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When the trio entered the café, Puck was seated on a stool on the mini stage strumming his guitar. Max was laying next to the open guitar case.

Quinn sat down at one of the side tables with Artie and Sam.

"This next one is called Pipe Dreams." Puck began, not noticing Quinn in the room.

There's a woman I've known
For all of my life
She's an anchor
When all of your waves pass me by
But there's a bottle I drink
That makes me feel fine
And I'm watching my life pass me by

So even if I don't see
These pipe dreams come true
I hope that you know
That I was thinking of you
And as much as I wish
That I could do it alone
I can't
So that's why I'm coming home

There's a reason I stay
Though I know damn well
That a city of angels can feel like a hell
But there's a savior I seek
Somewhere in the sky
And I'll join him
Or at least try

So even if I don't see
These pipe dreams come true
I hope that you know
That I was thinking of you
And as much as I wish
That I could do it alone
I can't
So that's why I'm coming home

Quinn smiled proudly as the song ended and the room erupted with applause.

"Thank you." Puck said softly. "I wrote that song during my second deployment."

Quinn bit her lip. Puck's deployment was something he hardly ever talked about. He wouldn't even talk about it with her, but he was suddenly comfortable bringing it up in a room full of strangers.

"I don't like to talk about it that much, but I did two tours with the Air Force." Puck informed the room. "For the first one, I was gone for about ten months, but my second one was only, like, four months 'cause I got hurt."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Anyway." Puck continued. "I worked on music a lot while I was away and I have a few more songs I wanna share."

Puck played a few more original songs and then some covers.

Quinn enjoyed every single second of his set.

"Thanks for letting me play for you guys." Puck smiled when he was done. "And a special shoutout to my friends from high school for all coming out tonight. Thanks, Raquel."

Rachel rolled her eyes, but she still cheered for Puck while he packed up.

The café went back to playing some CD or playlist or whatever they usually played when no one was performing.

Puck walked over to the table where Finn and Rachel were sitting and started greeting them.

"He was really good." Artie noted, turning back to Quinn and Sam.

Quinn nodded. "I'm glad I made it."

"Did he know you were coming?" Sam wondered.

"Yeah, Finn told him." Quinn replied as Puck slowly walked over to the table.

"Hey, guys. Thanks for coming." Puck smiled as he looked at Sam and Artie.

"You were awesome, dude!" Sam told Puck as he high-fived him.

"Thanks, Sam." Puck laughed lightly as he turned to Quinn. "I didn't know you were gonna be here."

"Honestly, me neither." Quinn nodded.

"Well, the place is closing soon." Puck stated. "Can I walk you home?"

"Yeah, sure." Quinn said.

Puck excused himself to finish thanking the rest of their friends for coming while Quinn said her goodbyes to Sam and Artie.

When everyone started leaving, he returned to Quinn.

"All set?" Puck asked.

"All set." Quinn nodded.

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