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Puck arrived about ten minutes later.

Quinn let him and Max in and looked at him. "Were you smoking?"

"Cigarettes." Puck nodded. "You can't tell me you have to tell me something and expect me not to worry about it on the way over here."

Quinn nodded back as she and Puck sat down on the couch.

"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Puck wondered.

"I just wanted to spend time with you. Like we used to." Quinn said. "Just hanging out."

"Is that code for sex?" Puck questioned Quinn.

Quinn smiled and shook her head. "You really are back to your old self, huh?"

"I think so." Puck nodded.

"Well, I'm glad." Quinn said. "'Cause I've missed you."

"Yeah, I feel good." Puck agreed as he looked at Quinn and smiled. "I feel normal again."

"Noah, you were never normal." Quinn told Puck as she looked at him.

"Mean." Puck pouted.

"Normal is boring." Quinn stated. "Don't you think?"

Puck nodded as he slowly stood up. "I think I should go."

"What? Why?" Quinn wondered.

"Because I can't be here." Puck shook his head. "Not when I want you back."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "You want me back?"

"Yeah." Puck said. "I don't wanna get over you. I want you."

"I-I'm with Dylan now." Quinn stuttered. "Besides, you don't want me."

"Yeah I do." Puck argued.

"You won't after I tell you what I have to tell you." Quinn warned Puck. "Come here."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as he slowly sat down.

"I wasn't honest about something because I wasn't sure how it would affect you." Quinn started.

Puck took Quinn's hand. "Just tell me."

"The day I made you finish unpacking while I went to lunch with Finn." Quinn went on. "I had a doctor's appointment that morning."

"So Finn took you to a doctor instead of lunch?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded. "I thought I was pregnant. I took a test and it was positive, but I didn't want you to worry unless we knew for sure, so Finn took me."

Puck didn't say anything.

"Anyway, it was a false positive and I made Finn swear not to say anything." Quinn concluded. "And I told him I would tell you when I knew you could handle it."

"Quinn, how could you keep that from me?" Puck questioned Quinn softly.

"You were dealing with so much already." Quinn reminded Puck. "I didn't wanna add anything else."

"I would've been fine either way, but I should've at least known what was going on." Puck pointed out.

"You weren't ready for a baby." Quinn shook her head.

Puck stood up and looked at Quinn. She could see how hurt he was. She hated that she did that to him.

"I wasn't ready for a baby." Puck repeated.

"Neither of us were." Quinn said as she got up and took Puck's arm. "Not just you."

"We would've got ourselves ready for it." Puck told Quinn.

"That's not the point." Quinn shook her head. "The point is that I wanted to tell you now."

"Why? So Finn doesn't have to lie anymore?" Puck guessed.

"I'm telling you because I know you're ready to hear it now." Quinn clarified as she rubbed Puck's arm. "I care about you, Noah. I just wanted you to be okay before I decided to tell you."

"And what were you gonna do if it was a real positive?" Puck demanded. "Only tell me when you started showing?"

"No, of course not." Quinn said.

"When I came back, all you talked about was me getting help." Puck pointed out. "And I've been working on myself and the PTSD and the anxiety, and all that shit."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Not once did you think maybe it wasn't me. Maybe it was you." Puck went on. "Maybe you need to see someone about your trust issues or lying issues or the fact that you put the blame on me for all the stuff that ruined our relationship when maybe it wasn't all my fault."

"I never said it was all your fault." Quinn said. "I said the lack of communication and emotional intimacy was why our relationship failed."

"Or maybe it was because you didn't fight hard enough." Puck responded. "'Cause I sure as hell did."

"You think I didn't fight hard enough?" Quinn asked. "I fought for us every single day. Every time I tried to talk to you about your deployments or when I tried to get you to go to therapy or when I suggested couple's counseling."

"You sure moved on fast though." Puck noted.

"You don't know how long it took me to even think of being with someone other than you." Quinn said, shaking her head.

"Well, I'm done fighting for you." Puck told Quinn. "I'm done being the one to hold on and chase after you. When I walk out of here, I'm done."


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