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requested by @GloriaAguilar22 !!

rubin ー (promise)

you excitingly put on your shoes, as you anticipated the text from rubin saying ,, 'i'm waiting outside! open up.' today was you and his friendship anniversary. it marked the seventh year of your friendship. you sat on your couch, legs fidgeting with anticipation. you were gonna go on a picnic with him, then go take a stroll down the beach nearby.

needless to say, you were very excited. your phone buzzed, and you excitingly looked over it, only to be filled with disappoint.

hey, gotta cancel today. my girlfriend needs me. next time, alright? (:

you couldn't help but pout. this was probably the nth time rubin cancelled plans with you because of his girlfriend. you didn't want to admit being jealous about it, since he seemed happy with her. but it bothered you how much he prioritized her, then you.

you dragged yourself upstairs, a disappointed expression clearly shown on your face. "next time.. he says. there isn't going to be a next time, huh.." you said to yourself sadly.

the next couple of days, you tried not to text rubin as often. and if you were to text him, the replies would be short and quick. only responding with words such as 'yeah, okay, yup, cool.'

and to your surprise, rubin didn't question you about it. were you a little disappointed about that? yes. but did you tell him that? of course not.

ever since then, rubin had been constantly declining to meet up with you, or he'd cancel your hangouts. you decided to talk to rubin today. enough was enough. you were tired of constantly being the second choice. you didn't want him to choose between yourself, and his girlfriend. it just didn't seem right. but, it had to be done.

you took the bus to rubin's shared apartment with his friends. when you arrived there, the youngest of his friends who was only a year younger then you answered. "oh! y/n! long time no see." he gave you a quick hug, and let you in. "rubin's in his room," he said. you nodded, and walked down the hall to your so-called-best friend's room.

you knocked before entering. a faint "come in," was heard from the other side. when you came in, the person you longed to see was right infront of you. you didn't want to admit it, but you missed him terribly.

"oh, hey y/n." he said as if nothing happened in the past days. you cocked your brow at him. arms crossed infront of your chest. "oh hey? seriously, that's all you say?" your voice slightly trembled. "what do you mean?" his voice was laced with slight annoyance.

"do you even care about me..?" you said in a low-hushed tone. rubin scoffed. "of course i d-"

"then why do you keep ditching our plans to go spend time with your girlfriend? why couldn't you try to make even the smallest amount of time for me?"

rubin couldn't believe what you were saying. he was quick to get angry and because of that, he wasn't thinking of what he was saying. "she's called a girlfriend for a reason! i'm SUPPOSE to spend time with her. are you my girlfriend? NO, so stop acting all needy for my attention when you're clearly not my girlfriend." he snapped.

your lips trembled, as you lowered your head down in embarrassment, and hurt. the words, 'you're clearly not my girlfriend.' replayed in your head countless times. hot tears carelessly fell from your eyes, as your chest burned. rubin never knew, but you've always liked him. ever since the two of you became close friends, you've felt a strong liking towards him. but of course, his girlfriend got to confess to him first. since then, you've tried to keep your emotions hidden.

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