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"That went well." Finn noted as he and Quinn headed back to Quinn's apartment. "Right?"

Quinn shook her head. "I told him about Dylan, and he immediately retreated."

"I'm sure he was just surprised since none of us told him." Finn replied.

"No one told me about Max." Quinn pointed out.

"That's different." Finn argued. "I think Puck was still counting on getting you back."

Quinn frowned and looked at Finn. "Really?"

"That's part of why we wanted you to tell him." Finn nodded. "So he could get better for himself. Not for you or anyone else."

"I hope this doesn't make things worse for him." Quinn stated. "I've been worried."

"Santana's been taking care of him." Finn promised. "Making sure he gets up everyday and checking in on him and his medication, and stuff like that."

Quinn nodded. "Does he take a lot of medication?"

Finn shook his head. "He still hasn't seen a therapist so he's been trying more natural methods."

"Like what?" Quinn asked.

"Weed." Finn answered. "And Max."

"And weed and Max are better than prescribed medication from professionals?" Quinn questioned Finn.

Finn shrugged. "He says he's fine and we're all keeping tabs on him."

"He said he was fine before, Finn." Quinn reminded Finn. "That's why he and I broke up."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." Finn said. "Did you ever tell him about-"

"No." Quinn cut Finn off. "And there's no point now. We aren't together."

"I don't think it's a good idea to keep a pregnancy scare from him." Finn said.

"Well, it was just a scare. It wasn't real." Quinn stated. "So he doesn't need to know."

"Quinn, I think-"

"I don't think he could handle it." Quinn interrupted. "And I don't wanna tell him something meaningless if it's gonna affect him negatively."

"Alright." Finn said. "I won't tell him either."

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?" Quinn asked as she led Finn into the elevator in her apartment building.

Finn shook his head. "Not even Rachel."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled as the doors opened on her floor. She froze when she saw Dylan waiting by her apartment.

"Hey, sweetheart. Hey, Finn."

"Hey, Dylan." Finn smiled as he looked at Quinn. "I'll see you."

Quinn nodded as she exited the elevator and walked over to her boyfriend, greeting him with a kiss.

"I texted you." Dylan said when they parted.

"Sorry, I was running an errand with Finn." Quinn told Dylan.

Dylan nodded. "Well, are you free for the rest of the day?"

"Y-Yeah, of course." Quinn stuttered as she took her key out. "Come inside."

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