Chapter 6: Fighting With My Best Friend

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As time passed on Changmin found himself falling for Younghoon more and more. He was always thinking about the older and couldn't wait to see him. Changmin would scribble Younghoon's name in his notebook during classes, drawing hearts around his name like he was a teenager. Younghoon even started smiling and waving at him in the hallways. When they had more time, he would actually talk to him. At dance practice, Younghoon would always sit with Changmin now and would actually talk to him, and a few other members every now and then. The change only made his feelings grow, and just seeing the older made Changmin's heart skip a beat.

As he was thinking about his practice with Younghoon later after school, Chanhee suddenly intercepted Q in the hallway blocking his path. He flashed three tickets in front of his with a smug expression. "Yunjin and I have three tickets to the movies after school today and if you think you aren't coming with us you're crazy."

Changmin sighed deeply. "Chanhee I'm sorry, I can't. I'd love to but I'm meeting with Younghoon after school."

"Are you kidding me!? Younghoon!? Again!?" Chanhee suddenly yelled. He was so furious you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. Students started looking at the two in the hall.

"Please don't people are looking," Changmin pleaded.

"I don't care! You've been so distant lately and pushing your friends away and it's all because of stupid Younghoon! You used to be fun and thoughtful...but now all you talk about is Younghoon! Did you forget about who your real friends are!? Younghoon this! Younghoon that! What's so--"

"Hey, guys!" Yunjin interjected, approaching her two friends with a big smile and wave, not realizing what was going on.

"--good about that bread-loving idiot anyway!? Are you stupid!?" Chanhee aggressively yelled out.

Yunjin's eyes went wide in shock, also turning her face away after realizing what was going on. Angry, sassy Chanhee was the worst and you didn't want to be around him during his fits of rage. ", I'm gonna go!" Yunjin whispered, desperately trying to escape the hostile situation.

"No ostrich stay," Chanhee demanded, quickly turning his attention to the young girl. Yunjin froze in her tracks, knowing she wasn't going anywhere now. Chanhee turned his attention back to Q.

"You know why I have a problem with you and Younghoon so much? Maybe it's because he's stealing my best friend. Maybe it's because he's a cold-hearted, bitter, rude ass bitch who doesn't care about anybody. Maybe it's because you're too blind to even see any of this. Maybe it's because he doesn't even care about The Boyz, or maybe it's because he is just uptight, cold, condescending, apathetic and just simply, utterly, utterly intolerable. And I hate that you can't see that. You're becoming just as intolerabl--"

"Just shut up Chanhee!" Changmin suddenly yelled back. Chanhee's eyes went wide in shock, as did Yunjin's. No one was expecting the friendly, respectful Q to snap. Deep inside Yunjin was hoping for this however, Chanhee needed a reality check, his behavior, especially now, definitely wasn't okay. Chanhee had come up with this wild plan of the movies to try and "win" Changmin back, but he was out of control.

"You know nothing about Younghoon! You know nothing about why he's so busy! You know nothing about why he's so involved in all those clubs or why he works two jobs! He's under so much pressure and he's never had any friends! No one to ever check on him, encourage him, make sure he's okay! Do you know what that feels like!? You know nothing about him!"

"Why should I care about any of that though?"

"Because maybe if you gave him a chance, you'd actually see he's trying and he's changing! Maybe you would understand where he's coming from! Once you break the ice on the outside, there's a warm, tender heart inside. And you should care because..." Changmin hesitated. "I--I like him."

Chanhee's face dropped in disbelief, suddenly looking very guilty for his attack on Younghoon.

"Oh my gosh Changminnie," Yunjin muttered, looking at her two friends emotionally.

"Changmin...I--I didn't know, I'm sor--" he tried to say.

"But you're just too jealous and selfish, obsessing over how he's 'stealing your best friend' to even care. You said I'm pushing my friends away when in's you pushing me away. You're unbelievable."

A loud silence filled the halls. No one said anything, which was extremely powerful. "Oh hi Changmin," Younghoon suddenly appeared, rounding the corner, waving with a smile. "What's wrong? Everything okay?" he asked, noticing Changmin glaring at Chanhee.

"Things are fine. Mind if I walk with you?" Changmin snarkily said.

Younghoon furrowed his brow in confusion, he knew Chanhee and Yunjin were Q's best friends, but he decided not to question it. "Sure."

Changmin shook his head in disappointment at Chanhee before crossing his arms and walking with Younghoon down the hall, leaving an upset Chanhee in his dust.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now