Chapter 13: I Thought You Cared

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"So I mean...I kissed him again when I ran after him. And then he kissed me back. But like...I still haven't confessed and I'm not even sure how he even feels about me. He might not even like boys. But then why would he kiss me back? It's really confusing. But anyway, we walked back to the practice room holding hands. I let go before we went inside though so people didn't look. It's an iffy situation."

Yunjin and Chanhee were sitting across from Changmin at lunch, elbows resting on the table, hands supporting their chins as they listened intently, mouths opened in disbelief, eyes wide listening to their friend's dramatic story. He couldn't be serious!

"Uhh...say something?" Changmin told his friends.

Yunjin and Chanhee turned to each other pointing back and forth, trying to get the other to speak first. The two then started playing a game of rock, paper, scissors, going back and forth as neither of them was winning. Quite overdramatic...but as expected of Changmin's best friends.

"Hey! Don't cheat," Yunjin scolded.

"Um...hello?" Changmin tried to say, before having Chanhee's index finger shoved in his face, clearly telling him to wait.

Suddenly, Chanhee held out scissors, beating Yunjin's paper fair and square.

"HA!" he cried out.

"Oh man!" Yunjin whined before she sighed. "Okay..."

Yunjin suddenly slammed her hands on the table and looked fiercely at Changmin. "COME ON IDIOT! HE CLEARLY LIKES YOU BACK!? WHY WON'T YOU JUST TELL HIM!?" Yunjin had flames of passion nearly burning from her eyes. "He wouldn't have kissed you back or done all this if he didn't like you!"

"Hey quiet down, will you? I don't know! I just act in the heat of the moment!" Changmin said, attempting to defend himself.

"Well next time you're in the 'heat of the moment' with him," Yunjin sarcastically said, "...CONFESS TO HIM!" Chanhee nodding sassily in agreement.

"I'll think about it. We'll see...the timing has to be right," Q defended.

Suddenly, Younghoon approached the three friends with a gentle smile and a wave. "Hello."

"Speak of the devil," Chanhee said with a smirk.

"Changmin can we go up to the rooftop? I need to talk to you," Younghoon politely asked.

Changmin nodded before getting up and taking his things. Yunjin giving him looking eyes as Chanhee mouthed "Now is the time." Changmin rolled his eyes before leaving with Younghoon for the rooftop.

Once arriving at the rooftop the two boys sat on a bench. "So what's up?" Changmin said, straight to the point. He was somewhat nervous that this would be a conversation looking to address their strange relationship. Just what were Younghoon and Changmin?

"I...have bad father wants me to go into the company on Friday after school to sit in on an important client meeting."

"But...that's the day of the showcase," Changmin replied.

"I know," Younghoon admitted, sounding defeated. "I want to do it. I really do. But this is important. This client could get me a full ride into university and if I miss this meeting my father will kill me."

Changmin crossed his arms in annoyance. "We've been practicing this forever! We've worked so hard for this! I'm sure this isn't the only time the client is coming in! Your father just doesn't want you to perform!"

"Changmin...I wish there was something I could do but...I need to go to this meeting. Getting a full ride would really help me out."

"But you don't even want to go to school for business..."

Younghoon sighed. "Changmin we talked. You of all people should understa--" Younghoon tried to say.

"No, I don't! Why can't you just listen to me for once! You love dancing and performing! And just when I think you're going to listen to me and you defy your go back to listening to him! Do you want to live an unhappy life where you're stuck doing something you don't like!?"

"I have my reasons..." he muttered

"Am I just not that important to you?"

"Don't say that Changmin. You know you're impor--"

"Well, you don't act like it. You tell me you really want to do this, yet you don't show it. You disappoint me...I thought you cared."

"Changmin wai--" but it was too late. Changmin had stormed off the rooftop, leaving a defeated and upset Younghoon behind.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now