Chapter 7: Voice of Reason

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Heavy breaths, huffing, and puffing filled the practice room. An exhausted and sweaty Younghoon collapsed onto the floor and was soon followed by Q. They had just finished running through all of "Call Me Baby". Younghoon began to pick up and master the moves so quickly that he ended learning the rest of the choreography with Q, something the rest of The Boyz had yet to accomplish.

"That was amazing. See? I told you that you could do it. You were perfect at the center," Q told the older.

Younghoon smiled sweetly at the younger before sitting up to face him, as he was sitting across from him. "Well, I wouldn't have been able to do any of it without your help. You were the one who was so accommodating to my crazy schedule.

The heat in the room was so unbearable that Changmin ran to turn the air conditioner on, to cool the room off before running back to Younghoon. "Oh please, you're so talented, handsome, charismatic and cool. I just can't believe you're going to be entering the world of business. You were made for an entertainment career!"

Younghoon smiled before scratching his head. "I mean...I shouldn't lie, I really do want to go to school for some career in entertainment."

Changmin ran behind Younghoon, grabbing his shoulders and began jumping up and down excitedly. "So why don't you!? That's what I'm gonna go to college for! You know I forgot to tell you!? At the showcase, there are going to be entertainment officials and admissions counselors for some of the best schools in arts and music!"

Younghoon sighed. "I told you. My father wants me in business, and I have to do what he wants. As much as I'd love to pursue entertainment, I need to listen to him."

Changmin pouted and dropped to his knees. "But it's what YOU want to YOU should do it."

"I can't. I have to listen to my family. You know this."

Changmin hated that Younghoon felt bound to his family like this. He wished that Younghoon could do what made him happy. Changmin also had hope that if Younghoon went to school for entertainment they would stay together. If Younghoon went to school for business, they would probably be separated after graduation, and he didn't want to let Younghoon go. Just thinking of it made Q sad, and he suddenly dropped down wrapping his arms around Younghoon's neck from behind and letting his face lean down onto his neck.

Younghoon was surprised by the sudden hug but he didn't mind it. He smiled and patted the younger's arms. "What?"

"I just wish you didn't have to listen to your family. You don't want to do business. You should talk to your dad about this...try and change his mind. Promise me you'll try...just once?"

Younghoon chuckled. "Always trying to be my voice of reason...okay I will. I promise." He looked down seeing the younger's arms still wrapped firmly around him. He rubbed Q's arm softly. Admittedly he liked the hug, and Q didn't seem like he'd be letting go anytime soon. They had gotten so close over the past few weeks. "Changmin."

"Hm?" he replied, lifting his head up so he could see Younghoon's face.

"I really like spending time with you."

Changmin couldn't find words to answer back. His gut burned up and he felt the butterflies in his stomach, his heart fluttered, and his face turned pink. Younghoon liked being with him. Changmin wanted to confess to him, thinking that now, was a perfect time.

He began to open his mouth, the words getting ready to come out. They were on the tip of his tongue, but they just seemed stuck.

"Just say it. Take a chance," he said to himself.

"I--I like--I like--spending time with you too." Changmin mentally punched himself in the face. Why couldn't he just say it?

Younghoon smiled affectionately and giggled. "Well better get going. I wanna talk to my dad about going to school for entertainment."

"Already? So early."

"Well I have to listen to my voice of reason don't I?"

Changmin smiled with a blush before cutely nodding. The two boys packed their stuff off and began to head out of the school when suddenly, Younghoon grabbed Q's hand and intertwined their fingers. It took Q off guard but, he took advantage of the situation, grasping Younghoon's hand firmly.

"Sorry, my hand is cold. You put that damn air conditioner on so high."

Changmin laughed as he walked out of the room, hand gripping Younghoon's tightly. He was never more glad that he had turned on an air conditioner in his life. He just wished he was able to tell Younghoon the truth about his feelings, but for now, he was going to enjoy this moment while he could.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now