Chapter 20: We Together

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The Boyz stood outside the auditorium, chatting and lingering around after the show. The seniors, more specifically Changmin and Younghoon, awaited Ailee and Jessi to come up to them. Younghoon didn't see his father, or Seolhyun his secretary, so he assumed he had left, but just having his father there made this moment that much more special. Younghoon looked over at his newly-official boyfriend, who was trying not to look nervous but was definitely nervous. Younghoon took his hand and intertwined their fingers. "Why are nervous?" Changmin looked at his boyfriend, somewhat fidgety. "I really want to get into Mnet...we worked hard for this!" Changmin whined.

Younghoon smiled and squeezed his hand to try and calm his nerves. "Hey I want to get in too but even if we don't get in look, we got each other out of this. And I think that's something that's a lot more special don't you?"

Changmin's nervous face broke into a playful smile. He cutely nodded and leaned in, kissing Younghoon. Chanhee was talking to Haknyeon, turning his head ever so slightly when he caught the two. He did a double take at the two kissing. "What the!?" He pointed at the new couple, furrowing his brow.

Haknyeon laughed. "Yeah, they're together now. Long time coming I think. Don't you? Changmin's really changed Younghoon for the better."

Chanhee nodded his head with a smirk, before he saw Yunjin walking down the hallway. "I've gotta gay! I mean go! I gotta go!" Chanhee said to the captain, before running after Yunjin.

Younghoon and Changmin continued to act lovey-dovey and whisper sweet nothings to each other when Ailee and Jessi suddenly appeared from the auditorium, walking towards the two boys. Ailee had a big smile on her face and Jessi had a fierce face on, so it was hard to tell what they were going to say. Ailee spoke first. "I have to say boys we're very impressed. Both of you have talent, charisma, and skills..." Her and Jessi looked at each other then back at the two boys before smiling. "We are proud to announce that we are offering the two of you a full scholarship, covering all of your tuition into Mnet School for the Arts!"

"Does that mean--?"

"Yes, boys! Congratulations and welcome to Mnet School for the Arts!"

Changmin's face dropped, Younghoon grinned widely. They began clapping and jumping up and down. Jessi laughed. "You two better work hard if you join the school! We don't accept any losers!" The two boys giggled. "Nah I'm being serious." They suddenly got very serious and nodded firmly. "Okay good! Yay, we can cheer now!" They all started being cheerful again.

"You won't be disappointed," a voice suddenly called out. The four turned and saw Younghoon's father standing before them. Changmin became nervous, Younghoon sweetly smiled. "Thank you for accepting these two boys."

Ailee and Jessi nodded. "The pleasure is ours. So whenever you two are ready to declare just send us an email," Ailee said as Jessi handed them their business cards. "Congratulations again boys and good work," they happily said before exiting the school.

Changmin smile was contagious, and neither he nor Younghoon could stop smiling. "We got in! Together!"

"We did!"

"I'm so happy!"

"Me too!" Changmin jumped up, Younghoon catching him in a hug and spinning him around, before catching him in a sweet hug.

"Ahem!" Younghoon's father interrupted, reminding the two that he was still here.

They turned and faced him seriously. "Father thank you for watching me dance."

Mr. Kim stepped closer to the two boys. "Younghoon I was so harsh. You have a gift. I'm glad I was finally able to see you perform. I...I was wrong. You were right, I haven't seen you so happy in a long time. What kind of father would I be if I stopped you from going forward with this? You're special. You have a gift. Both of you. I want both of you to use that gift to your full advantage and live life." Younghoon smiled and nodded. "So...Mnet School for the Arts?"

Younghoon nodded again. "I want to go."

Mr. Kim smiled. "So go....and work hard. Make me and your mother proud. Make yourself proud. Be successful, be happy and most importantly be you. I'll always love you son."

Younghoon hugged his father. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Mr. Kim hugged his son back. "You never do son. You never do."

He then turned his attention to Changmin. "And you Changmin?"

Younghoon cut him off before he was able to speak. "He's coming with me!" he said, wrapping his arm around Changmin. Changmin nodded to affirm his boyfriend's answer.

"Good! You are talented too and I'm sure you'll do great things at the school with Younghoon. It's important for friends to stay togeth--" as Mr. Kim continued to speak Younghoon slowly brought his hand lower and lower, until he took hold of Changmin's with his own, and rested his head on Changmin's shoulder. Mr. Kim furrowed his brow. He took a moment to process then got wide-eyed. "Oh! Are you telling me that---this--oh." Younghoon bit his lip nervously and shrugged his shoulders. "So this is love then? You're together. As in dating. Is that what you're saying?" Both boys nodded hesitantly. Mr. Kim never thought Younghoon would be in a relationship let alone with another boy, he had been too busy these past few years to even think about being in a relationship. He looked down, smiled lightly and chuckled. "I thought so...okay. As long as you're happy Younghoon. Take care of my son okay Changmin?" Changmin nodded before Mr. Kim embraced the two in a group hug. "Alright, I'll see you home Younghoon. We'll celebrate!" Younghoon nodded and waved to his father, he really has changed.

Suddenly, a loud voice pierced the school's lobby, singing at opera level. "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!" The two boys, the rest of The Boyz, and whoever was left from the show looked over and saw Chanhee snickering as he walked over to Changmin and Younghoon with Yunjin. Yunjin ran up to the two, jumping up and down excitedly. "So Chanhee isn't lying!? You two are actually together!? Like dating!?" The two nodded. "YES! Thank goodness you finally confessed!"

Changmin giggled. "Actually Younghoon confessed first." Yunjin smacked his arm. "Ow!"

Yunjin pouted at Changmin but then smiled brightly again. "You little wuss! But aww that's still so cute! I'm glad you two are finally together! Alright well, I'm taking Chanhee with me to go sing some karaoke. I'll let you two lovebirds be alone!" Yunjin grabbed Chanhee and ran out. "Let's go Chanhee we have to continue warming up our vocal cords!" Chanhee mouthed "help" to Changmin and Younghoon as Yunjin pulled him away singing opera once again.

The couple looked at each other affectionately, hugging once again for the hundredth time today. "Could this day get any better? Everything is going so perfectly. I still can't believe any of this is happening." Younghoon confessed.

Changmin chuckled. "Well believe it because it's all real. And yes it could get better if you did two things. One kiss me again and two let's go get food at Deobi Burger." he cutely teased.

Younghoon took Changmin by the hand and began to walk out of the school. "Well, then boyfriend your wish is my command."

"Wow. Boyfriend that sounds nice," Changmin replied before Younghoon captured his lips softly. Younghoon tried to kiss Changmin longer, but Changmin suddenly pulled away. "Okay, boyfriend now let's go make my second wish come true!" Changmin cried out, running hand and hand, pulling Younghoon towards Deobi Burger. "I'm starving!" Younghoon affectionately smiled at Changmin...the two of them were finally happy.

Voices: A Bbangkyu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now