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this chapter was inspired by a manga called, "one day." it focuses on three different couples, and this chapter is one of the stories out of the three.

jinwoo ー (snow)

"y/n make sure you revise your essay after you come back from work, and review your medical school applications." your dad reminded. you wanted to roll your eyes so badly, but resisted the urge to do so.

"yes dad. i'll be taking my leave now." you bowed walking out of your house, to your part time job. your parents always had high expectations for you. they wanted you to be valedictorian, get a scholarship to university, and get into a prestigious medical school.

it seemed they already decided your life. and that was something you didn't want. but, because you were the eldest of your siblings, you wanted your younger sister and brother to lookup to you. and because you were secretly scared of your parents. they were always so serious, and demanding. it was hard for you to stand up for yourself.

you arrived at your work. the book store. your parents were never impressed that you decided to work at something so small. they expected you to work at some type of internship at a hospital-something like that. but here you were, working at a small book store. it was rather quiet in the afternoons at the book store. you never knew why.

"hi y/n! great to see you again!" your co-worker eunwoo greeted. you returned the smile. "you have another shift today too huh?"
"yeah. but i need the extra money so i'm okay with working extra days." he smiled with his eyes. you nodded and silently applauded your male co-worker for being able to work extra days without feeling exhausted.

you walked to the end aisle, and crouched down to get the crimson red book that was decorated with gold leaves and stems at the ends. the title read, THE DREAMER. a novel about a girl who meets a lot of people in her dreams that changes her fate in reality.

you loved the book to pieces and was already half-way done. you could never buy the book though. mainly because the book was so expensive. and your parents would've killed you if they saw you reading something other then your university textbooks, and medical books. so, you only read it during your time at work.

you'd hide it at the same spot hoping no one would find it. you took the book and went back to the cashier, getting indulged by the big crimson tinted book.

"according to NASA, around 3 o'clock tomorrow morning, an asteroid with a diameter of 1000 meters will pass by earth. and due to gravity, there is a chance in a million, that it might hit earth."

the miniature tv on the counter desk said. "oh, wow! hitting earth?" eunwoo exclaimed. you averted your attention from the book, to the tv. "a chance in a million, huh?" you muttered to yourself.

"y/n-ah! stop reading that book, and come help me put some books away." eunwoo playfully scolded. you obliged and held a handful of books and placed them in their correct aisle.

the last book you had to place was the book you were reading, the dreamer. you haven't finished it, and it was quite expensive. so you decided to hide it right in the corner of the fiction- aisle. hoping, no one would find it.

the bell chimed, signalling that there was a costumer. you ran back to your seat staring at the man who walked in.
'he's back again? he was here yesterday. now today,' you thought.

the male was fairly tall, had bright orange hair, and always carried a backpack. he came yesterday to the book store, and here he was again.

two hours passed, you became quite tired, so eunwoo decided to give you a break. "thank you eunwoo!" you thanked and walked to where the red book was placed. but, you saw the same male in that specific aisle. he was reading a book. he seemed so interested in it.

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