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i disappeared ! i'm so sorry (T___T) but ! the comeback is TOMORROW ! i'm so excited ! i update on instagram @/lovesrubin ! <3

bc ー (insomnia)

flipping your pillow to the cooler side, you let out a sigh. feeling the cold fabric cool your warm face. the blanket that was once neatly laying on top of you, was now entangled between your legs. not to mention extra pillows were scattered on the floor, and on the edge of your bed.

another night of tossing and turning. you couldn't help it, but your mind was always racing. you felt sleepy, yet when you actually tried to sleep, you couldn't.

staring at the white-washed ceiling, you let out a long sigh. this was the fourth night you couldn't sleep properly. in a row. you tried taking unprescribed pills that made you drowsy. but, they didn't work. the pills made you fall asleep fast, but not for long. you woke up an hour after. and wasn't able to go back to sleep.

not being able to sleep well had messed with your self-being a lot. it took a toll on you mentally, and physically. your friends noticed how you practically dragged yourself to school every morning, and how you'd talk, and move much more slower.

there you go again. thought rambling. it was almost as if your thoughts were running a race. but there wasn't a finish line. instead, it was a never-ending race.

you kicked the blankets off your legs, with a frown. you knew how this night was gonna go. staring plainly at the paint- chipped walls until 5:40, and finally be able to sleep for ten minutes, until waking up at 6.

to be honest, at this point you didn't even need an alarm. you always woke up before it went off.

shifting your head, you grabbed your phone. the bright light blinded your eyes. squinting, you checked the time. it read exactly 4 am.

on the nights you can't sleep, you'd spend your night scrolling on your phone. i mean, what else was there to do? you obviously couldn't sleep.

you opened kakaotalk, and noticed one of your contacts were online. jun sungho. he was a friend of your cousin who lived in south korea. he introduced you to sungho when you visited last summer. amongst the people you met from your cousin, sungho was the only one who speaker fluent english, so the two of you clicked well. you weren't really friends .. but you also more then acquaintances.

in korea, it was 5 pm. so.. texting him wouldn't be a burden right? you had nothing to do, at least talking with him would help pass time. especially since most of your friends were sleeping anyways.

hey sungho! it's been a while right?

oh, jehyun's cousin! y/n! it really has.

why arent you sleeping? it's 4am there, no?

can't sleep :/ i haven't been able to sleep for nearly five days already!


ah.. i hate that. i get all grouchy when i cant sleep.

yeah ..

so i'm guessing you needed someone to talk to?


bingo *
awe man, my visions a bit blurry so i cant see the keyboard well :c

do you want to call?
this way you don't need to penetrate your eyes, and tire your thumbs?

oh.. sure, call me

you were quite nervous to call sungho. heck, you were not really a calling type of person. you'd rather text people since calls were just .. way too awkward at times.

when sungho's caller ID popped on the screen, you were hesitant at first. your mind said to press decline, but your body wasn't listening, and you pressed the green 'ACCEPT' button.

it was silent for a few seconds. you gulped. sungho has totally skipped the hello part and got straight into the conversation. "not to sound mean, but why text me? and not jehyun?" he asked.

you grabbed a pillow, and snuggled it close to your chest. "jehyun would just speak nonsense to me.. i want to fall asleep, not fall into a never ending conversation of him just rambling about fashion or something," you said.

"ah, you're right. jehyun would be a bit too hyper for a sleepy girl like you."

you never noticed, but sungho's voice was quite relaxing. he spoke slow, and clear. his voice was deep and soothing. almost like a sweet lullaby.

lazy to speak, you just let out a 'mm.'

"tired to speak? i don't mind talking. if it gets you to sleep.."

shaking your head as if he could see it, you answered back in a hushed tone. "no no, i want to talk to you. that's why i texted right? not just for you to talk,"

and that's how your night ended off.

sungho and you had a pretty nice conversation about things the two of you adored. such as music, foods, crafts.. things like that. it may have seemed boring to others, but you found it interesting how excited he was talking about music. or his cats.. ESPECIALLY the cats.


"you know y/n.. this was actually quite a nice talk. i don't mind being your insomnia buddy. if you can't sleep, text me. i'll always be online. just for you. i don't do this for just anyone, so be greatful," he said cockily.

when he got no response, he rose a brow. "y/n.." he called, but to no avail. "are you sleeping?" he asked. but no answer.

soft snores were heard on the other line. and that's when sungho knew you had fallen asleep. when he heard your soft peaceful snores, his heart couldn't help but beat a bit faster.

confused, his ears started to heat up. "oh no .. i think i'm catching feelings .." he whispered to himself before ending the call which lasted an hour and a half.

texting you a short, but sweet goodnight, sungho left his phone with a small smile on his face.

sungho threw on a grey hoodie, and slipped on his black slides. he was going out to meet jehyun, and rubin at the small teok-restaurant that was down the road for dinner.

during the midst of their dinner, sungho brought up you. "hey jehyun. you know your cousin y/n and i nearly had a two hour phone call?" he mentioned, chewing his rice cake.

"noona? i never knew you two were that close! it's late where she is, why did she call you and not me?" jehyun pouted at the end a little. rubin snickered. "guess she likes me more then you," sungho laughed.


A / N : slowly getting back to posting ! i'll be trying to finish the older requests .. but school is getting quite stressful ! so it's hard for me. i apologize !

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