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letters to you.
in which bc writes letters to you.
bc ー (letters to you)

today was your birthday. although, it didn't feel like it was. it felt as if it was another normal day.

you never really celebrated your birthday after the leaving of your best friend, bc. you spent your entire childhood, and teenage years with him. but after both of your highschool graduations, he suddenly left.

almost like he disappeared into thin air.

now, you were 25 today. (you'll be the same age as bc in this imagine) which meant, it's been 6 years since his disappearance.

you tried to look for him. you really did. his family was unreachable. they lived all the way in america, so trying to contact them was impossible. you had tried multiple ways to find where he went off to, but they all had no avail.

you couldn't find him.

you thought that one day, just one day, he would turn up at your front door, with his cheeky smile, saying that he was finally back.

but he never came.

birthday's we're suppose to be a happy time. but, without him, it didn't feel complete anymore. so, you never really bothered with it. you treated your birthday as if it was any other day.

"sis, you have some packages on the kitchen table." your younger brother, junghoon said. you nodded.

junghoon was on his last year of highschool. he lived with you since your parents passed away when the two of you were young. you walked to the table, you eyes lingering on a pretty dented, and old-looking brown box.

junghoon walked up to you, and curiously peeked over your shoulder. you opened the box to see a bunch of letters.

some letters were creased, and the lettering at the front were smudged. "letters? that's it? i thought it was gonna be something more interesting then that.." the male scoffed walking back to his room.

you titled your head to the side. there was a big pile of those letters! you pulled them out one by one. and what the letters said at the front cover made you curious to who sent them.

one letter said,

"open whenever you feel lonely"

another said,

"open on your birthday"

there was one that even said,

"open when you miss me."

you found them quite interesting, but of course quite creepy. there were tons of letters that had said to open them at a specific time in your life, or when you were feeling happy, or sad.

you took the box of letters up to your room, sat criss-crossed on your bed, with the letter that said, "open on your birthday" written on it.

the name of the person it was written by was smudged. the blank ink was barely readable.

when you opened the letter, a piece of paper was there. you unfolded the paper, and you felt your heart drop. your hands began to shake, and you could feel tears threatening to fall out of your e/c irises.

"to y/n l/n. open on your birthday."

whatsup? it's your boy, bc.
i'll start this letter with a happy birthday! you're another year older! i remember always flicking frosting into your hair, or smothering the cream over your nose and cheeks whenever you blew your birthday candles. you always scolded me for doing so, but it was funny to see you get so mad. i miss spending birthdays with you.

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