Chapter 19: A Perfect Moment

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The Boyz were waiting for their encore performance to begin backstage. They were ecstatic at the chance to perform again. They were trying to hype themselves up, even more, to help all the seniors get noticed by the officials. Just like before Changmin was prepping for his solo stage. Unlike before Changmin was off to the side by himself, no one beside him. He was breathing and stretching, slowly hyping himself up and telling himself to do better than before. He walked over to a mirror to check his appearance one last time. He caught Younghoon standing behind him while looking at the mirror. He smiled and turned around. Younghoon walked up to him fondly, standing only inches apart.

"Good luck out there. Don't worry, you're gonna be amazi--"

"I love you," Younghoon confidently exclaimed, cutting Changmin off.

Changmin's smile broke, staring at the older speechless, surprised at what he just said. "Wh--What?" he asked in disbelief.

"I love you Changmin." Changmin stared at Younghoon unsure what to say, how to react. "You're the best person I've ever met. You're kind, caring, cute, talented and simply put you're...perfect. I love being with you every day, every second, every minute of the day. And no matter how I go about my day the only person I'm ever thinking about is you." Changmin's stomach flipped, he was redder than a rose, and his heart was pounding, but he couldn't look away from Younghoon. "No one looks out for me like you do. Having two jobs and being in so many clubs I hear a lot of people talk...but the only voice that I want to yours. It took me a while to realize, but I love you Changmin. I have for a while now, I was just too blind to realize. I never knew how to say it...or describe what I was feeling, but it's never been clearer to me than it is now. I love you."

Changmin couldn't believe this was happening. He tried to speak, but couldn't find the words. He was in shock. This is what he had been waiting for, what he had wanted for so long, and it was finally happening. This only intensified when Younghoon finally made the first move and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize." Younghoon dipped down and pressed his lips against Changmin's in a deep kiss. Changmin had always been the one to kiss first, but now he could see Younghoon was being serious by making the first move. Changmin's eyes fluttered shut, he wrapped his arms around Younghoon's neck, and he kissed Younghoon back without question. Younghoon put his hands on Changmin's waist and pulled him closer, wanting to pour every ounce of his emotions into this moment. Changmin reciprocated it, giving back everything he had bottled in since he met the older. The kiss deepened, the two only pulling away so they could breathe. It wasn't their first kiss, but it was the first time they had kissed so honestly, so emotionally. It was their first real kiss. It was the kiss that solidified their love for each other.

Changmin looked into the eyes of Younghoon. He let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, then hugged Younghoon tightly, putting the side of his face into his shoulder. "I love you too," he finally said. Changmin felt an immense pressure seemingly leave him. It felt so good to finally tell Younghoon how he feels and even better, have his feelings be reciprocated. Changmin squeezed Younghoon. This was everything he had wanted.

"I love much," Younghoon repeated. Younghoon wrapped his arms around Changmin and put one hand on Changmin's head to hold him close. "This is the happiest I've ever been. Thank you for loving me..." Younghoon softly whispered.

Changmin smiled fondly. "Thank you for letting me in...and letting me love you."

"The Boyz please prepare to take to the stage," the stage manager suddenly called.

Younghoon gave Changmin a peck on the cheek. "Now get out there and let's get into Mnet...together."

Changmin smile widened and he nodded. He hugged Younghoon one last time and he ran to the wings, preparing to take to the stage. His music hit and his solo stage began. He danced even harder than before, his newly solidified relationship with Younghoon giving him a surge of confidence, charisma, and power like never before. Changmin was a monster on the stage.

Younghoon watched from the wings of the stage, eyes stuck to Changmin, as the rest of The Boyz prepared to join the co-captain on the stage. He was even more captivated watching Changmin from this close. Q's dancing always left him speechless. Haknyeon joined Younghoon at the side watching Changmin's elegant, contemporary dance. He looked ethereal, flowing across the stage with every move. "Isn't it beautiful?" Younghoon suddenly asked.

Haknyeon looked at Younghoon with a smile then turned back to Changmin. "What? The dance?...Or him?" he questioned playfully.

Younghoon grinned. "The dance is beautiful, but it doesn't compare to him. He's perfect," he happily said.

"Love is a beautiful thing isn't it?"

Younghoon giggled. "Yes. It really is." He patted Haknyeon on the back before he walked away to take his position in line with the other members to join Changmin. He finished his solo stage and The Boyz joined him onstage for their encore of "Call Me Baby". The Boyz ate the stage and were arguably putting on their best performance to date. Younghoon and Changmin exchanged glances at one another every now and then and all they could do was smile.

Younghoon stepped to the front to finish out the song with his center part during the finale. He stepped to the front, seeing Ailee and Jessi in the auditorium seats. He made sure to show off his charisma and strong visuals, while also showing off his performance skills. Seeing their smiles made him know he was doing just fine.

He turned his head and did a double take, shocked to see who was sitting near the officials. In the crowd, sat his father, watching the performance closely, finally seeing his son dance for the first time. He smiled at his father, who he saw smile back, which warmed his heart even more than it already was. The Boyz hit their ending pose and the few officials in the auditorium, as well as Younghoon's father,  stood up to clap. The Boyz went to bow. Younghoon took Changmin's hand stepping to the front. He looked at his father one last time, doing a double take yet again. Next to his clapping father, stood his mother, also giving The Boyz a round of applause. Younghoon blinked, bowed with his members and she was suddenly gone. He grinned because it was at that moment that he realized he was going to be just fine because now everything was perfect.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now