Chapter 8: Growing Bonds?

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Later that night Changmin was laying on his bed, still beating himself over not being able to confess to Younghoon. He was scrolling through social media, staring at his phone blankly. Chanhee had tried calling and texting him dozens of times, definitely seeking to apologize but Changmin wasn't ready to talk to him yet. Chanhee needed to reflect on how dumb he was doing. Instead, he decided to talk and vent his frustrations to Yunjin. She didn't do anything wrong, and she was still one of Changmin's best friends.

Q: I don't know why I couldn't just tell him. It's so easy. "I LIKE YOU YOUNGHOON." Ugh. I'm an idiot

Yunjin: Don't beat yourself up over it. You'll say it when you're ready. Xxo I believe in you! You two will be so cute together! Just be patient.

Q: Thanks Kirin I'll try

Changmin went downstairs to get water, seeing his two parents in the living room watching TV. His mind was still weighing heavily on Younghoon. Hopefully, his father would change his mind and let Younghoon go to school for what he really wanted to do.


Suddenly a banging on the front door of the Ji Household took everyone by surprise.

"He could that be at this hour? It's already late," Changmin's mother remarked.

Changmin's mother and father answered the door, shocked to see who was at their door.

"Oh! Younghoon! What are you doing out this late?"

"Hello, Mr. Ji., Mrs. Ji. I'm sorry for disturbing you so late at night. But would it be okay if I stayed the night here? I got into a big argument with my father and I just really don't want to be home right now. I have nowhere else to go, things just got too heated. I don't really have any friends so I just figured I would ask you," he kindly asked.

Q's parents could tell the boy had been tearing up a bit and it was so sad to see him like this. "Of course you can stay here Younghoon. Our home is always open to you. Come in," they said, guiding the young boy into the house.

"Changmin! Younghoon is her--Oh," Mrs. Ji began to yell, before seeing Changmin was already standing near the door, a worrisome look on his face. He had heard everything.

"Hey," Younghoon muttered somberly, faking a smile as he waved towards the younger boy.

Changmin gave him a look of pity before running up to the boy and immediately hugging him tightly. "Get in's cold outside." Younghoon hugged the younger boy back. He really needed this right now.

The two boys stood still for a moment, wrapped with one another, until Q's mother interrupted. "You must be exhausted dear. Why don't you and Changmin go up to his room and get some rest? I'm sure Changmin doesn't mind sharing his bed with you. It's a king size. You're a friend after all. Otherwise, Changmin can sleep on the couch," Mrs. Ji said.

The two boys nodded and went upstairs to Changmin's room. They both sat on the edge of Changmin's bed, quietly facing one another.

"So what happened?" Changmin hurriedly asked.

"My dad...I talked to him about wanting to go to school for entertainment. I told him I wasn't interested in business, or taking over the bank and I really want to do something I love. Something I want to do. Something I'm passionate about. Something you helped me rediscover. And he just like freaked out on me. He yelled at me calling me dumb for even thinking of something so stupid. He said I would be setting myself up for failure, and how I'd just end up unsuccessful. He said he wouldn't support me and he'd disown me and I'd be the biggest failure he's ever known," Younghoon sadly recalled.

Changmin was so upset hearing about what happened. He felt guilty, especially since he was the one who told Younghoon to try and talk to his father. "I'm sorry."

Younghoon looked at the younger boy who had turned away. He grabbed his hands so that he would look back at him. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. You were just trying to help me muster up the courage to talk to him. He's just a jerk anyway."

Changmin looked at the older boy. He was so strong, so kind, so different from the original Younghoon that Changmin thought he knew.

"I hate being at home. Half the time I'm there it's just my dad telling me I'm not doing good enough or I should try harder. I just wish I could live a different life. Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm not good enough," he sadly said, almost whispering.

"Don't you dare Kim Younghoon!" Changmin suddenly said, surprising the older.

"You are perfect. You are the most talented, driven, hardworking and amazing person I know. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this!? I know things might be looking down on you right now, but just know I believe in you," he firmly said, staring right into the elder's eyes.

Changmin's words left Younghoon speechless. Changmin realized after speaking he was inches away from Changmin's face. The two of them were both caught in a blush. Changmin wished Younghoon would just block everyone out, and see himself the way Changmin saw him.

Suddenly, Changmin found himself inadvertently leaning closer and closer to Younghoon. He leaned in capturing the older's lips in a heated, almost desperate kiss. Younghoon's eyes went wide in shock, but he shockingly didn't pull away, instead of fluttering his eyes shut and returning the younger's kiss just as passionately. This lasted a few seconds, until Changmin pulled away, shocked at his own actions.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean t--" he said, bringing his fingers to his lips.

Younghoon copied his action, hesitating for a minute trying to find his words. "D--Don't be. Let's just...go to bed," Younghoon said. The two climbed into Changmin's huge king-size bed, both facing opposite directions.

Changmin once again started beating himself up. He thought he was so stupid to kiss Younghoon. His heart was beating out of his chest. A cold sweat beginning to flush his face. Younghoon probably hated him now, thought he was weird, and even worse, would probably start to distance himself. Changmin continued to be mad at himself when suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around his body. He turned slightly to see Younghoon, serenely laying next to him, holding him in a back hug. "Good night," he quietly whispered.

Changmin smiled sweetly. "Good night Younghoon."

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now