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Even though Santana told her to stay away, Quinn found herself at the café that night. She showed up late and sat near the door, knowing that Puck wouldn't be able to see her from where he was.


Quinn looked at Santana and Finn, who were joining her at her table.

"What are you doing here?" Santana asked again.

"I wanted to hear him sing." Quinn stated.

Finn gave Santana a look as he turned back to Quinn. "Where's Dylan?"

"Working." Quinn answered.

"Again?" Santana raised her eyebrow.

Quinn nodded and turned her attention back to Puck.

"Quinn, why don't you go surprise him at work? Bring him a coffee or something." Santana suggested.

"Why?" Quinn asked.

Santana glanced at Finn before turning back to Quinn.

"What?" Quinn questioned Santana and Finn.

"Tell her, Santana." Finn said softly.

"Tell me what?" Quinn wondered.

"Maybe he's not working." Santana stated.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "What does that mean?"

"Are you sure he doesn't go out with other girls?" Santana blurted.

"W-Why would you... Why would you think that?" Quinn stuttered.

"No one works that much." Santana responded. "And he just seems like a sleazeball, so..."

"What Santana is trying to say..." Finn began as he gave Santana a look. "Is that we just want you to be careful and we don't want you getting hurt."

"I appreciate you two looking out for me, but I'm perfectly fine." Quinn told them. "Me and Dylan are great."

"Good." Finn nodded. "But you shouldn't come here anymore though."

Quinn looked at Finn.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant it's easier for Puck to get over you if he's not constantly reminded of you." Finn clarified. "Although with his music, I'm sure he is."

"I don't want him to get over me." Quinn responded.

"Quinn, what the hell?" Santana asked.

"He writes good music." Quinn noted. "But that's not what I meant, I just meant that we get along better when there's a chance of us being together. I'd rather that than him hating me."

"He doesn't hate you." Finn promised. "He could never."

"I would." Quinn replied. "If I were him, I'd hate me."

"He doesn't hate you." Finn repeated. "But he has to get over you."

"He has to." Santana agreed. "For his mental health."

Quinn bit her lip and looked at Puck. She cared about him and wanted him to be happy like she was, even if they couldn't be happy together.

"I care about him too much." Quinn said softly. "And when Dylan's working, he's the only one I wanna spend time with."

"You need to go." Santana told Quinn. "And you need to think about what you want and who you want. You can't string him along like this."

Finn nodded in agreement. "It's not fair, Quinn. For either of them."

Quinn bit her lip and nodded back. She knew her friends were right. She slowly stood up. "I'll see you guys then. I have a lot to think about."

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