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Dom's P.O.V
I carried Kat back to my trailer. I couldn't believe what Sarah had done this was too far. Once we got inside I set her down and lay her on the sofa. I desperately got some warm water and started to bathe her face that was covered in some bruises and cuts and was dirty from when Sarah hit her to the ground. If I didn't sort her face she would have had an infection and me being a caring person didn't want that to happen. As I bathed her face with a wet warm cloth I looked down at Kat who was still unconscious and knocked out. I sighed "Kate I'm so sorry" I said "this is all my fault I shouldn't have put you through this!" I was mad at myself even though it was Sarah's fault. I heard a cough and watched as Kat opened her eyes "ugh god what happened?" She said as she got up "ow." I quickly lay her back down "hey no careful, try not to move a lot." I sat beside her as she looked up at me "Dominic?" She asked confused, I nodded "I'm here" she slowly sat up "what happened?" Late asked in question. I sighed "Sarah beat you up pretty bad Kat." Kat looked down "Oh... wait! What time is it?" She was shocked. I looked at my watch "7:30pm" I replied. Kat gasped "crap were supposed to shoot a scene tonight with Clary and Jonathon! I'm gonna be late I have to get to set to meet Luke." She got up quickly before wincing in pain. "No!" I said laying her back down "you're not in condition to go anywhere Kat." Kat glared at me "and you're not my dad Dom so move!" She pushed me aside but because of the reflexes I had learned on set to use while playing Jace I quickly pinned her back down again to the sofa. I blushed when I realised I was on top of her and she winced at the force of pressure on her injured back. I looked into her eyes "I can reschedule" I said to her "you're in no condition to go on set like this."

Kat's P.O.V
I pushed Dom aside but found myself quickly being pinned back down to the sofa. I was shocked and winced from the pain in my back the pressure hurt like hell. I looked up to notice that Dom was on top of me and blushed and so did he. He looked into my eyes and I still blushed nervously "I can reschedule" Dom said "you're in no condition to go on set like this." I sighed finally giving in "fine." I said finally giving in. I pouted like a child and crossed my arms. I heard a loud chuckle from Dom as he let me go. I got up a little bit glaring at him "oh you think it's funny?" I said annoyed. Dom laughed a little "Oh it totally is" he continued to laugh which only made me more annoyed. While he was distracted I moved both my legs out and took over the sofa pushing him off. "Haha woa- aah!" Was all I heard as Dom fell off the Sofa. I held back a laugh and giggled and failing miserably I laughed a little. Dom looked up at me and glared "ha. Ha. Very funny" he said before getting up and sitting on the sofa next to me. He smiled at me "I've waited all this time for you to smile and finally it happens" he said. I smiled back at him before hugging him tightly. He seemed hesitant for a moment before he hugged me back. Dom let me go "are you hurting? Do you want me to check your back." I blushed "uhh I think I got it I'll be right back" I said getting up slowly to walk to Dom's bathroom to check my back in the mirror. I rolled up my t-shirt from the back to check my back, it wasn't anything too serious just a few bruises. I relaxed knowing it wasn't serious before rolling my top back down and going back to Dom. I sat next to him "it's fine it's just a few bruises" I said. Dom looked at me and brought me close to him "umm Dom? What are you doing?" I was confused. Dom looked at me in all seriousness "I swear this will never happen to you again do you hear me?" He said. I was taken back "Dom it's fine I'm ok" I moved away a bit "after all you can't do anything without your Clary can you?" Dom sighed "Kat..." he moved closer to me taking one of my hands in his own "you're more than just my Clary, you're far more than that to me" he said "you're my best friend." I smiled and moved close to him " oh come on we will always be best friends Dom nothings gonna change that."

