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jinwoo ー (someone out there)

small drabble !


he was aggravated. seeing couples left to right really irritated him. "jinwoo, do you wanna come with sungho and i to get some ice cream?" rubin asked. jinwoo scoffed. "and third wheel with you guys? forget it, id rather get ice cream by myself." he said getting up and leaving the dorm with a sour expression.

all throughout highschool jinwoo tried his best to get a love interest, but to no avail. he never knew why. his friends always commented on his great looks, and happy personality. not to mention he was quite fun to be around with, and a caring friend.

so.. how did he NOT have a partner?

he was the only person in his friend group who wasn't dating. and that bothered him. whenever his friends talked about their partners, jinwoo couldn't help but always feel left out since he couldn't relate to them at all.

the best he could do is say nothing, and nod pretending he understands and cares about what their saying.

when jinwoo got to the ice cream stand that was in park, he ordered a simple vanilla cone and decided to take a stroll. of course, there were always couples, young and old, who were at the park.

jinwoo tried his best not to get bothered by them, but he couldn't help it. he decided to sit down on the swings, while licking his ice cream cone.  kicking the sand beneath his feet lightly, he noticed someone else sitting a couple swings further from him.

you swung lightly, kicking your feet to go higher. sometimes when the wind brushed through your face, you'd let out a small giggle. jinwoo stared at you in awe.

you must've put him in a daze, because he dropped his ice cream unknowingly. you noticed this, and turned your head to the side to meet with a pair of sparkly brown orbs.

your attention turned from him, to the fallen ice cream. "oh no! your poor ice cream," you pouted staring at the wasted cone a few centimetres away from jinwoo.

he snapped out of his daze, confused. "wha?" he said, realizing his hand wasn't holding the ice cream, and that it was now on the floor. "oh."

you hopped off your swing, walking towards the dark haired boy. "i can get you another one if you'd like." you said.

"i'd like that!" he said a little too excitingly. you chuckled, holding your hand out for him to grab. jinwoo did so, getting off the swings while still holding your hand that seemingly fitted so well into his.

when the two of you got to the same ice cream stand and ordered your ice cream, you decided to sit down at a near-by bench. jinwoo's cheeks couldn't help but let out light pink hue's. he's never been out with a girl before. it was a new feeling for him.

"so, my name's y/n! __' liner. how about you?" you asked continuing to lick your f/f ice cream. jinwoo noticed how perfect you looked right now. the wind brushing through your hair, the sun rays beaming upon your face..

he was so mesmerized by your looks, and kind aura that he didn't realize what he said next.

"wow, you're beautiful.." he said.

you couldn't help but let out a cute laugh, brushing the loose strand of hair out of your face. your eyes closed, as your lips turned upwards, showing your lovely smile.

and at that moment, jinwoo knew.

maybe there was someone out there for him.

and that someone, was you.



the comeback is literally on july 11- or so i believe? they dropped a photo with the date of july 11 and the words "JUST." sO i'm pRETTy sure that's the summer comeback we've been waiting for !

ohmygoshhhh i'm so excited :c i know their all gonna sNAP. this will be the summer bop of the century !

anyone wanna be instagram mutuals? drop your @ !! ill follow you <3

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