Chapter 4: Jealous Much?

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The Boyz had learned about half of the "Call Me Baby" choreography to this point, and both Haknyeon and Q had realized it was time to start taking things a lot more seriously. They began to discuss positions and giving out parts to the members. They wanted this routine to be perfect, even better than "Rumor". They had to impress and it was all because of the new performance they had coming up.

"So it's crunch time boys and gays. In about two weeks we're performing at Cre.Ker High's "Arts and Performance" Showcase. This is super important because we need to impress the school and recruit members for next year," Haknyeon announced.

"And for my fellow seniors, there are going to be entertainment officials and admissions counselors scouting to recruit students into entertainment agencies and some of the best colleges for the arts!" Changmin excitedly said.

The Boyz realized how important this performance was, for everyone, and their captains only tried to increase their sense of urgency and motivation to do well.

"At the event, we will be having Q start us off with a solo stage because it'll be his final year with us before graduating and he's a, he's like the best dancer here." Everyone laughed in agreement causing Q to blush a little.

"Then we will be doing "Call Me Baby". So let's see the choreography again so we can start deciding on positions and parts."

After watching the group run through the choreography together one more time, Changmin and Haknyeon discussed who should get what part, and the positions of the song, before announcing their decisions to the group.

"Juyeon will start off the song. He's tall, charismatic and does the moves at the part really well," Haknyeon and Changmin announced.

"Me, Haknyeon and Hyunjae will do the first chorus, along with Sangyeon and Hwall," Q stated.

The two captains continued assigning parts until they got to the third and final chorus.

"We haven't learned the choreography to this part, but it's important because it's the last chorus. They have to maintain the audience's excitement, keep the attention, and blow them out of the water. The person should be handsome and a good danc--"

"Younghoon should do it!" Changmin suddenly cried out.

"He's not even here though Changmin," Haknyeon responded.

"He's perfect for the part trust me!" Q argued.

"He hasn't even been to the past three practices. We don't even know how good he'll be at the choreography...he clearly doesn't care about the gr--" Chanhee said.

"Don't say that!" Changmin fiercely interrupted. He and Younghoon had basically practiced almost every day after school, and they were naturally getting closer, but Younghoon still didn't really talk to anyone at practice and didn't really see Changmin unless they practiced together. Everyone thought he was cold-hearted, but through one-on-one practices, Changmin was able to see past his cold front and could tell Younghoon had a softer side to him. Changmin was always so encouraging and motivating towards Younghoon, the older had never met anyone like him.

"You don't know anything about him! I'm practicing with him tonight! I'll teach him the part and make sure he's perfect! He's a good dancer and handsome...he's exactly what we need!" he added.

"He has a point. I think Younghoon should get the part too. So Younghoon will have the last part!" Haknyeon announced.

Changmin smiled at the announcement, knowing it was the best decision.

After practice, the members starting packing up and leaving the practice room. Chanhee approached Q, a concerned look painting his face.

"So you practice with Younghoon after school and suddenly you're his biggest fan?" he snarkily remarked.

"What are you talking about?" Q questioned.

"You barely know the guy and you're up his buttcrack! All you do is talk about him and lately, you've been spending a hell of a lot more time with him over me and Yunjin!" Admittedly Q had been spending a lot of time with Younghoon, and was loving it, but he didn't tell Chanhee he had a crush on him.

"I'm the co-captain! It's my job! Younghoon is still part of this group!"

"Yeah, well I wish he wasn't. He's stealing my best friend," Chanhee bitterly said before storming off away from Q.

Changmin rolled his eyes, calling out his best friend's name, annoyed at this dramatic antics. Chanhee is the jealous type, but if he knew Q had a crush on Younghoon he wouldn't shut up about it. It was one of Chanhee's flaws...he gets jealous too easily. "He'll get over it," Changmin thought, before stretching as he waited for Younghoon, a smile forming on his lips just thinking of the older.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now