Chapter 10: You're Important to Me

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Q and Younghoon had walked around various stores in the mall, shopping at different clothing stores especially. The two had a great time, enjoying each other's company, exchanging plenty of smiles and laughs along the way. Being here with Younghoon only made Changmin realize how much had changed between them.

They were exiting the SM & Associates store, which was full of highly fashionable clothes, which were of course extremely overpriced when Younghoon spotted a jacket that he just had to have.

"I can't believe you bought that jacket it was so overpriced," Changmin teased.

"It was so nice though. I couldn't say no," Younghoon chuckled.

"Well it does look good on you," Changmin confessed.

Younghoon looked at the younger boy, trying to hide the blush from his face. Changmin was the only person he had ever met who had this effect on him. It was something so new and different to Younghoon, but he really liked it. "You think so?" he cutely said to the younger.

"Yes. In fact, I know soooooooooooooooooooHHHHH, MY GOD! IT'S DDR! I NEED TO GO PLAY IT RIGHT NOW!" Changmin yelled. His eyes landed on Dance Dance Revolution in the busy mall hallway. It was his favorite game and helped him demonstrate how good he was at dancing and his inhuman sense of rhythm. The boy was a master at the game faster than he was a master at any subject in school. If he saw it, he had to play it. Changmin dragged Younghoon by the arm, pulling him towards the game.

"Younghoon can I borrow $5 please?" Q tried to ask, using his cute charms to try and sway his crush.

"$5 to play this!? Why is it so expensive!?" Younghoon countered.

"Pleaseeee Younghoon let me play it! It's my favorite game! If I don't play it I'm going to dieeee! You spent all that money on a jacket...let me play please please please," Q cutely whined, pouting cutely.

"Ugh're annoying," Younghoon said, handing the younger $5.

Changmin grabbed the money without hesitation, knowing Younghoon was being sarcastic. "Yay thank you! My signature Q-teness...never fails!"

"You're so cheesy," Younghoon said with a large smile as Q got onto the DDR board. He began jumping up and down and taking deep breaths to prep himself. Girls' Generation "You Think" was selected on the "Impossible" difficulty, something Younghoon was a bit nervous about for Q, and began to ring throughout the mall hallway.

"You think you're real cool You think you're real coo-oo-ool That's just what you think Boy, you ain't cooler than me, nah"

Changmin moved his legs effortlessly to the music, hitting every beat to perfection. His legs were moving at an almost inhuman speed, his precision was impeccable. A crowd began to form because of how amazing he was doing. "Woah's", "Ahs", "Can you believe this?", "Are you seeing this?" were heard from spectators surrounding the game. The crowd was in disbelief of how amazing Changmin was, yet the entire time his face showed no signs of struggling at all. The boy was smiling and having fun, laughing at himself as he played. Even with the "Impossible" difficulty on Q danced so effortlessly and cooly. The crowd began to cheer.

Younghoon stared intently at Q and saw him in a way like never before. His breath was taken away just watching him dance. He looked so cool, so passionate, so alive, so...perfect. Younghoon's stomach was in knots, he had never felt this way towards anyone before, granted he basically had no friends before Q. Younghoon had a certain admiration for the younger. Not only did he sacrifice his time to help Younghoon dance and practice, but he also became a guiding light in Younghoon's life, always reminding him to follow his dreams and passions, always make sure he was happy. Q filled a void in his life that he never knew he had, and he loved it.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now