Dom's P.O.V
I hugged her I was so glad that she was ok and that this didn't cause a rift in our friendship. I hugged her tightly and I stayed with Kat until she felt better and ready to move again.
Later we decided to go and grab a bite to eat up town so we went to a small cafe. After ordering what we wanted Kat looked at me "do what's gonna happen with you and Sarah now?" She asked. I sighed "Nothing we're done and it's good I say riddance she tried to hurt you for no reason Kat." Kat looked down "I'm so sorry... maybe I should have stayed away from you." I grew angry, how could she blame herself for something Sarah did Sarah was in the wrong not her and therefore she had nothing to be sorry for, if anyone should be apologising then it should be Sarah. "No Kat, Stop it! None of it is your fault I have a right to hangout with close friends especially my best friends." I placed my hand on her hand on the table and looked into her eyes "you have NOTHING to be sorry for." Kat smiled and gazed back into my eyes. I blushed a little before the waiter interrupted us "your food sir and madam." I looked up at her "oh thank you" I said, she nodded "no problem" and left. Kat and I ate our food before later heading back. We spent the whole day together, it was so much fun. Later we walked back under the stars together. Kat laughed "no way come on there's no way Will Tuder had a thing for Emeraude on set." I chuckled "I'm telling you the whole time they did scenes where Sebastian was supposed to take care of her they were digging on each other" I said Kat giggled "you are such a fan shipper there is no way Dom." We both laughed before stopping to look up at the stars.

Kat's P.O.V
We gazed up at the stars. "They're so beautiful tonight" I said gasping at how bright they shone above us. "Yeah just like yo-" Dom said but I heard him cough before he could finish "just like yo how do they get this pretty?" I looked at him giggling a bit "umm are you feeling ok?" I asked. Dom cleared his throat "Yeah never better Kit Kat." I laughed a little "so you think I'm pretty huh?" I teased. I watched as his reaction changed "what? No! I mean yes! You're not ugly but I didn't mean I–" I cut him off being unable to control myself as I laughed "Dom you idiot I'm just kidding Rune Boy." We both laughed as we sat down on a nearby patch of grass for a bit to gaze up at the stars . "You know some say you can spot constellations in the stars" Dom smiles at me "what do you see?" I thought for a moment as I looked carefully and closely at the stars, I spotted a pattern. "There" I pointed to what I was looking at "I see a cat." We both looked at each other after Dom knew exactly what it reminded us off "Church from the books!" We both said at the same time. "Exactly" I said. We sat on the grass for a while gazing at the stars until I started to get cold. I shivered a little from the cold breeze. Dom looked at me concerned "Kat? Are you cold?" Dom asked. I moved my arms from being crossed over my chest, I didn't want to be a bother to Dom. "N-no it's ok I'm fine" I shivered, I was freezing my skin off it was clearly a lie but it wasn't Dom's job to take care of me. Dom looked at me "you're lying here take my jacket Kat you look freezing" he said taking off his jacket and handing it to me. I pushed it back to him "no Dom I'm fine really" I said. He glared at me "Kat you are not refusing my jacket" I suddenly felt him wrap his jacket around me. I blushed a little "you're the stubbornest person I've ever known" I said giggling a bit. He smiled "says the person who wouldn't admit she was cold because she doesn't want her best friends warmth." I smiled "fair point but whatever let's head back." As we left I still shivered all the way back and Dom seemed to notice. Dom stopped us and looked at me "maybe we should have called a cab" he said, I sighed "sorry." Dom looked at me "don't you dare apologise we didn't know it would be this cold Kit Kat." I managed a small smile but it all soon changed when I felt Dom wrap his arms around me and bring me close. I blushed "D-Dom?" Was all I managed to say before he spoke. "You're fine" Dom smiled at me "I just don't want you to be cold or catch a cold." I smiled back staying close to him as we walked back to set. Once we got there Dom walked me to my trailer. ""Thanks for today" I said turning to look at him "I really needed it." Dom winked at me "no problem I'm glad it cheered you up. I blushed before handing him back his jacket and then reached for my trailers door handle. "good night Dom, see you tomorrow on set?" Dom smiled and took the jacket before giving me a quick hug. I hugged him back and grinned "definitely I'm looking forward to another sex scene" he chuckled, he was clearly joking. I frowned "Yeah you wish in your dreams Sherwood, never again" I laughed a little before heading into my trailer. Dom smiled "I couldn't agree more night Kat. I watched as he left back to his trailer.

Good lord how did this chapter get so long? XD anyways I'm sorry it took so long to update this I've been so busy with life and stuff but I hope you enjoyed it guys see you next chapter :3.

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