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Quinn spent the entire day with Puck and Beth. And Max.

At the end of the night, they put the sleeping blonde to bed before returning to the living room.

"You can stay over if you want." Quinn told Puck.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Puck replied.

"It's not like we're gonna do anything." Quinn said.

Puck nodded. "Exactly."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"I just think I should get back to Santana's." Puck shrugged.

"You don't have to stay over, but why don't you stay a while?" Quinn suggested. "We can catch up some more and get back to normal."

"Fine." Puck nodded slowly as he sat down on the couch. "You never told me why Shelby didn't ask me to babysit."

Quinn sighed as she sat down. "She mentioned something that happened last time. She didn't say what it was though."

Puck bit his lip.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" Quinn offered as she looked at Puck.

"It was a while ago." Puck began as he played with his hands. "I was watching Beth while Shelby ran errands or something."

Quinn nodded slowly as she placed her hands over Puck's. "What happened?"

"Beth fell asleep and I was dozing off on the couch when I started feeling this pressure on me. And I started feeling really claustrophobic." Puck explained. "Honestly, I don't really remember it."

"Then what happened?" Quinn asked.

"Next thing I knew, Shelby, Santana, and Finn were all there. They were all staring at me like I was a wounded animal." Puck told Quinn. "And Beth was crying."

Unsure of what to say, Quinn bit her lip and tightened her grip on Puck's hand.

"None of them talked about it after that. Not to me anyway." Puck concluded. "And that's when they all started pushing me about seeing a shrink. Even Beth."

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. "I wish I knew about this when it happened."

"I didn't want anyone else knowing and I didn't want anyone feeling bad for me or looking at me like they did." Puck stated.

"I meant so I could've been there for you." Quinn clarified.

Puck shrugged as he finally looked at Quinn. "I don't wanna be anyone's charity case."

"You were never that." Quinn told Puck. "Not to any of us, and definitely not to me."

"Nobody trusts me to be on my own anymore, Quinn." Puck informed the blonde. "Even my freaking brother and sister text Finn and Santana all the time to make sure I'm okay."

"They worry about you because they love you." Quinn reminded Puck.

"Still." Puck said. "Nobody trusts me on my own."

"I trust you." Quinn stated. "A hundred percent."

"Quinn, you don't have to-"

"Just because I can't be with you doesn't mean I don't care about you." Quinn said. "I worry about you, too."

"Well, don't." Puck replied.

"When you love someone, you worry about them." Quinn pointed out. "And you know I love you."

"Then be with me." Puck said softly.

Quinn shook her head. "I can't."

"Then don't tell me you love me." Puck responded as he stood up. "What's the point in telling me something that doesn't have meaning behind it?"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she stood up. "Of course it has meaning. I do love you."

"If you loved me, things would be different, Quinn." Puck said, shaking his head. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you around."

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