." Kat was crying into my chest and looked up at me "no.. it's not that's it's us and leaving this set, it's killing me!" I hugged her tightly bringing her to my chest "please don't cry it's not the end I'm always gonna be here for you." I continued to comfort her that night and we made up at least I think, we didn't speak but I wasn't 100% sure if we made up and before I knew it I had fell asleep.

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