Chapter 15: Wishes

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Changmin was standing at the practice room alone against a wall after school, waiting for Younghoon so they could practice alone. The showcase was just two days away and Changmin wanted to make sure both he and Younghoon were perfect. Even if Younghoon wasn't coming, Changmin had to make sure he looked perfect and knew that this time could be used to sort out their issues. He was hoping things wouldn't be tense after their disagreement and that Younghoon's father had maybe changed his mind. They hadn't talked since their little argument, and Changmin already had a plan to apologize, he was just hoping for the best.

The practice room door slid open revealing a serious and annoyed looking Younghoon. His aura and expression were reminiscent of Younghoon before he had met Changmin. It'd be a lie to say it wasn't a bit intimidating to Changmin. "Hey," Changmin said with a wave and thin smile. He knew that he had been the one to storm off, and they hadn't seen each other since, but Changmin didn't want to make things awkward. Younghoon ignored him placing his things down and settling in. Changmin furrowed his brow feeling confused and upset at the cold shoulder Younghoon was giving him. " something the matter?"

Younghoon put the last of his things down before he marched straight up to Changmin with a look of annoyance painted on his face. "Yes, something is the matter. First off, you storm off on me at the rooftop and want to act like things are fine now? Second off, you talked to my father!?" A look of concern filled Changmin's face. He looked away from Younghoon, trying to avoid his gaze. He's never been so intimidated by him, and Younghoon never spoke to Changmin like this. He hesitated. "I--I did. I was only trying to help yo--"

Younghoon cut him off. "Well, you just made things worse! My father practically didn't allow me to come here after work! He's making me quit the dance club after today! He only let me come here so I could tell you!"

Changmin's heart nearly sunk to his stomach. His eyes went wide, he began panicking. "What!? No! No! I'm sorry...I didn't mean to," Changmin guiltily apologized.

"You might think my father is a jerk...he is sometimes...but he's still important to me. He only wants what's best for me. I can't believe you."

Changmin was starting to get annoyed at this point. He had to start sticking up for himself. "So you only have to listen to him!? I want what's best for you too...and to me, it's doing something you love! I'm tired of telling you this! I wish you would just listen to me!"

"I don't want to argue with you...but I have my reasons for listening to my father. I only want to make my family proud."

"Even if that means doing something you hate!?" Changmin yelled.

"Yes!" Younghoon yelled back.


"I said I have my reasons!"


I have my reasons!?"

"WHY!?" Changmin angrily screamed.

"Beca--BECAUSE IT WAS MY MOTHER'S DYING WISH!" Younghoon yelled, getting teary-eyed.

Changmin went to yell once again until he realized what Younghoon had said. His expression softened, his mouth flew open in disbelief, his brows furrowed. He shook his head and blinked as if he was zoned out. "Wh--What did you just say?"

"My mother. Her dying wish was to make her proud and live a happy and successful life."

"Your...your mother..."

Younghoon turned to Changmin sadly, looking defeated. A look of frustration on his face, revealing the pain in his eyes. "Yes. My mother. She's dead. Why do you think you never hear me talk about her?" he whimpered, wiping a few tears from his eyes.


"Two years ago. She suddenly got extremely sick. There was nothing the doctors could do. My father and I were both there. I was holding onto her right before it happened. The last things she said to me were 'Take care of your father Younghoon. Live a successful and happy life. Make me proud. I love you so much.' And then she was gone. Ripped away from me just like that," Younghoon said tears going down the side of his face. "Do you see why I listen to my father now? Why I still care about what he thinks of me?"

"Why...why didn't you tell me?" Changmin asked feeling immense guilt and sadness toward Younghoon.

"I didn't think I would have to! You were the only person who understood my situation! All the pressure I was under! You never had any judgments! But now all it seems like you're trying to do is turn me against my family! You're stopping me from fulfilling my mother's wish! And you never asked me! Changmin..." Younghoon whined, sounding disappointed.

Younghoon took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. "To take care of my father and live this successful life I need to go into school for banking. I had fun letting go for a while and living a careless life with you for a while. You helped me re-explore something I love, but it's time for me to wake up and get back to reality."

Younghoon grabbed his things and headed to the door.

"I thought you were different Changmin," he sadly said before exiting the room. Changmin stared at the door in shock. He collapsed to his knees and began sobbing because it's all he could think to do. He made a wish of his own, wishing that he could've done everything differently...but it was too late, and all he could do was cry.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now