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Dom's P.O.V
I sat up in bed, hours had passed since we both got here. Emeraude has visited me a few times in the last few hours. I called her after getting some rest I explained what happened and she came rushing to the hospital straight away. Emeraude was so frantic that she almost passed out but nevertheless she was good company and helped me recover. But still how could I have let all this happen? I blamed myself for all I knew Kat could be dead and I could have been too. I wondered who had been driving the car could it maybe be Sarah? No! That was crazy talk Sarah was insane but she wasn't that insane. I groaned slamming my head into a pillow groaning, I was depressed worried, angry and the only thing I wanted to do was get out of this bed and go to save Katherine. I signed as finally the nurse came in, I had been waiting hours for her to arrive with news about Kat. I looked over at her "Nurse please I need to leave to see Katherine am I any better? Also do you know anything at all about my girlfriends condition?" I asked frantically. The nurse shook her head at her clipboard then looked at me. "Calm down Mr Sherwood" she replied "I have some information for you." I was shocked "what? What is it? Is she ok?" The nurse frown "we're not sure Kat took a massive hit during the accident and we strongly believe that she may have broken a few ribs but we don't think it will be life threatening" she said. Both Emeraude and I breathed a sign of relief relieved that Kat was alright. "It may take some time for her to get over it and for her to recover but she is alive and with rest she will be able to recover, she's stable now and has woken up but we're monitoring her" the nurse said. I smiled a little, thank goodness Kat was ok "c-can I see her?" I asked afraid of the answer. The nurse nodded "yes, she has also asked for you already and asked about you she's just as worried about you as you are of her Mr Sherwood." I smiled a little, happy that Kat was fine I nodded my thanks before the nurse left. Emeraude looked at me "just wait until you feel a little more better first you need to rest too I will go and visit her and let her know that you're ok." I sighed but had determination on my face, that was before seeing Emeraude's dark glare I didn't want to rest but her glare always scared the shits out of me. "Ok ok" I said finally giving up "but only because I need it" Emeraude smirked "good." A few hours later I felt better and I got the chance to get up and walk around. Emeraude had already left after checking Kat and informed me that Kat looked well. After having spent another hour visiting me she left, promising to visit again as soon as she could. I was now allowed to finally walk around. After getting clearance with the doctors but I was still stuck here as they wanted to monitor me and check that I recovered quickly. The doctors said I could leave my room as long as I didn't overdo it or try to run before I could walk. As I walked around I decided to go to see Kat. Before I could leave my room however I heard a phone that was in my hospital room ring. I quickly walked over to it and picked it up, I said hello through the phone hoping it would be the nurse or maybe even Matt but I was greeted with a low pitched voice instead. "Pity it seems that you were able to escape my little execution this time Dominic" the low voice spoke. My heart dropped as I heard the voice, I thought back remembering the unknown texts that I had gotten from the unknown number before my date with Kat. I froze in fear after realising this before answering the person back in a threatening tone "it's you isn't it? The unknown person who texted me! What do you want with us? Leave me and Kat alone!" I said angrily from the phone. I heard the voice chuckle from the other side "how sweet that's a cute threat Sherwood but blocking my number and trying to get me to back off isn't going to work" it said still in a low pitched voice. I gritted my teeth before growing angrier "who the hell are you and what do you want!?" I was shaking before hearing a low pitched laugh "oh Dominic I would love to tell you but that would spoil my second surprise, the car accident was merely a simple test in my plan next time things won't be so easy!" The voice snapped. I was growing impatient now as I clenched my fists, still holding the phone to my ear. "I know it's you Sarah!" I yelled angrily "I'll call the police!" I was getting scared now this HAD to be Sarah, it only made sense after all she was furious and she hated Kat and also now me too because of the break up. I heard the voice laugh again "so predictable, news flash Dominic this is not Sarah so nice try also call the police and your precious Katherine shall die!" I was shocked, almost dropping the phone "you'd better watch your back Sherwood!" The voice threatened before continuing "my little game has just begun" I gasped before hearing a low pitched laugh before the line was cut and the phone was finally hung up. I started to panic before trying to calm down. I searched the room for my phone before finding it. I looked at the Lock Screen and was shocked when I saw that I had 1 new message pop up from an unknown number. I quickly opened my phone to view it before reading it. "You cannot escape Dom like I said... my little game is just beginning" it read with both a laughing and devil emoji at the end of the sentence. I panicked before blocking the new number and called Matthew in a panic. I waited for an answer as the ringing sound lasted for a few minutes until he picked. "Dom thank god!" Matt said worriedly "I heard about what happened to you and Kat, Emeraude called me 15 minutes ago I would have rang you sooner but I had a few contracts to make up are you both ok?" I relaxed when Matt had answered. "We're fine we were taken to the hospital and we'll pull through" I replied "and that's ok but listen it happened again!" I panicked a little before Matt answered "thank god and what do you mean it happened again? What did?" I paced the room in worry as I began to explain the situation. "You remember that unknown number that texted me before my date with Kat?" I asked. "Yeah?" Matt replied "well it just called me!" I said in panic. Matt sounded concerned before he asked "what? What do you mean it just called you? It called you on your phone?" I shook my head as I began to walk back and forth the room "no not on my phone on the hospital phone in my room, they were using a voice changer so I couldn't tell who it was because their voice was low pitched but they told me they were behind the car accident." I think Matt could tell at this point that I was panicking because I sounded like I was. "Woah easy hey calm down it will be ok just call the police and tell them what you've told me" Matt said. "I can't whoever it was they threatened me they said if I went to the police then they'd harm Kat or do something to Kat, I think it's Sarah" I tried taking deep breaths but pacing seemed to help a little. Matt tried to be reassuring as he made me calm down "look it will be ok just be careful and trust no one! Unless it's people that you know like us." I nodded as I listened to Matt's words "they said for me to watch my back and texted me after they hung up on me saying that their little game had just begun after that I blocked their number again, who the hell is doing this?!" I was really annoyed now and worried too. Matt consoled me again "I'm not sure but stay alert, you could be in danger it's say call the police but this person may strike again, if they can hit you both with a car then god knows what else they're capable of" Matt said. I agreed whoever this person was they were dangerous and I knew that I had to protect Kat. I sat back on my bed before continuing to talk to Matt "exactly and I'm not taking any chances after this, I have to go but I'll talk to you later." I heard Matt slump down onto something before answering me again "alright please be careful whoever this is maybe they'll give up and it's just some prank thing" he said. "Yeah but I don't think so and I will I'm going to see Katherine in a second so hopefully she'll be fine and not in a bad state I'm really worried about her" I sighed before hearing Matt reply "no problem I'll visit you two as soon as I can stay safe and stay alert bye." "Bye" I said after nodding maybe Matt was right and this was just a prank, still I wasn't going to take any chances and decided to keep my phone on me incase I needed to phone the police. I slowly got up to leave my room, I'd gotten directions for Kat's room from the nurse and so I walked to her room praying that she felt better too.

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