Chapter 9: A Date?

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The next day Changmin woke up from a deep, peaceful sleep. He stretched his body out, only to realize, he was alone. He pouted seeing that Younghoon was no longer next to him, and felt sad. He began to think that he had messed things up, and last night gave him hope that maybe he didn't, but now that Younghoon wasn't next to him, maybe he was right. Changmin ran downstairs feeling upset and entered the kitchen to get some breakfast where he was met with his mother and surprisingly, Younghoon, who were talking to one another.

"You're still here!" Changmin cried out in happiness, practically sprinting to Younghoon.

"Oh good morning dear. Yes, Younghoon woke up before you and came down looking for food. I was up already so I made him some toast. He said it's his favorite. Sit down I'll make you some too."

Changmin nodded and taking his seat next to Younghoon at the dining table. He just stared affectionately at the older boy as he enjoyed his toast.

Younghoon continued to eat his toast quietly. When he noticed the silence he turned towards Q, who was staring at him affectionately. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Q shook his head. "So what is it?" Q stared intensely at Younghoon's pink, thin lips. They had felt so nice. He just wanted to kiss them once again, but he still felt bad about last night. He had basically kissed Younghoon out of the blue. He wasn't even sure if Younghoon had liked it.

"I'm sorry," Changmin suddenly muttered. Loudly enough so Younghoon could hear, but quiet enough so that his mother wouldn't.

"For what?" the older boy asked.

"About last night. I shouldn't of--"

"I told you don't worry about it," Younghoon calmly said, seeming unphased by everything.

Changmin knew Younghoon said not to worry about it but that just tormented him even more. Younghoon didn't seem mad, but he didn't really give a straight answer either. I mean sure he kissed back, but that could've been out of pity. Younghoon still might've hated the kiss and he wasn't giving any sort of clues about how he felt. Changmin hated this. He had no idea where Younghoon stood and he hadn't even confessed to him yet. It was inner torture and this was one time he wished Younghoon wasn't so cool and collected.

"Wanna come to the mall with me in a bit?" Younghoon asked casually, interrupting Changmin from his thoughts.

"Huh? Of course, I'll go with you. But the mall? For what?" Changmin asked. This was so sudden and random.

"Just to take my mind off of all the craziness..." Younghoon began to answer.

"Oh. Right. Of cour--"

"...and so we can know...spend some time with each other outside of dance practice," Younghoon added as he casually finished his toast.

Changmin's face lit up with a bright smile. He was so happy that Younghoon still wanted to spend time with him even though they were practically together all day and night yesterday. And this was a sign that maybe, Younghoon wasn't so mad about last night.

He didn't want to overreact, but Changmin thought this could basically be considered a date. And he was really, really excited. "It's pretty rare that I have an off day. So mind as well take advantage of the opportunity...after you finish breakfast we can go." Changmin nodded in response and suddenly was feeling a lot brighter. Maybe things weren't so terrible after all.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now