request page.

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the request page is closed. i have a ton of pending requests i still need to write !
until then, requests are closed.

( authors note ) ー please understand it takes me a while to get through one request. i'm a busy person. so please be patient with your request ! >___<


type :




extra : optional !


style : member x female / male reader.
[ or, member x member. ]

member : jehyun x reader.

genre : fluff.

plot : reader meets jehyun in the park.

extra : (optional ! add any extra details here. it's a great way for me to make the plot better. ) jehyun recently became blind.

im not going to write your request if it isn't being commented on this chapter. requests commented on other chapters will not be in my "pending imagines" this is because i know i'll loose track of it !

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