758 29 14

requested by Straykids1232

junghoon ー (study date)

junghoon scratched his head. "i don't understand any of this!" he groaned in annoyance. exams were coming up for him, and his homeroom teacher gave his class a review sheet.

junghoon was an idol. he never payed attention in his classes, and always dozed off thinking about their upcoming schedules. when he finally does pay attention, the period would be over! so, he was screwed.

he stared at the different chapters and notes infront of him. but all he saw was jumbled up words. he rubbed his temples in annoyance. he knew he needed help. he couldn't ask his members for help since they were older then him, they probably didn't remember anything on what he was studying.

so, the only person he could turn to,was you.

the next day at school junghoon looked for you among the sea of students. when he finally found you, he put on a cool act and walked to you. "hey y/n." he greeted. you waved. "morning junghoon!" you returned the greet.

"so, your class already had the final exam for astronomy.. right?" he said putting on a charming smile. you caught onto his behaviour very easily. "if you want answers to what's on the test, then i'm not giving them to you-"

he cut you off grabbing your hands. "no! just come to my dorm after school and help me study. i don't understand anything!" he pouted. you let out an unknowing laugh and patted his shoulder. "okay, meet me by the gates after school okay? we'll go and study." you poked his cheek and left.


after school, you waited for him by the school gates. it was quite windy, and since you were wearing a skirt it wasn't convenient for you. at all. you saw junghoon exit out of the school building and you waved to get his attention. he ran to you, noticing how you uncomfortably held your skirt down. "the school uniform sucks, huh? here, wear my jacket. it's quite long so you don't have to worry about your skirt flying up." he said taking off his purple hoodie and giving it to you.

when you put it on, it went a bit past your skirt. you could only see the rims of it. "thanks junghoon! anyways, let's go to your place and study!" you said quite excitedly. he rose a brow at you thinking how someone can be so excited over studying.

when the two of you reached his dorm, the atmosphere became awkward. possibly because it was the first time you've been to a boys house. alone.

of course, you and junghoon were really close friends. so you've been to his dorm a couple of times. but this was the first time you were there without his members. so of course, the thick atmosphere was quite bothersome.

"okay, i'll get some snacks. you can sit at that table, and get the textbooks ready. sounds good?" he asked. you hummed in response.

you walked to his living room, sitting down on the coffee table that was placed right infront of the TV. you took out your science books, and waited for the male to come back.

when he did, his hands were full of junk food. your eyes widened at the amount of unhealthy food he had in his cabinets. you laughed. "aren't you an idol? why would you have so much junk foods? don't you have diets or something?" he playfully rolled his eyes sitting across from you.

after ten minutes or so, the two of you started to study. junghoon was struggling to answer a couple questions you asked him. it was a good thing you were a patient person. cause if you weren't, you would've been completely frustrated.

"y/n i don't get this. maybe we should take a break." he suggested. you slumped your shoulders. "it's only been 10 minutes. are you sure?" he nodded vigorously.

"what do you wanna do for our break?"
"we can watch a movie?" junghoon suggested. "sounds good!" you agreed.

you closed your texbooks, as you and junghoon went on the couch. he scrolled through netflix finding something to watch. when he finally did, the two of you began watching.

at the beginning of movie, the two of you were at opposite sides of the couch, but as the movie got longer, your positions completely changed. you guys were only at the middle part of the movie when your positions changed.

your head rested on his lap, as he played with your H/C hair. it was very comfortable and relaxing that the two of you forgot about finishing studying and continued to watch the movie in front of you two.

you turned your attention from the movie, to the male above you. he seemed so immersed in the movie that he didn't notice you looking at him. you poked his cheek, and he slightly flinched. 

the rest of the night the two of you just watched movies, eat snacks, and cuddled.

secretly, he never wanted it to end.




hey ! whAstUp?? the second request is done !! i'll be posting all the request either today,, or sometime in the weekend since it's a long weekend for me (:

anyways,, i hope this imagine reached your expectation ! i don't know if i like it, but i hope you do ! i'm still kind of new to the whole requests thing 👉🏼👈🏼
requests are still open,, so comment there if you want me to write an imagine !!

who's your 1team bias? mines rubin uwu ❤️


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