Chapter 5: I Believe in You

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"You're here!" Changmin yelled, jumping up at the sight of Younghoon.

"Hey. What did I miss today?" he asked the younger. Admittedly no one had ever been so caring and nice towards Younghoon, and it felt good. Normally Younghoon was generally unfriendly to everyone but something about Changmin was different.

"I have really good news. We're performing at the school's showcase for the arts and you're going to be the final center for "Call Me Baby" when we perform it! I knew you'd be perfect for the role so I told everyone you should get it."

"I don't know if I can do that..." Younghoon somberly admitted.

"Why not Younghoon?"

"My dancing isn't that strong...I don't know. I've never been center stage like that before. I'd probably look weird," he whined, taking a seat on the hardwood floor of the practice room.

"You're so much better than you give yourself credit for! You're really good at dancing! Anyone would die to be you! You have so much going for yourself. And you're handsome and you have a nice body...and uh--um wait! That's not what I meant. Well I mean you do have a nice body but I--um---" Changmin suddenly stopped talking realizing what he had said his face flushing pink.

"Uh...oh...thanks," Younghoon said, also blushing at Changmin's compliment.

Changmin ran through the choreography, teaching Younghoon all the new moves. He picked it up pretty quickly, but that was no surprise. Since he started practicing with Q his dancing has improved tremendously, and he was able to pick up choreography very quickly now.

Changmin eyed the older, glued to him as he performed the powerful moves, especially the body rolls. Younghoon was so attractive, and he was putting on a show for Q. It was this, that proved Younghoon would be a perfect center.

"See! That was amazing! You're gonna be great! Be confident!" Changmin cried out.

"Thanks, I try," Younghoon huffed. "I'm so tired."

"Let's take a rest. You look exhausted. What'd you do today?" Changmin sweetly asked as he sat, inviting the older to sit next to him.

"Well after school I went to a student government meeting, then I ran to a bread lovers club meeting. Then I had to rush to work at Deobi, and it was really busy. I don't know why but I had so many customers. Now I'm back here to practice with you."

"Don't overwork yourself. I hate seeing you like this," Changmin pouted, making an upset, but very cute expression.

"Like what?" Younghoon asked.

"Exhausted and stressed," Q cutely complained.

Younghoon chuckled before rubbing his neck. "You know I have to admit no one ever checks on me like you do. And to be honest, I have a lot of fun when we dance. You really look out for me so thank you."

"I'll always look out for your best interest Younghoon. You can do anything you put your mind to. I know you can. I believe in you."

"Is that why you recommended me for center? I'm telling you I'm going to be horrible." Younghoon sadly said, looking down at the ground.

Changmin knew the older was driven and focused, but he hated seeing him doubt himself like this. He looked next to him, seeing Younghoon looking down sadly and seeming unconfident. He wanted to motivate him and let him know he could do this. He slid his hand a few inches until it was on top of Younghoon's. The older's gaze moved from the floor to their two hands, his eyes going wide in surprise. Changmin grabbed his hand and squeezed it firmly.

"You worry too much. Don't doubt yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to. You're one of the most determined, focused, driven, hardworking and talented people I know. You're stronger than you think. I know you are. You can do this. Just believe in yourself and you can do anything. Just listen to that voice inside and block out everything else. If you want it, you can do it."

Younghoon looked at the younger boy, who was still holding his hand tightly. His heart raced, and his mind was going in a thousand directions. He knew Changmin was right though. The younger's words caused Younghoon's stomach to feel all tingly and warm. He worried about everything and was so busy focusing on staying busy and his club and job responsibilities, Changmin always seemed to wake him up and cause time to stop. Only Changmin could make him feel that he could accomplish anything and that everything was going to be okay. The times he spent with Changmin were the most fun and they ended way too quickly for Younghoon's liking.

"Okay, let's go silly. Time to dance again!" Q cutely yelled out, pulling Younghoon up by his arm.

Younghoon was still deep in thought and allowed Changmin to pull him up before he suddenly spoke out. "Um...Q? After we finish do you wanna go grab some food with me?"

Changmin stared at the older blankly, before biting his lip and blinking cutely. "Sure. I'd like that," answering with a sweet smile reaching ear to ear.

Younghoon let out a bright grin and laugh before getting up and starting the dance again.


Author's Notes:

What do you guys think so far? As you can probably tell by now the chapters in this fic are longer, and I'm chilling on the author's notes every chapter. The Bbangkyu connection is starting to build! What do you guys think? Vote, and let's talk in the comments! :)

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now