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Dom's P.O.V
A few hours later I had left Kat's trailer. I sat in my own trailer thinking of how to ask her on a date when I got a text. I looked at my phone and smiled the lock screen read "1 new message from KitKat" I smiled and read it "hey handsome what you doing?" I smiled after reading it and began typing "you just saw me 2 hours ago really Kat you could just come over here and see me but anyways nothing much really" I sent the message once I was done typing I put a smirk emoji at the end and sent it then waited. A few minutes later my phone beeped, I picked it up and read the message "Oh is that a challenge Sherwood keep that up and I might just come over there and see you alright" I blushed a little at that and smirked before sending another text "I dare ya" I texted back with a wink face emoji and then typed another message "hey listen I was wondering, are you free tomorrow night?" I sent both messages and waited before I heard my phone beep again. I checked the phone to find a kiss face emoji and then a reply to my second message "yeah I'm not doing anything really, why?" I read it before typing again "great how would you like to go on a date with me? There's this new restaurant just up town and I heard it's the perfect romantic setting" I smiled as I sent the text through to Kat, I hope she says yes. A few minutes later I got a reply and read it "awww Dom that's sooo cute I'd love to go out to dinner with you of course it sounds romantic." I beamed at reading the text happily before texting back "that's great KitKat how about I pick you up from your trailer at 8pm?" I sent the message to Kat and a few minutes later my phone beeped. I picked it up to read the text "sounds good, can't wait I'll go buy a dress" I smiled reading her text, it had love heart emoji's on the end, I sent her a few love heart emoji's before closing my phone and heading out to buy a few things.
A few hours later I returned exhausted. It was dark when I got back and I collapsed onto my couch "god I hate shopping!" I said groaning, I took some time to relax before I heard my phone beep, it must be Kat. I quickly grabbed my phone to looked at the screen but the contact on the screen wasn't Kat instead it said 1 new message from Unknown I was confused and opened it up but what I read shocked me. I looked at the text "This isn't over! You'll regret what you have done watch your back and your girlfriend too I'm watching you!" I dropped my phone in shock unable to process it proper this for sure wasn't Kat. Thinking it was some sick prank I quickly dialled his number and called Matt. I listened to the ringing for about a minute until finally Matt picked up. "Hello, Dom?" I heard Matt say. I spoke normal trying to keep calm so Matt wouldn't worry. "Hey ok Matt the games up you can't fool me with this prank." Matt seemed confused "huh? What are you talking about Dominic what prank?" He said. I frowned "don't play dumb and clueless with me that's seriously not funny" I replied. Matt spoke again "what's not funny? I have no clue what you're talking about?" I put Matt on speaker phone and went to open up the text. I cleared my throat "ahem" I said announcing to read it aloud "This isn't over you'll regret what you have done watch your back and your girlfriend too I'm watching you." Matt was shocked "what the fuck Dom I never sent you that text I swear send it to me!" He said. I rolled my eyes before taking a screenshot and sending it to him. A few seconds later Matt replied to me "what the hell Dom!? That wasn't me I swear to god that's a threat someone's threatening you." I sighed "look Matthew I'm sorry if I disturbed you so late but did you just send me that message from an unknown number pranking me? If so then that's not funny." I hoped Matt would say yes even though he just denied it so that I could put the phone down and not worry. "Of course not you idiot! Maybe I'd send you something like "you're late for set" when you're not on set in the first place as a prank but I would NEVER send you anything like that, that's a threat Dominic." I started to panic a little if Matt didn't send it then who did? "Matt please say you sent it this is a huge worry for me if you didn't" I said a little panicked. "Matt spoke up trying to calm me down "I swear to god Dom it wasn't me I wouldn't mess around like that as I just said I wouldn't send anything like that as a prank." I was shocked "shit! Then what should I do?" I asked. Suddenly I heard my phone ding again, I picked it up and looked on the screen, it was the unknown number again I gasped both scared and annoyed "Matt they just texted me again please tell me that was you!" Matt ugh'ed through the phone "ugh no what the hell it wasn't how can I text you anyway? I have the freaking phone to my ear, wait what did it say?" I looked at the text reading it aloud to Matt "You can't escape, I have eyes everywhere like I said handsome watch your back!" I panicked "Matt what do I do?! Who's texting me?!?" I was panicking now. Matt tried calming me down "stay where you are I'm coming over there" he said and with that the call ended. 3 minutes later there was a knock on my door, I answered and on the doorstep stood Matt. I quickly let him in and locked the door. "When did this happen?" Matt questioned me I looked at him and showed him the texts "I have no idea but whoever it is I think they want to harm me and Kat." Matt took my phone of out my hand and began tapping on the screen "what are you doing?" I asked. He continued typing "blocking the number, it's probably just some asshole trying to mess with you or prank you." I sighed "yeah maybe but I'm still worried so." Matt smiled "don't worry it will be ok a crazy person who threatens you over text doesn't have the guts to do anything." I chuckled "you're probably right anyways I should probably get some rest." Matt gave me a thumbs up "no problem see ya later Dom" he said and with that he left.

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