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i really enjoy reading boyfriend scenario books, so i may do scenario chapters once in a while ! i finished my last exam today ! which means i have about 2 weeks free until i start summer school so i'll be able to write much more ! <3


sungho ;
• home dates ! the two of you would rather be at home watching dumb movies, and cuddling then going out
• lets you watch him compose songs, and occasionally lets you try making your own song. it was sound terrible, and you'd get embarrassed about it, but he loves how you put effort into it !
• when he would miss you, he'd literally call you at 1am in the morning and say, "hey. i miss you. i'll pick you up in my car in 5 minutes, let's go for a drive?"
• overprotective, but doesn't admit it. though he doesn't have to, because his face would show it all
• if the two of you disagreed on something, he would give you silent treatment !
• you'd wake up to him occasionally rapping, or mumbling verses from his songs
• back hugs are the best ! he loves to give you back hugs when you're cooking, or watching movies. you do the same, but when he's working on his music, you'd surprise him with a back hug !
• light pecks

rubin ;
• you'd have dates in pyjamas !
• when you have nightmares, having a breakdown, or can't sleep at night, he'd hold you in his arms and sing to you
• takeout 24/7 ! his favourite takeout is pizza, so you eat that the most
• gets jealous easily, but doesn't like to show he is
• cheek kisses are his favourite thing ever !
• always mention how cute you were
• head pats !! since he's way taller then you, whenever he got the chance, he'd pay your head, or pinch your cheeks lightly
• if you don't answer his call once, he'd immediately think you died, so he would spam your messages till you answered. good luck with that !
• surprises you gifts all the the time ! even when it's not your anniversary.

jinwoo ;
• takes so many pictures of you two together ! he loves looking at them for memories. it would make him super happy (:
• would randomly call you at 12am saying, "i'm bored. let's go out to eat?"
• convenience store dates !!
• he would let you watch him during vocal practices, since he knows how much you love his singing
• cuddles 24/7 !! gosh this boy sure loves closure when it comes to you. (and only you !)
• pouty baby ! he doesn't like it when his members are close with you, he'd get jealous and rant to you in private that he doesn't want you close with that specific member anymore.
• he's a big softie for you !!! when it comes to you, he'll do anything. if you want something, he'll give in because he loves you too much.
• you two bicker a lot about many things, but always rekindle right after (:

jehyun ;
• he likes taking pictures, and video's of you ! he puts all the video memories together, so that the two of you could watch when you're older.
• he loves to brag about you, and post about the two of you on social media ! probably with the captions of, "she's/he's my baby." or "mines <3" all in all, he's whipped for you !
• the two of you go out a lot ! whether it's window shopping, or buying things, you go out a lot.
• park dates ! he would always bring you to the park. the two of you would eat ice cream, and play on the play-set.
• forehead kisses !!
• nose boops. he'd boop your nose all the time. you sometimes do to him too.
• you'd always find his selca's, and ugly pictures of him on your phone. (he's always take them while you weren't looking, or if you were in the bathroom)
• "jehyun what is this?" you'd ask looking at a photo he took on your phone. "it's a picture of my foot. isn't it cute?"
• he treats you out a lot (:

junghoon ;
• flustered most of the time, but tries not to show it
• he likes it when you wear his clothing, he would say you looked very adorable
• him blushing a lot !!
• hand kisses (๑>◡<๑)
• café dates !
• when he's not around, you'd try to do some of his rapping verses, and when he'd catch you doing them, you'd get all embarrass and he'd give you the tightest hug saying how cute you were
• both stubborn, but both soft ('-ω-')
• you argue about silly things like,
"tomatoes are fruits,"
"no, their vegetables!"
"clearly their fruits-"
"taKE tHAT BACk!"
• he prefers the alone time the two of you have !! (rather then him showing you off in public,, he likes showing affection when it's just the two of you !)
• panICK MOde ! when your sick, or hurt, he'd get all panicky trying to help you.
you secretly find it adorable ! ><


so ! that's how i'd imagine the boys as boyfriends ! how would you imagine them? tell me in the comments if you'd like,, i'd love to see your pov on how you think they would act in a relationship ((: <3


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