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bc is so underrated ! i've only had one imagines request from him. ( that i have yet to write ... i'm sorry !!! )

bc ー (starlight)

he was leaving. tomorrow morning to be exact. and there was nothing you could do about it. of course, you were happy that he was chasing after his dreams, though a part of you didn't want him to leave. but, being the supportive friend you are, you couldn't do anything but support his decision.

you barely got to see him today. since he had quite a lot of friends, at school he was swarmed with people bidding him encouraging words, and goodbyes.

you tried looking for him after school as well, but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

night fell upon texas, as you layed down on your couch with a blank expression. "why the long face, hm?" your brother jehyun asks. too sad to reply, all you do was let out a barely audible groan.

"are you tired? why don't you sleep? it's nearly eleven anyways." you shook your head. "suit yourself, i'm gonna sleep. don't be so loud when you come up to our room okay?" he ruffled your hair leaving you in the living room all by yourself.

you couldn't help but regret everything. for not saying certain things to him, and for not spending more time with him when you had the chance. your heart ached at all the missed opportunities you could've had with him.

but suddenly, the doorbell disrupted you from your depressing thoughts. you dragged yourself to the door, only to find yourself staring at beautiful dark chocolate eyes.

"s-sungho.." you breathed out. he flashed his signature eye-closed smile and lent his hand out. "i know it's late y/n, but i'm leaving tomorrow and i don't want to leave with any regrets."

you averted your gaze from his beautiful eyes, to his hand. taking it ever so lightly, as he intertwined your fingers. your hand perfectly moulded into his. "i want to take you somewhere. would your brother be okay with that?" he asked. you bit your lip. you knew your brother would be against it.

not only was he protective of you, especially over boys, but because it was super late. nearly midnight for pete sake. but, this was the last night you had with sungho. the last time you'd ever see him. so you took the chance, and nodded. "sure he would," sungho then grinned from ear, to ear and led you outside.

you closed the door, and followed beside him, your hands still intertwined. "it's late sungho, where are we going to go?" you questioned. he shook his head. "secret!" he winked.

he lead you up a rock filled pathway. it wasn't long till you two got to the destination. a freshly-cut dark green empty grass field, that layed on top of a hill. "why did you bring me here?"

sungho laughed. "don't talk, you'll see why soon!" he exclaimed. you kept your mouth shut, and continued to follow his lead.

he sat down on the grass, lying down. you did the same. the prickly, yet soft grass lightly poked your bare arms, as you were only wearing a pair of leggings, and short sleeves. "look up.." he whispered. you did as you were told, as you turned your head forward, staring at the beautiful dark black sky.

your eyes began to widened, as your mouth formed an 'o' shape. "s-sungho.. it's so pretty.." you said in a hushed tone. "it is isn't?" he cracked a smile.

the dark sky, was filled with a whole cluster of different size stars. some were small and dim, other's were large and bright. some even formed unknown constellations.

you were amazed at how the stars brightly decorated the bare black sky ever so beautifully. you held your hand out, pretending to grab the stars. being in this position, almost made the stars look like they were in-reach-view.

you were so focused on looking at the stars when sungho chuckled. you turned to him, noticing he was staring at you.

your faces were only inches apart. you got flustered at the closeness, that you averted your gaze back onto the sky. "w-why aren't you looking at the stars sungho? their so pretty.." you stuttered. "isn't it obvious?"

you hm'ed.

he let out a small sigh. "i'm looking at the most beautiful star of course." you felt your cheeks become hot at his comment. he sat up ruffling his sand-blonde locks, as you did the same. (sitting up) "y/n.. will you miss me?" he asked, his eyes showed a glimpse of sadness in them. you fumbled with your fingers, still staring at the sky.

"of course i will. i'll miss you.. so much.." your voice cracked. sungho felt a wave of sadness wash over him, seeing you in this state. he got a hold of your wrist and pulled you into his arms, as he held you protectively. "korea is too far.." you whispered. "i know.."

you bit your lip and looked up at him. "but, you're going to make your dreams into a reality. so, i'm proud of you." you smiled. "y/n," the way your name rolled of his tongue so easily sent slight shivers to your spine.

"i love you. argh, i love you so much. you mean so much to me. i wanted to tell you that before i left for tomorrow or else i knew i would i regret it." he rambled. you couldn't help but tear up. sungho took notice of this and immediately stopped his rambling. "wait don't cry!" he panicked. he brushed his thumb across your cheek, wiping the single stray tear that fell from your eye.

"i love you too.." you whispered. sungho's eyes became bright. almost like they were filled with as much stars as there was in the sky above him. he tightened his embrace and kissed the top of your head. "i want to ask you to be mine but.." he trailed off, a frown visible on his face.

you struck a bitter-sweet smile. "i understand. long distance always fails, and you're going to be an idol.. that's fine with me. as long as i know you love me, that's all i need."

he sighed, as he stared back up at the sky. your back was now pressed against his chest, as you were sitting in between his legs. his arms snakes around your waist as his hands were fitted into yours.

"even though you'll be halfway around the world, when it's nighttime, just look up at the sky and stare at the stars." you said.

he cocked his head. "how come?"

"..because everytime you look at the stars in the sky, they'll remind you of me."

he let out a short laugh.

"of course. cause you y/n, are the most beautiful star of them all."




also ! i'm in the midst of writing all the requests. which i may add is A LOT. but i'll get them done !

also ,, if you didn't know ( fake 1team stan >:cc ) sungho used to live in texas usa !! so, that's where the setting of the imagine is in.

err anyways i'm rambling i love rubin bye ! ^___^


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